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ResourcePlanDataSet.PlanResourcesRow Members

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Specifies one row of data for resources associated with the current resource plan.

The ResourcePlanDataSet.PlanResourcesRow type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property ASSN_BOOKING_TYPE Specifies the booking type of the assignment.
Public property ASSN_UID Specifies the unique identifier for the resource assignment that is associated with the current resource plan.
Public property HasErrors (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public property Item[Int32] (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public property Item[String] (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public property Item[DataColumn] (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public property Item[Int32, DataRowVersion] (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public property Item[String, DataRowVersion] (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public property Item[DataColumn, DataRowVersion] (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public property ItemArray (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public property PROJ_UID Specifies the unique identifier for the parent project that is associated with the current resource plan.
Public property RES_CAN_LEVEL Gets or sets the value that specifies whether resource leveling can be performed for a resource.
Public property RES_CODE Specifies any code, abbreviation, or number that you want to enter as part of a resource's information.
Public property RES_COST_CENTER Specifies the cost center name that is associated with the resource.
Public property RES_DEF_ASSN_OWNER Specifies the default assignment owner that is associated with the resource.
Public property RES_GROUP Represents the group to which the specified resource belongs.
Public property RES_HIRE_DATE Represents the hire date of the specified resource.
Public property RES_HYPERLINK_ADDRESS Represents the URL hyperlink that is associated with the resource.
Public property RES_HYPERLINK_FRIENDLY_NAME Represents the friendly name associated with the URL hyperlink, which is in turn associated with the specified resource.
Public property RES_HYPERLINK_SUB_ADDRESS Specifies the anchor portion of the URI of the hyperlink that is associated with this resource.
Public property RES_ID Represents the unique identifier of the specified resource.
Public property RES_INITIALS Represents the initials that is associated with the specified resource.
Public property RES_IS_TEAM Indicates that a specified resource is an entire team of users.
Public property RES_MATERIAL_LABEL Gets or sets the text that specifies the units for a material resource.
Public property RES_NAME Represents the name of the specified resource.
Public property RES_PHONETICS Stores phonetic information which represents Japanese language pronunciation properties.
Public property RES_TERMINATION_DATE Specifies the termination date of the specified resource.
Public property RES_TIMESHEET_MGR_UID Specifies the unique ID of the timesheet manager for a resource.
Public property RES_TYPE Indicates the type of resource.
Public property RES_UID Specifies the unique identifier of the resource.
Public property RowError (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public property RowState (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public property Table (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public property WRES_EMAIL Specifies the e-mail address of the Web-based resource.
Public property WRES_EMAIL_LANGUAGE Specifies the desired e-mail language of the Web-based resource.



  Name Description
Public method AcceptChanges (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method BeginEdit (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method CancelEdit (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method ClearErrors (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method Delete (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method EndEdit (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetChildRows(String) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetChildRows(DataRelation) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetChildRows(String, DataRowVersion) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetChildRows(DataRelation, DataRowVersion) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetColumnError(Int32) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetColumnError(String) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetColumnError(DataColumn) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetColumnsInError (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetParentRow(String) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetParentRow(DataRelation) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetParentRow(String, DataRowVersion) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetParentRow(DataRelation, DataRowVersion) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetParentRows(String) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetParentRows(DataRelation) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetParentRows(String, DataRowVersion) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetParentRows(DataRelation, DataRowVersion) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public method HasVersion (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method IsASSN_UIDNull Determines whether the ASSN_UID property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Public method IsNull(Int32) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method IsNull(String) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method IsNull(DataColumn) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method IsNull(DataColumn, DataRowVersion) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method IsRES_CAN_LEVELNull Determines whether the RES_CAN_LEVEL property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Public method IsRES_CODENull Determines whether the RES_CODE property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Public method IsRES_COST_CENTERNull Determines whether the RES_COST_CENTER property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Public method IsRES_DEF_ASSN_OWNERNull Determines whether the RES_DEF_ASSN_OWNER property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Public method IsRES_GROUPNull Determines whether the RES_GROUP property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Public method IsRES_HIRE_DATENull Determines whether the RES_HIRE_DATE property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Public method IsRES_HYPERLINK_ADDRESSNull Determines whether the RES_HYPERLINK_ADDRESS property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Public method IsRES_HYPERLINK_FRIENDLY_NAMENull Determines whether the RES_HYPERLINK_FRIENDLY_NAME property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Public method IsRES_HYPERLINK_SUB_ADDRESSNull Determines whether the RES_HYPERLINK_SUB_ADDRESS property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Public method IsRES_INITIALSNull Determines whether the RES_INITIALS property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Public method IsRES_IS_TEAMNull Determines whether the RES_IS_TEAM property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Public method IsRES_MATERIAL_LABELNull Determines whether the RES_MATERIAL_LABEL property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Public method IsRES_NAMENull Determines whether the RES_NAME property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Public method IsRES_PHONETICSNull Determines whether the RES_PHONETICS property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Public method IsRES_TERMINATION_DATENull Determines whether the RES_TERMINATION_DATE property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Public method IsRES_TIMESHEET_MGR_UIDNull Determines whether the RES_TIMESHEET_MGR_UID property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Public method IsWRES_EMAIL_LANGUAGENull Determines whether the WRES_EMAIL_LANGUAGE property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Public method IsWRES_EMAILNull Determines whether the WRES_EMAIL property is set to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method RejectChanges (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method SetAdded (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method SetASSN_UIDNull Sets the ASSN_UID property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Public method SetColumnError(Int32, String) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method SetColumnError(String, String) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method SetColumnError(DataColumn, String) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method SetModified (Inherited from DataRow.)
Protected method SetNull (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method SetParentRow(DataRow) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method SetParentRow(DataRow, DataRelation) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method SetRES_CAN_LEVELNull Sets the RES_CAN_LEVEL property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Public method SetRES_CODENull Sets the RES_CODE property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Public method SetRES_COST_CENTERNull Sets the RES_COST_CENTER property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Public method SetRES_DEF_ASSN_OWNERNull Sets the RES_DEF_ASSN_OWNER property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Public method SetRES_GROUPNull Sets the RES_GROUP property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Public method SetRES_HIRE_DATENull Sets the RES_HIRE_DATE property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Public method SetRES_HYPERLINK_ADDRESSNull Sets the RES_HYPERLINK_ADDRESS property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Public method SetRES_HYPERLINK_FRIENDLY_NAMENull Sets the RES_HYPERLINK_FRIENDLY_NAME property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Public method SetRES_HYPERLINK_SUB_ADDRESSNull Sets the RES_HYPERLINK_SUB_ADDRESS property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Public method SetRES_INITIALSNull Sets the RES_INITIALS property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Public method SetRES_IS_TEAMNull Sets the RES_IS_TEAM property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Public method SetRES_MATERIAL_LABELNull Sets the RES_MATERIAL_LABEL property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Public method SetRES_NAMENull Sets the RES_NAME property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Public method SetRES_PHONETICSNull Sets the RES_PHONETICS property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Public method SetRES_TERMINATION_DATENull Sets the RES_TERMINATION_DATE property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Public method SetRES_TIMESHEET_MGR_UIDNull Sets the RES_TIMESHEET_MGR_UID property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Public method SetWRES_EMAIL_LANGUAGENull Sets the WRES_EMAIL_LANGUAGE property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Public method SetWRES_EMAILNull Sets the WRES_EMAIL property to a a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value.
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)


Extension Methods

  Name Description
Public Extension Method GetValue<T> Reserved for internal use. (Defined by PSUtility.)


See Also


ResourcePlanDataSet.PlanResourcesRow Class

ResourcePlan Web Service