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ExecutionTypes Enumeration

The ExecutionTypes enumeration contains values that are used to specify execution options for the Transact-SQL commands sent to the server using the referenced connection.

Пространство имен: Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common
Сборка: Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo (in microsoft.sqlserver.connectioninfo.dll)


<FlagsAttribute> _
Public Enumeration ExecutionTypes
public enum ExecutionTypes
public enum class ExecutionTypes
/** @attribute FlagsAttribute() */ 
public enum ExecutionTypes
public enum ExecutionTypes


Member name Description
ContinueOnError Continue execution after an error occurs.
Default Default execution path.
NoCommands No executable commands.
NoExec No execution.
ParseOnly Parse the executable commands only.
QuotedIdentifierOn Identifiers are used to delimit commands.


The ExecutionTypes class is served by the ExecuteNonQuery method.

This namespace, class, or member is supported only in version 2.0 of the Microsoft .NET Framework.


How to: Enable Capture Mode in Visual Basic .NET


Платформы разработки

Список поддерживаемых платформ см. в разделе Hardware and Software Requirements for Installing SQL Server 2005.

Целевые платформы

Список поддерживаемых платформ см. в разделе Hardware and Software Requirements for Installing SQL Server 2005.

См. также


Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common Namespace