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Пространство имен ReportService2005

The ReportService2005 Web service allows developers to programmatically manage objects in a report server.


  Класс Описание
Открытый класс ActiveState Represents information about the active state of a subscription. An ActiveState object is returned by methods that query subscription properties.
Открытый класс BatchHeader Represents a batch header that supports the use of multi-method operations that run within a single transaction. For more information about batch headers, see Batching Methods.
Открытый класс CatalogItem Представляет элемент в базе данных сервера отчетов.
Открытый класс DailyRecurrence Represents the intervals at which a scheduled report runs. Intervals are specified in days.
Открытый класс DataRetrievalPlan Represents settings that are required to retrieve data from the delivery query for data-driven subscriptions.
Открытый класс DataSetDefinition Represents information about a set of data to display in a report.
Открытый класс DataSource Represents a data source in the report server database.
Открытый класс DataSourceCredentials Represents data source credentials.
Открытый класс DataSourceDefinition Represents a data source definition in the Report Server database.
Открытый класс DataSourceDefinitionOrReference Represents a data source definition or a reference to a shared data source.
Открытый класс DataSourcePrompt Represents the name of a data source and the prompt to display to a user.
Открытый класс DataSourceReference Represents a reference to a shared data source.
Открытый класс DaysOfWeekSelector Represents the days of the week on which a scheduled report runs.
Открытый класс Event Represents an event registered with the report server.
Открытый класс ExpirationDefinition Represents the expiration setting for a cached report.
Открытый класс Extension Represents an extension that is registered with the report server.
Открытый класс ExtensionParameter Represents a setting for an extension.
Открытый класс ExtensionSettings Represents a delivery extension and its configurable settings.
Открытый класс Field Represents a field within the dataset of a report.
Открытый класс InvalidDataSourceReference Represents a state in which a data source reference is no longer valid.
Открытый класс ItemNamespaceHeader Represents the identifier that is used to retrieve item properties.
Открытый класс Job Represents a user or system job that a report server is actively processing.
Открытый класс MinuteRecurrence Represents the intervals, in minutes, at which a scheduled report runs.
Открытый класс ModelCatalogItem Used to provide a listing of all model perspectives in a model in the report server namespace.
Открытый класс ModelDrillthroughReport Provides information about a model drill-through report.
Открытый класс ModelItem Provides the semantic definition of the model item.
Открытый класс ModelPerspective Provides information about a perspective of a model.
Открытый класс MonthlyDOWRecurrence Represents the dates on which a scheduled report runs, typically by month, week, and day of the week.
Открытый класс MonthlyRecurrence Represents the days of the month on which a scheduled report runs.
Открытый класс MonthsOfYearSelector Represents the months of the year in which a scheduled report runs.
Открытый класс NoSchedule Represents a state in which no schedules are associated with the execution or snapshot history settings of a report.
Открытый класс ParameterFieldReference Represents a field name that a report server uses to retrieve the value for a parameter. The ParameterFieldReference class is used by data-driven subscriptions.
Открытый класс ParameterValue Represents data that is used in parameterized reports or in delivery extension settings.
Открытый класс ParameterValueOrFieldReference Represents a user-supplied value or a field name that represents the value of a parameter.
Открытый класс Policy Represents groups and users and their roles, which are associated with items in the report server database.
Открытый класс Property Represents the properties of an item in the report server database.
Открытый класс QueryDefinition Represents a query that retrieves the data for a data-driven subscription.
Открытый класс RecurrencePattern Represents the recurrence pattern of a schedule definition.
Открытый класс ReportHistorySnapshot Represents a report history snapshot.
Открытый класс ReportingService2005 Содержит методы и свойства, используемые при вызовах веб-службы служб Microsoft Службы SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services.
Открытый класс ReportParameter Represents a report parameter.
Открытый класс Role Represents a role for use in Reporting Services security.
Открытый класс Schedule Represents a schedule and its properties.
Открытый класс ScheduleDefinition Represents a defined schedule.
Открытый класс ScheduleDefinitionOrReference Represents a schedule definition or a reference to a shared schedule.
Открытый класс ScheduleExpiration Represents a schedule that defines when a cached copy of a report expires.
Открытый класс ScheduleReference Represents a reference to a shared schedule.
Открытый класс SearchCondition Represents the properties of an item for which to search in the report server database.
Открытый класс ServerInfoHeader Represents information about the report server.
Открытый класс Subscription Represents a subscription in the report server database.
Открытый класс Task Represents Reporting Services tasks.
Открытый класс TimeExpiration Represents the time, in minutes, that defines when a cached copy of a report expires.
Открытый класс ValidValue Represents a valid value for an extension setting.
Открытый класс Warning Represents a list of errors or warnings that is returned when a report is published or processed.
Открытый класс WeeklyRecurrence Represents the number of weeks and the days of the week on which a scheduled report runs.


  Перечисление Описание
Открытое перечисление BooleanOperatorEnum Describes the logical operators that connect search conditions in a report server database search.
Открытое перечисление ConditionEnum Describes the type of comparison to perform between a SearchCondition object and the properties and values of items in the report server database.
Открытое перечисление CredentialRetrievalEnum Describes the credential retrieval settings for a data source.
Открытое перечисление DrillthroughType Specifies the type of drillthrough report.
Открытое перечисление ExecutionSettingEnum Describes the current execution setting of a report.
Открытое перечисление ExtensionTypeEnum Describes the type of extension that is registered with the report server.
Открытое перечисление ItemNamespaceEnum Describes the namespace identifier used to retrieve property information for an item in the report server database.
Открытое перечисление ItemTypeEnum Describes the type of an item in the report server database.
Открытое перечисление JobActionEnum Describes the process that initiated the job.
Открытое перечисление JobStatusEnum Describes the status of a job.
Открытое перечисление JobTypeEnum Describes the type of a job.
Открытое перечисление ModelItemTypeEnum Defines the types that model items can contain.
Открытое перечисление ParameterStateEnum Specifies the state of a parameter.
Открытое перечисление ParameterTypeEnum Specifies the data type of a parameter.
Открытое перечисление ScheduleStateEnum Describes the current state of a schedule.
Открытое перечисление SecurityScopeEnum Defines the scopes of security that are available on the report server.
Открытое перечисление SensitivityEnum Describes the sensitivity of a given type: kanatype, case, or accent.
Открытое перечисление WeekNumberEnum Describes the week of the month on which a scheduled report runs.