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IsDeterministic Property

В будущей версии Microsoft SQL Server эта возможность будет удалена. Избегайте использования этой возможности в новых разработках и запланируйте изменение существующих приложений, в которых она применяется.

The IsDeterministic property specifies whether a user-defined function is a deterministic function.




  • object
    An expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list

Data Type




Prototype (C/C++)

HRESULT GetIsDeterministic(LPBOOL pRetVal);


A computed column can be used as a key column in an index or as part of any PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint, if the computed column value is defined by a deterministic expression and the data type of the result is allowed in indexed columns.

An application can use the IsDeterministic property to determine whether a computed column that depends on a user-defined function can be used in an index.

IsDeterministic returns TRUE if a user-defined function is deterministic.

If an application calls IsDeterministic on an instance of Microsoft SQL Server version 7.0, the constant, SQLDMO_E_SQL80ONLY, and the message "This property or method requires Microsoft SQL Server 2000 or later" are returned.

Applies To:

UserDefinedFunction Object