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RdaBatchOption Enumeration

Note: This namespace, class, or member is supported only in version 1.1 of the .NET Framework.

Specifies whether or not the rows associated with the Push should be batched together in a single transaction.

  [Visual Basic]
Public Enum RdaBatchOption
public enum RdaBatchOption
__value public enum RdaBatchOption
enum RdaBatchOption


RdaBatchOption specifies whether SQL Server CE should batch the changes being sent to the SQL Server table. The default setting is BatchingOff, where changes (insert, update, and delete) are applied to the SQL Server table as individual transactions. Each transaction is not dependent on another to succeed. BatchingOn specifies that all changes be sent as a single transaction. In this case, all changes must succeed in order for the transaction to be successful. If one change fails, the entire transaction fails and no changes are applied to the SQL Server table.

Both BatchingOn and BatchingOff return all errors to the error table, not just the first error that occurs. For example, if BatchingOn is specified and three out of five changes fail, no changes are applied and all three failures are stored in the error table. If BatchingOff is specified, the same three failures are stored in the error table, and the other two changes get applied to the SQL Server table. For more information about handling batch errors, see "RDA Conflict Detection and Resolution" in the SQL Server CE Books Online.


Member name Description

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Indicates that SQL Server CE does not batch rows pushed to SQL Server. The server processes each row. (Default)

Supported only by the .NET Compact Framework.

Indicates that SQL Server CE batches the rows pushed to SQL Server into a single transaction.


Namespace: System.Data.SqlServerCe

Platforms: .NET Compact Framework

Assembly: System.Data.Sqlserverce (in System.Data.Sqlserverce.dll)

See Also

System.Data.SqlServerCe Namespace

Syntax based on .NET Framework version 1.1.
Documentation version 1.1.1.

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