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Sandboxed Solutions in Partnership with Full-Trust Proxies in SharePoint 2010

This topic explains proxies that can be called by a для песочницы to execute an action that is ordinarily not available to для песочницы.

Дата последнего изменения: 18 апреля 2011 г.

Применимо к: SharePoint Foundation 2010

Microsoft SharePoint Foundation provides several ways that для песочницы can escape the usual restrictions on what they can do and what they can access. One of these techniques is to create a special kind of operation that runs in a full trust process, but that can be called from a для песочницы. The operation is deployed as a фермы by a farm administrator who trusts it and is prepared to let для песочницы call it. These operations are called full-trust proxy operations.


Because the assembly with the full-trust proxy operation must be deployed by a farm administrator as a фермы, this technique cannot be used when farm deployment is not an option, such as when your solution is to be deployed to Microsoft SharePoint Online. In such scenarios, you can use other techniques to escape the sandbox restrictions, such as using client object model code to access resources that are not otherwise available to для песочницы.

Full-Trust Proxy Operation and Sandboxed Solution Development and Deployment Scenarios

The proxy operation technique requires that a фермы be developed that includes one or more classes that derive from SPProxyOperation. Each of these defines an operation that runs in full trust, and that you can call from для песочницы by using the ExecuteRegisteredProxyOperation method. For detailed information about creating and deploying a full-trust proxy operation and calling it from a для песочницы, see How to: Create a Full-Trust Proxy Operation.

Although the assembly with the full-trust proxy operation runs in full trust, it does not run in the main w3wp.exe process that is handling the HTTP request. Instead, it runs in the SPUCWorkerProcessProxy.exe process that is described in Обход ограничений изолированных решений. The proxy operations can return data to the для песочницы.

Figure 1 shows how a request that accesses a для песочницы is processed when the для песочницы makes a call to a full-trust proxy operation.

Figure 1. Request processing model when a sandboxed solution calls a full-trust proxy operation

Изолированная модель прокси-сервера и модель с полным доверием

Although you can develop a full-trust proxy operation and a для песочницы as a pair of projects designed to work with one another, this would not be the typical scenario. If the farm administrator trusts your code enough to deploy the proxy as a фермы, you might equally well make the whole project a фермы. More frequently, a full-trust proxy operation is developed to provide a service to multiple для песочницы.

См. также


How to: Create a Full-Trust Proxy Operation

Walkthrough: Creating and Calling a Full-Trust Proxy Operation

Другие ресурсы

Sandboxed Solutions Resource Center | SharePoint 2010

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