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Класс CbqQueryCache

Кэширует CbqQueryVersionInfo для указанного Содержимого веб-части запроса. Этот класс не может наследоваться.

Иерархия наследования


Пространство имен:  Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing
Сборка:  Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing (в Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.dll)


<SharePointPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, ObjectModel := True)> _
<SharePointPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ObjectModel := True)> _
Public NotInheritable Class CbqQueryCache
Dim instance As CbqQueryCache
[SharePointPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, ObjectModel = true)]
[SharePointPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ObjectModel = true)]
public sealed class CbqQueryCache


Метод FetchCbqQueryInfoFromCache() используется для указания содержимого веб-части запроса для получения веб-узла, веб-, страницы или GUID веб части и сохранить его в свойство UserQueryVersionInfo экземпляра CbqQueryCache .


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing;
using System.IO;

public partial class CBQCachePage : System.Web.UI.Page

    protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
        // For this to work the page has to have the "web", "page", and "wp" query parameters passed to it
        string webUrl = Request.QueryString["web"];
        Guid pageGuid = new Guid(Request.QueryString["page"]);
        Guid webpartGuid = new Guid(Request.QueryString["wp"]);

        CbqQueryVersionInfo queryVersionInfo = null;
            // Try and create a new CbqQueryCache and get the Query from it and display it on the page
            CbqQueryCache queryCache = new CbqQueryCache(this.Page.Cache, webUrl, pageGuid, webpartGuid, 120, Request.Url.Query);
            this.queryLabel.Text = queryCache.UserQueryVersionInfo.VersionCrossListQueryInfo.Query;
        catch (InvalidOperationException)
            queryVersionInfo = null;
        catch (FileNotFoundException)
            queryVersionInfo = null;
        catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
            queryVersionInfo = null;

        // User either has no rights
        // Or the web part does not exist
        if (queryVersionInfo == null)
            Response.StatusCode = 404;
}using System;using System.Globalization;using System.Web;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Data;using System.Collections.Generic;using Microsoft.SharePoint;using Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls;using Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages;using Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities;using Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationPages;using Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.WebControls;using Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing;namespace CodeSampleNamespace{    public class CodeSample : LayoutsPageBase    {        protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel panel;        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)        {base.OnLoad(e);// Example 1{    string webUrl = Request.QueryString["webUrl"];    Guid pageGuid = new Guid(Request.QueryString["pageUniqueId"]);    Guid webpartGuid = new Guid(Request.QueryString["wpStorageKey"]);    int cacheFeedTime = 800;    // Retrieve Content Query Web Part information from the  cache.    CbqQueryCache queryCache = new CbqQueryCache(this.Page.Cache, webUrl, pageGuid, webpartGuid, cacheFeedTime);    // Execute Query    CbqQueryVersionInfo userCbqQuery = queryCache.UserQueryVersionInfo;    CrossListQueryCache xlqCache = new CrossListQueryCache(userCbqQuery.VersionCrossListQueryInfo);    DataTable data =  xlqCache.GetSiteData(SPContext.Current.Site);    // Perform ProcessData delegate that is specified on this web part    if (userCbqQuery.ProcessDataDelegate != null)    {        data = userCbqQuery.ProcessDataDelegate(data);    }    // Create a new Content Query Web Part.    ContentByQueryWebPart cbq = new ContentByQueryWebPart();    // Store the data in the new Content By Query Web Part.    cbq.Data = data;    panel.Controls.Add(cbq);}// Example 2{    string webUrl = Request.QueryString["webUrl"];    Guid pageGuid = new Guid(Request.QueryString["pageUniqueId"]);    Guid webpartGuid = new Guid(Request.QueryString["wpStorageKey"]);    int cacheFeedTime = 800;    // Retrieve Content By Query Web Part information from the cache.    CbqQueryCache query = new CbqQueryCache(this.Page.Cache, webUrl, pageGuid, webpartGuid, cacheFeedTime);    // Retrieve Information about the current user query.    CbqQueryVersionInfo userCbqQuery = query.UserQueryVersionInfo;    // Set Query Information on a new CBQ web part    ContentByQueryWebPart cbq = new ContentByQueryWebPart();    cbq.FeedTitle = userCbqQuery.FeedTitle;    cbq.FeedDescription = userCbqQuery.FeedDescription;    cbq.UseCopyUtil = userCbqQuery.UseCopyUtil;    cbq.DataColumnRenames = userCbqQuery.DataColumnRenames;    cbq.ProcessDataDelegate = userCbqQuery.ProcessDataDelegate;    CrossListQueryInfo crossListInfo = userCbqQuery.VersionCrossListQueryInfo;    cbq.QueryOverride = crossListInfo.Query;    cbq.WebsOverride = crossListInfo.Webs;    cbq.ViewFieldsOverride = crossListInfo.ViewFields;    cbq.UseCache = crossListInfo.UseCache;    cbq.WebUrl = crossListInfo.WebUrl;    if (crossListInfo.RowLimit == uint.MaxValue)    {        cbq.ItemLimit = -1;    }    else    {        cbq.ItemLimit = (int)crossListInfo.RowLimit;    }    // The List Override takes a string.Format. Therefore, you must encode { and } before passing it back.    string listOverride = crossListInfo.Lists;    listOverride = listOverride.Replace("{", "{{");    listOverride = listOverride.Replace("}", "}}");    cbq.ListsOverride = listOverride;    // Set items that may affect Audience Targetting.    cbq.ShowUntargetedItems = crossListInfo.ShowUntargetedItems;    cbq.FilterByAudience = crossListInfo.FilterByAudience;    if (crossListInfo.GroupByAudience)    {        cbq.GroupBy = "{" + FieldId.AudienceTargeting.ToString() + "}";    }    if (crossListInfo.GroupByAscending)    {        cbq.GroupByDirection = ContentByQueryWebPart.SortDirection.Asc;    }    panel.Controls.Add(cbq);}      }
Imports SystemImports System.GlobalizationImports System.WebImports System.Web.UIImports System.Web.UI.WebControlsImports System.DataImports System.Collections.GenericImports Microsoft.SharePointImports Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControlsImports Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPagesImports Microsoft.SharePoint.UtilitiesImports Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationPagesImports Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.WebControlsImports Microsoft.SharePoint.PublishingNamespace CodeSampleNamespace    Public Class CodeSample        Inherits LayoutsPageBase        Protected panel As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel        Protected Overrides Sub OnLoad(ByVal e As EventArgs)MyBase.OnLoad(e)' Example 1    Dim webUrl As String = Request.QueryString("webUrl")    Dim pageGuid As New Guid(Request.QueryString("pageUniqueId"))    Dim webpartGuid As New Guid(Request.QueryString("wpStorageKey"))    Dim cacheFeedTime As Integer = 800    ' Retrieve Content Query Web Part information from the  cache.    Dim queryCache As New CbqQueryCache(Me.Page.Cache, webUrl, pageGuid, webpartGuid, cacheFeedTime)    ' Execute Query    Dim userCbqQuery As CbqQueryVersionInfo = queryCache.UserQueryVersionInfo    Dim xlqCache As New CrossListQueryCache(userCbqQuery.VersionCrossListQueryInfo)    Dim data As DataTable = xlqCache.GetSiteData(SPContext.Current.Site)    ' Perform ProcessData delegate that is specified on this web part    If userCbqQuery.ProcessDataDelegate IsNot Nothing Then        data = userCbqQuery.ProcessDataDelegate(data)    End If    ' Create a new Content Query Web Part.    Dim cbq As New ContentByQueryWebPart()    ' Store the data in the new Content By Query Web Part.    cbq.Data = data    panel.Controls.Add(cbq)' Example 2    Dim webUrl As String = Request.QueryString("webUrl")    Dim pageGuid As New Guid(Request.QueryString("pageUniqueId"))    Dim webpartGuid As New Guid(Request.QueryString("wpStorageKey"))    Dim cacheFeedTime As Integer = 800    ' Retrieve Content By Query Web Part information from the cache.    Dim query As New CbqQueryCache(Me.Page.Cache, webUrl, pageGuid, webpartGuid, cacheFeedTime)    ' Retrieve Information about the current user query.    Dim userCbqQuery As CbqQueryVersionInfo = query.UserQueryVersionInfo    ' Set Query Information on a new CBQ web part    Dim cbq As New ContentByQueryWebPart()    cbq.FeedTitle = userCbqQuery.FeedTitle    cbq.FeedDescription = userCbqQuery.FeedDescription    cbq.UseCopyUtil = userCbqQuery.UseCopyUtil    cbq.DataColumnRenames = userCbqQuery.DataColumnRenames    cbq.ProcessDataDelegate = userCbqQuery.ProcessDataDelegate    Dim crossListInfo As CrossListQueryInfo = userCbqQuery.VersionCrossListQueryInfo    cbq.QueryOverride = crossListInfo.Query    cbq.WebsOverride = crossListInfo.Webs    cbq.ViewFieldsOverride = crossListInfo.ViewFields    cbq.UseCache = crossListInfo.UseCache    cbq.WebUrl = crossListInfo.WebUrl    If crossListInfo.RowLimit = UInteger.MaxValue Then        cbq.ItemLimit = -1    Else        cbq.ItemLimit = CInt(Fix(crossListInfo.RowLimit))    End If    ' The List Override takes a string.Format. Therefore, you must encode { and } before passing it back.    Dim listOverride As String = crossListInfo.Lists    listOverride = listOverride.Replace("{", "{{")    listOverride = listOverride.Replace("}", "}}")    cbq.ListsOverride = listOverride    ' Set items that may affect Audience Targetting.    cbq.ShowUntargetedItems = crossListInfo.ShowUntargetedItems    cbq.FilterByAudience = crossListInfo.FilterByAudience    If crossListInfo.GroupByAudience Then        cbq.GroupBy = "{" & FieldId.AudienceTargeting.ToString() & "}"    End If    If crossListInfo.GroupByAscending Then        cbq.GroupByDirection = ContentByQueryWebPart.SortDirection.Asc    End If    panel.Controls.Add(cbq)        End Sub    End ClassEnd Namespace


Любые общедоступные элементы static (Shared в Visual Basic) этого типа являются потокобезопасными. Не гарантируется, что любые элементы экземпляров потокобезопасны.

См. также

Справочные материалы

Элементы CbqQueryCache

Пространство имен Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing

#ctor(Cache, String, Guid, Guid, Int32)

