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Property Object

В будущей версии Microsoft SQL Server эта возможность будет удалена. Избегайте использования этой возможности в новых разработках и запланируйте изменение существующих приложений, в которых она применяется.

The Property object exposes the attributes of a SQL Distributed Management Objects (SQL-DMO) object property.

Модель объектов SQL-DMO, показывающая текущий объект


Get Property

Type Property (Property)

Name Property

Value Property

Set Property



Object properties implement instance data for OLE objects. SQL-DMO is implemented as a dual-interface object library. Its objects are exposed as OLE Automated objects and as COM objects, enabling you to use either an OLE Automation Controller or a C/C++ compiler as an application development platform.

OLE Automation controllers, such as Microsoft Visual Basic, typically enrich the development experience by providing syntax completion and other development aids. Because it exposes the attributes of object properties, the Property object is a central component of automated developer assistance.

The Property object is implemented for OLE Automation controllers. The C/C++ SQL-DMO application has no direct access to the Property object.