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PropertyTypeMismatchException Members

The PropertyTypeMismatchException class represents the exception raised when an attempt is made to set the property with a value that has the incorrect data type.

The following tables list the members exposed by the PropertyTypeMismatchException type.

Public Constructors

  Имя Description
PropertyTypeMismatchException Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the PropertyTypeMismatchException class.

В начало

Public Properties

(see also Protected Properties )

  Имя Description
ms220070.pubproperty(ru-ru,SQL.90).gif Data  (inherited from Exception )
ms220070.pubproperty(ru-ru,SQL.90).gif ExpectedType Gets the expected data type for the property.
ms220070.pubproperty(ru-ru,SQL.90).gif HelpLink  Gets the Help link for further information from Microsoft about the SQL Server Management Objects (SMO) exception. (inherited from SmoException)
ms220070.pubproperty(ru-ru,SQL.90).gif InnerException  (inherited from Exception )
ms220070.pubproperty(ru-ru,SQL.90).gif Message Overridden. Gets the message that describes the exception.
ms220070.pubproperty(ru-ru,SQL.90).gifms220070.static(ru-ru,SQL.90).gif ProductName  Gets the name of the product that caused the exception. (inherited from SqlServerManagementException)
ms220070.pubproperty(ru-ru,SQL.90).gif PropertyName Gets the name of the property that received a value with the incorrect data type.
ms220070.pubproperty(ru-ru,SQL.90).gif ReceivedType Gets the data type that was received incorrectly by the property.
ms220070.pubproperty(ru-ru,SQL.90).gif SmoExceptionType Overridden. Gets the type of SQL Server Management Objects (SMO) exception.
ms220070.pubproperty(ru-ru,SQL.90).gif Source  (inherited from Exception )
ms220070.pubproperty(ru-ru,SQL.90).gif StackTrace  (inherited from Exception )
ms220070.pubproperty(ru-ru,SQL.90).gif TargetSite  (inherited from Exception )

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Protected Properties

  Имя Description
ms220070.protproperty(ru-ru,SQL.90).gif HResult  (inherited from Exception )
ms220070.protproperty(ru-ru,SQL.90).gifms220070.static(ru-ru,SQL.90).gif ProdVer  Gets the product version of the instance of Microsoft SQL Server that generated the SQL Server Management Objects (SMO) exception. (inherited from SmoException)

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Public Methods

(see also Protected Methods )

  Имя Description
ms220070.pubmethod(ru-ru,SQL.90).gif Equals  Overloaded. (inherited from Object )
ms220070.pubmethod(ru-ru,SQL.90).gif GetBaseException  (inherited from Exception )
ms220070.pubmethod(ru-ru,SQL.90).gif GetHashCode  (inherited from Object )
ms220070.pubmethod(ru-ru,SQL.90).gif GetObjectData  (inherited from Exception )
ms220070.pubmethod(ru-ru,SQL.90).gif GetType  (inherited from Exception )
ms220070.pubmethod(ru-ru,SQL.90).gifms220070.static(ru-ru,SQL.90).gif ReferenceEquals  (inherited from Object )
ms220070.pubmethod(ru-ru,SQL.90).gif ToString  (inherited from Exception )

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Protected Methods

  Имя Description
ms220070.protmethod(ru-ru,SQL.90).gif Finalize  (inherited from Object )
ms220070.protmethod(ru-ru,SQL.90).gif MemberwiseClone  (inherited from Object )
ms220070.protmethod(ru-ru,SQL.90).gif SetHelpContext  (inherited from SmoException )

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См. также


PropertyTypeMismatchException Class
Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo Namespace

Другие ресурсы

Handling SMO Exceptions