Office Primary Interop Assembly Reference Documentation Conventions
Office Primary Interop Assembly Reference Documentation Conventions
Although you can use any managed programming language to work with the Office Primary Interop Assemblies (PIAs), the Office PIA reference documentation uses conventions based on Visual Basic documentation conventions. Because Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is the native programming language for Office applications, the documentation assumes that most PIA developers have some familiarity with Visual Basic conventions.
Documentation Conventions
The Office PIA reference documentation uses the following conventions:
- Language keywords, data types, and constants use internal capitalization rather than all lowercase letters.
- References to Boolean data types use the Boolean keyword rather than bool.
- References to Integer data types use the Integer keyword rather than int.
- Optional parameters do not have to be included in method calls.
See Also
Overview of Classes and Interfaces in the Office Primary Interop Assemblies
Office Primary Interop Assembly Code Examples