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Пространство имен Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo

The Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo namespace contains classes that represent the core SQL Server Database Engine objects. These include instances, databases, tables, stored procedures, and views.

The Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo namespace contains the instance object classes that represent SQL Server Database Engine objects and some utility classes that represent specific tasks, such as scripting. When a connection to the instance of the SQL Server Database Engine has been established by using a Server object variable, objects on the instance can be accessed by using the SMO instance objects. For example, you can use the Database object to access databases on the connected instance of SQL Server Database Engine. All the instance classes are related to the Server class in the object hierarchy. Utility classes exist outside of the Server class object hierarchy and represent specific tasks, such as backup or scripting.

Most of the classes Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo namespace resides in the Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo.dll and Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoExtended.dll files. Additionally, some of the enumeration classes are in the Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlEnum.dll and Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoEnum.dll assembly files. You will have to import all four files to access all of the classes in the Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo namespace.

By using the Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo namespace, you can do the following:

  • Connect to an instance of the SQL Server Database Engine.

  • View and modify instance settings and configuration options.

  • View and modify database objects.

  • Perform DDL (data definition language) tasks on an instance of the SQL Server Database Engine.

  • Script databases dependencies.

  • Perform database maintenance tasks, such as backup and restore operations.

  • Transfer database schemas and data.


  Класс Описание
Открытый класс AbstractCollectionBase The AbstractCollectionBase object is a base class object that is used in the construction of collection objects.
Открытый класс AffinityInfo The AffinityInfo object represents the Affinity settings for all CPUs and NUMA nodes on an Instance of SQL Server. Access to the AffinityInfo object is provided though the Server object.
Открытый класс ApplicationRole The ApplicationRole object represents a security role that is used to set access privileges from an application regardless of the user's permissions.
Открытый класс ApplicationRoleCollection The ApplicationRoleCollectionclass represents a collection of ApplicationRole objects that represent all the application roles on the referenced database.
Открытый класс ApplicationRoleEvents The ApplicationRoleEvents object represents the settings required for Microsoft SQL Server application role event notification.
Открытый класс ArrayListCollectionBase The ArrayListCollectionBase object represents a base class that is used in the construction of collections that are based on array lists.
Открытый класс AsymmetricKey The AsymmetricKey object represents a SQL Server asymmetric key.
Открытый класс AsymmetricKeyCollection The AsymmetricKeyCollection class represents a collection of AsymmetricKey objects that represent all the asymmetric keys on the referenced database.
Открытый класс AsyncStatus The AsyncStatus object represents the status of an asynchronous process.
Открытый класс Audit The Audit object represents a SQL Server audit log.
Открытый класс AuditCollection The AuditCollection class represents a collection of Audit objects that represent all the audits on the instance of SQL Server.
Открытый класс AuditExtender Adds methods and properties to the Audit object.
Открытый класс AuditSpecification The AuditSpecification class defines the audit groups and specifies the server audit that they belong to.
Открытый класс Backup The Backup object provides programmatic access to Microsoft SQL Server backup operations.
Открытый класс BackupDevice The BackupDevice object provides programmatic access to SQL Server backup devices.
Открытый класс BackupDeviceCollection The BackupDeviceCollection class represents a collection of BackupDevice objects that represent all the backup devices on an instance of SQL Server.
Открытый класс BackupDeviceItem The BackupDeviceItem object provides programmatic access to named SQL Server backup devices.
Открытый класс BackupDeviceList The BackupDeviceList object provides programmatic access to a list backup devices.
Открытый класс BackupRestoreBase The BackupRestoreBase class is a base class that represents functionality that is common to both backup and restore operations.
Открытый класс Certificate The Certificate object represents a SQL Server certificate.
Открытый класс CertificateCollection The CertificateCollection class represents a collection of Certificate objects that represent all the certificates on an instance of SQL Server.
Открытый класс CertificateEvents The CertificateEvents object represents the settings that are required for SQL Server Certificate event notification.
Открытый класс Check The Check object represents a SQL Server check constraint. 
Открытый класс CheckCollection The CheckCollection class represents a collection of Check objects that represent all the check constraints defined on the parent object.
Открытый класс CollectionNotAvailableException The CollectionNotAvailableException class is an exception that is raised when an attempt is made to retrieve a collection that is not available.
Открытый класс Column Объект Column представляет столбец SQL Server.
Открытый класс ColumnCollection The ColumnCollection class represents a collection of Column objects that represent all the columns defined on a table.
Открытый класс ConfigProperty The ConfigProperty object contains information pertaining to a Microsoft SQL Server configuration option, such as maximum, minimum, current, and new values.
Открытый класс ConfigPropertyCollection The ConfigPropertyCollection class represents a collection of ConfigProperty objects that represent all the configuration properties defined on the instance of SQL Server.
Открытый класс Configuration Класс Configuration содержит информацию о конфигурации для экземпляра SQL Server.
Открытый класс ConfigurationBase The ConfigurationBase class is a base class that represents configuration information for the instance of SQL Server.
Открытый класс Cpu The Cpu class contains information about one CPU on an instance of SQL Server.
Открытый класс CpuCollection The CpuCollection class represents a collection of Cpu objects that represent all the CPUs that are defined on an instance of SQL Server.
Открытый класс Credential The Credential object represents a Microsoft SQL Server credential.
Открытый класс CredentialCollection The CredentialCollection class represents a collection of Credential objects that represent all the credentials defined on the instance of Microsoft SQL Server.
Открытый класс CryptographicProvider The CryptographicProvider object represents a SQL Server cryptographic provider.
Открытый класс CryptographicProviderCollection A collection of type CryptographicProviderCollection that represents a collection of CryptographicProviderr objects.
Открытый класс Database Объект Database представляет базу данных SQL Server.
Открытый класс DatabaseActiveDirectory The DatabaseActiveDirectory object provides programmatic access to the Active Directory settings for a database.
Открытый класс DatabaseAdapter Database Adapter type to be used as a management facet.
Открытый класс DatabaseAdapterBase Database adapter base.
Открытый класс DatabaseAuditSpecification The DatabaseAuditSpecification object represents an auditable event on the database.
Открытый класс DatabaseAuditSpecificationCollection The DatabaseAuditSpecificationCollection class represents a collection of DatabaseAuditSpecification objects that represent all the audit specifications defined on the database.
Открытый класс DatabaseAuditSpecificationExtender Adds methods and properties to the DatabaseAuditSpecification object.
Открытый класс DatabaseCollection The DatabaseCollection class represents a collection of Database objects that represent all the databases defined on the instance of SQL Server.
Открытый класс DatabaseDdlTrigger The DatabaseDdlTrigger object represents a SQL Server database data definition language (DDL) trigger.
Открытый класс DatabaseDdlTriggerCollection The DatabaseDdlTriggerCollection class represents a collection of DatabaseDdlTrigger objects that represent all the database data definition language (DDL) triggers defined on a table.
Открытый класс DatabaseDdlTriggerEvent The DatabaseDdlTriggerEvent object represents the SQL Server database DDL trigger events that can be included in a database DDL trigger event set.
Открытый класс DatabaseDdlTriggerEventSet The DatabaseDdlTriggerEventSet object represents a set of SQL Server database data definition language (DDL) trigger events.
Открытый класс DatabaseEncryptionKey Creates a database encryption key.
Открытый класс DatabaseEncryptionKeyExtender Extends the database encryption key class.
Открытый класс DatabaseEvent The DatabaseEvent object represents the SQL Server database events that can be included in a database event set.
Открытый класс DatabaseEventArgs The DatabaseEventArgs object represents the arguments passed by the event raised by the database.
Открытый класс DatabaseEvents The DatabaseEvents object represents the settings required for Microsoft SQL Server database event notification.
Открытый класс DatabaseEventSet The DatabaseEventSet object represents a SQL Server set of database events.
Открытый класс DatabaseFile The DatabaseFile object is a base class used in the construction of DataFile objects and LogFile objects.
Открытый класс DatabaseFileMappingsDictionary This class, which is inherited from Dictionary, maps database file paths from the source server to the corresponding target server location that the user specifies.
Открытый класс DatabaseMaintenanceAdapter The Database Maintenance facet has logical properties. It inherits from the DatabaseAdapter class.
Открытый класс DatabaseMapping The DatabaseMapping object represents a SQL Server database mapping.
Открытый класс DatabaseMirroringPayload The DatabaseMirroringPayload object represents database mirroring payload settings.
Открытый класс DatabaseOptions The DatabaseOptions object represents SQL Server database options.
Открытый класс DatabasePerformanceAdapter The Database Performance facet implements logical properties relevant to database performance management.
Открытый класс DatabasePermission The DatabasePermission object represents a SQL Server database permission. The database permission can be added to a database permission set, and then granted, revoked, or denied to a user.
Открытый класс DatabasePermissionInfo The DatabasePermissionInfo object represents information about a SQL Server database permission.
Открытый класс DatabasePermissionSet Объект DatabasePermissionSet представляет набор разрешений на базу данных SQL Server.
Открытый класс DatabaseRole The DatabaseRole object represents a SQL Server database security role.
Открытый класс DatabaseRoleCollection The DatabaseRoleCollection class represents a collection of DatabaseRole objects that represent all the database roles defined on the parent database.
Открытый класс DatabaseSecurityAdapter Includes properties and methods that are used to expose the Database Security facet.
Открытый класс DatabaseSnapshotExtender Adds methods and properties to the DatabaseSnapshot object.
Открытый класс DataFile The DataFile object represents a SQL Server data file.
Открытый класс DataFileCollection The DataFileCollection class represents a collection of DataFile objects that represent all the data files defined on the parent object.
Открытый класс DataType The DataType object represents a SQL Server data type.
Открытый класс DdlTriggerBase The DdlTriggerBase is a base class that is inherited by the DatabaseDdlTrigger object. This represents a SQL Server database data definition language (DDL) trigger.
Открытый класс Default The Default object represents a SQL Server default.
Открытый класс DefaultCollection The DefaultCollection class represents a collection of Default objects.
Открытый класс DefaultConstraint The DefaultConstraint object represents a SQL Server default constraint.
Открытый класс DefaultRuleBase The DefaultRuleBase class is a base class that is inherited by the Rule class and the Default class.
Открытый класс DependencyCollection The DependencyCollection class represents a collection of Dependency objects that are used to derive the node classes in SMO scripting operations.
Открытый класс DependencyCollectionNode The DependencyCollectionNode class represents a node in the dependency collection that is derived during scripting operations.
Открытый класс DependencyNode The DependencyNode class represents a node that is defined by a URN address.
Открытый класс DependencyTree The DependencyTree object represents a tree structure that contains SQL Server objects and their hierarchical relationships to each other.
Открытый класс DependencyTreeNode The DependencyTreeNode class represents the child and sibling SQL Server objects within a DependencyTree object hierarchy.
Открытый класс DependencyWalker The DependencyWalker object is a tool to perform scripting operations that involve dependencies such as identifying dependent relationships. The tool and converts this output to a list.
Открытый класс Endpoint The Endpoint class represents an endpoint service that can listen natively for requests.
Открытый класс EndpointCollection The EndpointCollection class represents a collection of Endpoint objects that represent all the HTTP endpoints.
Открытый класс EndpointPayload The EndpointPayload object represents an endpoint payload.
Открытый класс EndpointProtocol The EndpointProtocol object represents an HTTP endpoint protocol.
Открытый класс EventProperty The EventProperty class represents a property of an event.
Открытый класс EventPropertyCollection The EventPropertyCollection object represents the properties of event objects.
Открытый класс EventSetBase The EventSetBase class is a base class that is used to derive the event set objects.
Открытый класс ExtendedProperty The ExtendedProperty object represents the extended properties that are defined for any object that has an ExtendedProperties collection property.
Открытый класс ExtendedPropertyCollection The ExtendedPropertyCollection class represents a collection of ExtendedPropertyCollectionobjects that represent all the extended properties.
Открытый класс ExtendedStoredProcedure The ExtendedStoredProcedure object represents an extended stored procedure on the instance of Microsoft SQL Server.
Открытый класс ExtendedStoredProcedureCollection The ExtendedStoredProcedureCollection class represents a collection of ExtendedStoredProcedure objects that represent all the extended stored procedures defined on the parent database.
Открытый класс FailedOperationException Класс FailedOperationException представляет исключение, вызываемое при неудачном завершении операции. . Неудачно завершившиеся операции включают CREATE, DROP, ALTER, SCRIPT, REFRESH, RENAME. Это исключение может быть также активировано при неудачном завершении некоторых открытых методов в SMO.
Открытый класс FileGroup Объект FileGroup представляет файловую группу SQL Server. Дополнительные сведения о группах файлов см. в разделе Использование файловых групп и файлов для хранения данных.
Открытый класс FileGroupCollection The FileGroupCollection class represents a collection of FileGroup objects that represent all the filegroups defined on the parent database.
Открытый класс ForeignKey The ForeignKey object represents a SQL Server foreign key.
Открытый класс ForeignKeyCollection The ForeignKeyCollection class represents a collection of ForeignKey objects that represent all the foreign keys defined on the parent object.
Открытый класс ForeignKeyColumn The ForeignKeyColumn object represents a SQL Server foreign key column.
Открытый класс ForeignKeyColumnCollection The ForeignKeyColumnCollection class represents a collection of ForeignKeyColumn objects that represent all the foreign key columns defined on the parent object.
Открытый класс FrequencyPair The FrequencyPair object is a utility that measures frequency by storing count and duration information.
Открытый класс FullTextCatalog The FullTextCatalog object represents a Microsoft Search full-text catalog.
Открытый класс FullTextCatalogCollection The FullTextCatalogCollection class represents a collection of FullTextCatalog objects that represent all the full-text catalogs defined on the parent object.
Открытый класс FullTextIndex The FullTextIndex object represents a Microsoft Search full-text index.
Открытый класс FullTextIndexColumn The FullTextIndexColumn object represents a Microsoft Search full-text index column.
Открытый класс FullTextIndexColumnCollection The FullTextIndexColumnCollection class represents a collection of FullTextIndexColumn objects that represent all the full-text index columns defined on the parent object.
Открытый класс FullTextService The FullTextService object allows programmatic access to the Microsoft Search full-text settings.
Открытый класс FullTextStopList The FullTextStopList object represents a full-text stop list.
Открытый класс FullTextStopListCollection The FullTextStopListCollection class represents a collection of FullTextStopList objects that represent all the full-text stop lists that are defined on the parent database.
Открытый класс HttpProtocol The HttpProtocol object represents an HTTP protocol on an instance of Microsoft SQL Server.
Открытый класс Index The Index object represents a SQL Server index.
Открытый класс IndexCollection The IndexCollection class represents a collection of Index objects that represent all the indexes defined on the instance of SQL Server.
Открытый класс IndexedColumn The IndexedColumn object represents a SQL Server column that is participating in an index. 
Открытый класс IndexedColumnCollection The IndexedColumnCollection class represents a collection of IndexedColumn objects that represent all the indexed columns defined on the instance of SQL Server.
Открытый класс IndexEvents The IndexEvents object represents the settings that are required for SQL Server index event notification.
Открытый класс Information The Information class contains nonconfigurable information about the instance of SQL Server. These include system information and options that are set during Setup, such as the collation.
Открытый класс InternalSmoErrorException The InternalSmoErrorException class represents the exception raised when an error occurs during the internal phase of a SMO operation.
Открытый класс InvalidSmoOperationException The InvalidSmoOperationException class represents the exception raised when an SMO operation is not valid.
Открытый класс InvalidVersionSmoOperationException The InvalidVersionSmoOperationException class represents the exception raised when the version is not valid on an SMO operation.
Открытый класс JobScheduleCollectionBase The JobScheduleCollectionBase class represents a base class that is used in the construction of the JobScheduleCollection class.
Открытый класс Language A Language object represents a language supported by SQL Server. The SQL Server language determines the date and time formats and the language in which the system messages are displayed.
Открытый класс LanguageCollection The LanguageCollection class represents a collection of Language objects that represent all the languages which are defined on the instance of SQL Server.
Открытый класс LinkedServer A LinkedServer object represents a database system other than SQL Server and is linked to the current instance of SQL Server by using an OLE DB driver.
Открытый класс LinkedServerCollection The LinkedServerCollection class represents a collection of LinkedServer objects that represent all the linked servers registered on the instance of SQL Server.
Открытый класс LinkedServerLogin The LinkedServerLogin object represents a SQL Server logon account that has permission to connect to the linked server.
Открытый класс LinkedServerLoginCollection The LinkedServerLoginCollection class represents a collection of LinkedServerLogin objects that represent all the linked server logins defined on the linked server.
Открытый класс LogFile The LogFile object represents a SQL Server log file.
Открытый класс LogFileCollection The LogFileCollection class represents a collection of LogFile objects that represent all the log files defined on the instance of Microsoft SQL Server.
Открытый класс Login The Login object represents a SQL Server login account that has been granted access to the instance of SQL Server through Windows Authentication or SQL Server Authentication.
Открытый класс LoginCollection The LoginCollection class represents a collection of Login objects that represent all the login accounts defined on the instance of SQL Server.
Открытый класс LoginEvents The LoginEvents object represents the settings required for SQL Server login event notification.
Открытый класс MasterKey The MasterKey object represents a SQL Server database master key.
Открытый класс MessageCollectionBase Класс MessageCollectionBase служит базовым классом, который используется при построении классов коллекций сообщений.
Открытый класс MessageObjectBase The MessageObjectBase class is a base class that is inherited by message classes.
Открытый класс MissingObjectException The MissingObjectException class represents the exception raised when an object is missing.
Открытый класс NamedSmoObject The NamedSmoObject object represents a named SMO object.
Открытый класс NumaNode The NumaNode object represents the settings for a NUMA node on an instance of SQL Server.
Открытый класс NumaNodeCollection The NumaNodeCollection object contains information about one NUMA node on an instance of SQL Server.
Открытый класс NumberedObjectCollectionBase The NumberedObjectCollectionBase class is a base class that represents common functionality for collections of numbered objects, such as the NumberedStoredProcedure object.
Открытый класс NumberedStoredProcedure The NumberedStoredProcedure class represents a Microsoft SQL Server numbered stored procedure.
Открытый класс NumberedStoredProcedureCollection The NumberedStoredProcedureCollection class represents a collection of NumberedStoredProcedure objects that represent all the numbered stored procedures defined on a table.
Открытый класс NumberedStoredProcedureParameter The NumberedStoredProcedureParameter object represents a SQL Server numbered stored procedure parameter.
Открытый класс NumberedStoredProcedureParameterCollection Класс NumberedStoredProcedureParameterCollection представляет коллекцию объектов NumberedStoredProcedure, представляющих все нумерованные хранимые процедуры, определенные в родительском объекте.
Открытый класс ObjectAlteredEventArgs The ObjectAlteredEventArgs object represents the arguments that are passed by the event that is raised when an object is altered.
Открытый класс ObjectCreatedEventArgs The ObjectCreatedEventArgs object represents the arguments that are passed by the event that is raised when an object is created.
Открытый класс ObjectDroppedEventArgs The ObjectDroppedEventArgs object represents the arguments that are passed by the event that is raised when an object is dropped.
Открытый класс ObjectEvent The ObjectEvent object represents the of SQL Server object events that can be included in an object event set.
Открытый класс ObjectEventSet The ObjectEventSet object represents a SQL Server set of object events.
Открытый класс ObjectPermission The ObjectPermission object represents a SQL Server object permission.
Открытый класс ObjectPermissionInfo The ObjectPermissionInfo object represents information about a SQL Server object permission.
Открытый класс ObjectPermissionSet The ObjectPermissionSet object represents a set of object permissions in Microsoft SQL Server.
Открытый класс ObjectRenamedEventArgs The ObjectRenamedEventArgs object represents the arguments passed by the event raised when an object is renamed.
Открытый класс OleDbProviderSettings The OleDbProviderSettings object represents the setting for a SQL Server OLE DB provider.
Открытый класс OleDbProviderSettingsCollection The OleDbProviderSettingsCollection class represents a collection of OleDbProviderSettings objects that represent all the OLE DB provider settings defined on the linked server.
Открытый класс OrderColumn OrderColumn points to a column with an order that is specified within a table-valued function that was created by using CREATE FUNCTION and the ORDER BY clause.
Открытый класс OrderColumnCollection Represents a collection of OrderColumn.
Открытый класс Parameter The Parameter class represents a parameter. It is a base class that is inherited by the StoredProcedureParameter class and the UserDefinedFunctionParameter class and contains common features of both classes.
Открытый класс ParameterBase The ParameterBase class is a base class that is inherited by the Parameter class and the UserDefinedAggregate class. It contains common features of both classes.
Открытый класс ParameterCollectionBase The ParameterCollectionBase class is a base class that is used in the construction of parameter collection classes.
Открытый класс PartitionFunction The PartitionFunction object provides programmatic access to partition functions.
Открытый класс PartitionFunctionCollection The PartitionFunctionCollection class represents a collection of PartitionFunction objects that represent all the partition functions defined on the instance of SQL Server.
Открытый класс PartitionFunctionEvents The PartitionFunctionEvents object represents the settings required for SQL Server partition function event notification.
Открытый класс PartitionFunctionParameter The PartitionFunctionParameter object provides programmatic access to partition function parameters.
Открытый класс PartitionFunctionParameterCollection The PartitionFunctionParameterCollection class represents a collection of PartitionFunctionParameter objects that represent all the partition function parameters defined on the partition function.
Открытый класс PartitionNumberedObjectCollectionBase Класс PartitionNumberedObjectCollectionBase является базовым классом, от которого наследует класс PhysicalPartitionCollection.
Открытый класс PartitionScheme The PartitionScheme object provides programmatic access to partition schemes.
Открытый класс PartitionSchemeCollection The PartitionSchemeCollection class represents a collection of PartitionScheme objects that represent all the partition schemes defined on the instance of SQL Server.
Открытый класс PartitionSchemeEvents The PartitionSchemeEvents object represents the settings required for Microsoft SQL Server partition scheme event notification.
Открытый класс PartitionSchemeParameter The PartitionSchemeParameter object provides programmatic access to partition scheme parameters.
Открытый класс PartitionSchemeParameterCollection The PartitionSchemeParameterCollection class represents a collection of PartitionSchemeParameter objects that represent all the partition scheme parameters defined on the partition scheme.
Открытый класс Payload The Payload object represents a SQL Server HTTP endpoint payload.
Открытый класс PercentCompleteEventArgs The PercentCompleteEventArgs object represents the arguments passed by the event raised when a process reaches a percent complete marker.
Открытый класс PerformanceCounters A PerformanceCounters object represents a performance counter that is used to trace the performance of the instance of SQL Server.
Открытый класс PermissionInfo Класс PermissionInfo представляет сведения, связанные с предоставленными или запрещенными правами доступа.
Открытый класс PermissionSetBase Класс PermissionSetBase является базовым классом, от которого наследуют классы набора разрешений.
Открытый класс PhysicalPartition The PhysicalPartition object represents the physical partition where the data and meta data is stored for a SQL Server object.
Открытый класс PhysicalPartitionCollection The PhysicalPartitionCollection class represents a collection of PhysicalPartition objects that represent all the physical partitions that are defined on an object.
Открытый класс PlanGuide Creates a plan guide object: PlanGuide
Открытый класс PlanGuideCollection Collection of plan guide objects.
Открытый класс PlanGuideExtender Extends the Property set for a Plan Guide
Открытый класс ProgressReportEventArgs The ProgressReportEventArgs object provides programmatic access to the arguments used to report the progress of an operation that works through an object hierarchy, such as discovering dependencies in scripting operations.
Открытый класс Property Объект Property обеспечивает программный доступ к свойствам всех объектов SMO.
Открытый класс PropertyCannotBeRetrievedException The PropertyCannotBeRetrievedException class represents the exception raised when a property cannot be retrieved.
Открытый класс PropertyCollection The PropertyCollection class represents a collection of Property objects that represent all the properties defined on the parent object.
Открытый класс PropertyNotSetException The PropertyNotSetException class represents the exception that is raised when a property value has not been set.
Открытый класс PropertyReadOnlyException The PropertyReadOnlyException class represents the exception that is raised when an attempt is made to set a read-only property.
Открытый класс PropertyTypeMismatchException The PropertyTypeMismatchException class represents the exception raised when an attempt is made to set the property with a value that has the incorrect data type.
Открытый класс PropertyWriteException The PropertyWriteException class represents the exception that is raised when an error occurs when setting the value of a property.
Открытый класс Protocol The Protocol object provides programmatic access to the protocols supported by SQL Server.
Открытый класс RelocateFile The RelocateFile object is a programmatic tool that lets a file be relocated.
Открытый класс ResourceGovernor ResourceGovernor class.
Открытый класс ResourcePool Resource Pool Class
Открытый класс ResourcePoolCollection Represents a collection of Resource Pools.
Открытый класс Restore The Restore object provides programmatic access to restore operations.
Открытый класс Rule The Rule object provides programmatic access to a SQL Server rule.
Открытый класс RuleCollection The RuleCollection class represents a collection of Rule objects that represent all the rules defined on the instance of SQL Server.
Открытый класс Schema The Schema object represents an ownership context for a SQL Server database object.
Открытый класс SchemaCollection The SchemaCollection class represents a collection of Schema objects that represent all the schemas on the referenced database.
Открытый класс SchemaCollectionBase The SchemaCollectionBase class is a base class that is inherited by the SchemaCollection class.
Открытый класс SchemaCustomResolver Represents a diagram of a COM-based resolver.
Открытый класс SchemaEvents The SchemaEvents object represents the settings required for SQL Server schema event notification.
Открытый класс Scripter The Scripter object is the overall, top-level object for managing scripting operations.
Открытый класс ScriptingErrorEventArgs The ScriptingErrorEventArgs object provides programmatic access to the arguments used to report the errors that occur during scripting operations.
Открытый класс ScriptingOptions The ScriptingOptions object provides programmatic options to the options that can be set for scripting operations.
Открытый класс ScriptNameObjectBase The ScriptNameObjectBase is a base class inherited by classes that can use an alternative name used in scripting operations.
Открытый класс ScriptOption Объект ScriptOption представляет параметры создания скриптов SQL Server, которые можно включить в параметры работы со скриптами, задаваемые с помощью объекта ScriptingOptions.
Открытый класс ScriptSchemaObjectBase ScriptSchemaObjectBase — это базовый класс, наследуемый классами, которые могут использовать альтернативное имя, используемое в операциях со скриптами.
Открытый класс Server Объект Server представляет экземпляр SQL Server.
Открытый класс ServerActiveDirectory The ServerActiveDirectory object provides programmatic access to the Active Directory functionality.
Открытый класс ServerAdapter This class aggregates otherwise hidden server properties.
Открытый класс ServerAdapterBase A ServerAdapterBase object is a base class that is used in the construction of the ServerAdapter class.
Открытый класс ServerAuditSpecification The ServerAuditSpecification object represents an auditable event on the instance of SQL Server.
Открытый класс ServerAuditSpecificationCollection The ServerAuditSpecificationCollection class represents a collection of ServerAuditSpecification objects that represent all the audit specifications defined on the server.
Открытый класс ServerAuditSpecificationExtender Adds methods and properties to the ServerAuditSpecification object.
Открытый класс ServerConfigurationAdapter Exposes methods to refresh and alter server configuration properties.
Открытый класс ServerDdlTrigger The ServerDdlTrigger object represents a SQL Server data definition language (DDL) trigger.
Открытый класс ServerDdlTriggerCollection The ServerDdlTriggerCollection class represents a collection of ServerDdlTrigger objects that represent all the server data definition language (DDL) triggers defined on a table.
Открытый класс ServerDdlTriggerEvent The ServerDdlTriggerEvent object represents the Microsoft SQL Server data definition language (DDL) trigger events that can be included in a server DDL trigger event set.
Открытый класс ServerDdlTriggerEventSet The ServerDdlTriggerEventSet object represents a set of SQL Server server data definition language (DDL) trigger events.
Открытый класс ServerEvent The ServerEvent object represents the SQL Server server events that can be included in a server event set.
Открытый класс ServerEventArgs The ServerEventArgs object provides programmatic access to the arguments that are used to report all types of events that occur on an instance of SQL Server.
Открытый класс ServerEvents The ServerEvents object represents the settings required for SQL Server server-level event notification.
Открытый класс ServerEventSet The ServerEventSet object represents a set of server events on an instance of SQL Server.
Открытый класс ServerPermission The ServerPermission object represents a SQL Server server-level permission.
Открытый класс ServerPermissionInfo The ServerPermissionInfo object represents information about a SQL Server server-level permission.
Открытый класс ServerPermissionSet The ServerPermissionSet object represents a set of server permissions.
Открытый класс ServerProxyAccount The ServerProxyAccount class represents the implementation of a proxy account on an instance of SQL Server. The ProxyAccount object allows for impersonation of job step execution. Created by the system administrator, it can be further be assigned to a login or a server role or a database role and one of the subsystems, except for Transact-SQL.
Открытый класс ServerRole The ServerRole object represents a Microsoft SQL Server security role.
Открытый класс ServerRoleCollection The ServerRoleCollection class represents a collection of ServerRole objects that represent all the server roles that are defined on a table.
Открытый класс ServerSecurityAdapter A security facet that extends ServerAdapterBase.
Открытый класс ServerSelectionAdapter Provides selection options for an instance of SQL Server.
Открытый класс ServerSetupAdapter A ServerSetupAdapter object represents a server setup adapter.
Открытый класс ServerSurfaceAreaAdapter A ServerSurfaceAreaAdapter object represents a server surface area adapter.
Открытый класс ServerTraceEvent The ServerTraceEvent object represents the SQL Server server trace events that can be included in a server trace event set.
Открытый класс ServerTraceEventSet The ServerTraceEventSet object represents a set server trace events.
Открытый класс ServiceBrokerPayload The ServiceBrokerPayload object represents a SQL Server Service Broker payload.
Открытый класс ServiceMasterKey The ServiceMasterKey object represents a Microsoft SQL Server service master key.
Открытый класс ServiceQueueEvent The ServiceQueueEvent object represents the Service Broker service queue events that can be included in a service queue event set.
Открытый класс ServiceQueueEventSet The ServiceQueueEventSet object represents a set of SQL Server service queue events.
Открытый класс ServiceRequestException The ServiceRequestException class represents the exception that is raised when an error occurs during a service request.
Открытый класс Settings Объект Settings представляет группу настраиваемых параметров экземпляра SQL Server.
Открытый класс SfcDependencyException The SfcDependencyException class represents an exception thrown by an SFC dependency operation fails.
Открытый класс SimpleObjectCollectionBase The SimpleObjectCollectionBase class is a base class that is used in the construction of collection objects.
Открытый класс SmoApplication The SmoApplication class represents an SMO application with respect to event management.
Открытый класс SmoCollectionBase The SmoCollectionBase class is a base class that is used in the construction of SMO collection classes and contains members that are common to them.
Открытый класс SmoDmfAdapter Implements Evaluate(IBaseManagementFacet)
Открытый класс SmoEventArgs The SmoEventArgs object provides programmatic access to the arguments used to report the events that occur in SMO applications.
Открытый класс SmoException The SmoException class represents the exception that is raised when an error occurs during an SMO operation.
Открытый класс SmoObjectBase The SmoObjectBase is a base class that is inherited by the SqlSmoObject class.
Открытый класс SmoObjectExtender< (Of < ( <'T> ) > ) > The SmoObjectExtender<(Of <(<'T>)>)> class adds methods and properties to an SqlSmoObject class instance.
Открытый класс SoapMethodCollectionBase The SoapMethodCollectionBase class is a base class that is inherited by SOAP method collection objects and provides programmatic access to the collection of SOAP methods that exist in the SOAP configuration.
Открытый класс SoapMethodObject The SoapMethodObject class provides programmatic access to the referenced SOAP method.
Открытый класс SoapPayload The SoapPayload object represents a SQL Server SOAP payload.
Открытый класс SoapPayloadMethod The SoapPayloadMethod class represents a SOAP payload method for the referenced HTTP endpoint.
Открытый класс SoapPayloadMethodCollection The SoapPayloadMethodCollection class represents a collection of SoapPayloadMethod objects that represent all the SOAP payload methods defined on a table.
Открытый класс SortedListCollectionBase The SortedListCollectionBase class is a base class that is used in the construction of sorted list collection classes.
Открытый класс SqlAssembly The SqlAssembly class represents an assembly in the Microsoft .NET environment.
Открытый класс SqlAssemblyCollection The SqlAssemblyCollection class represents a collection of SqlAssembly objects that represent all the assemblies defined on a table.
Открытый класс SqlAssemblyEvent Объект SqlAssemblyEvent представляет события сборки SQL Server, которые могут быть включены в набор событий сборки.
Открытый класс SqlAssemblyEvents The SqlAssemblyEvents object represents the settings that are required for SQL Server assembly event notification.
Открытый класс SqlAssemblyEventSet The SqlAssemblyEventSet object represents a set of assembly events.
Открытый класс SqlAssemblyFile The SqlAssemblyFile object represents an assembly file that stores an assembly.
Открытый класс SqlAssemblyFileCollection The SqlAssemblyFileCollection class represents a collection of SqlAssemblyFile objects that represent all the assembly files that are defined on a table.
Открытый класс SqlPropertyCollection The SqlPropertyCollection class is an abstract class that is used in the management of object properties.
Открытый класс SqlPropertyInfo The SqlPropertyInfo class is an abstract class used to store information about properties.
Открытый класс SqlServerRegistrations Устарело. Represents registered instances of SQL Server.
Открытый класс SqlSmoObject Объект SqlSmoObject представляет все объекты SQL Server.
Открытый класс Statistic The Statistic class represents a SQL Server statistic counter.
Открытый класс StatisticCollection The StatisticCollection class represents a collection of Statistic objects that represent all the statistic counters defined on the table or view.
Открытый класс StatisticColumn The StatisticColumn object represents a column defined in a SQL Server statistics counter.
Открытый класс StatisticColumnCollection The StatisticColumnCollection class represents a collection of StatisticColumn objects that represent all the statistic columns defined on a table.
Открытый класс StatisticEvents The StatisticEvents object represents the settings required for SQL Server statistic counter event notification.
Открытый класс StoredProcedure Объект StoredProcedure представляет хранимую процедуру SQL Server.
Открытый класс StoredProcedureCollection The StoredProcedureCollection class represents a collection of StoredProcedure objects that represent all the stored procedures that are defined on a table.
Открытый класс StoredProcedureEvent The StoredProcedureEvent object represents the SQL Server stored procedure events that can be included in an stored procedure event set.
Открытый класс StoredProcedureEvents The StoredProcedureEvents object represents the settings that are required for SQL Server stored procedure event notification.
Открытый класс StoredProcedureEventSet The StoredProcedureEventSet object represents a set of stored procedure events.
Открытый класс StoredProcedureParameter The StoredProcedureParameter object represents a SQL Server stored procedure parameter.
Открытый класс StoredProcedureParameterCollection The StoredProcedureParameterCollection class represents a collection of StoredProcedureParameter objects that represent all the stored procedure parameters defined on a table.
Открытый класс SymmetricKey The SymmetricKey object represents a SQL Server symmetric key.
Открытый класс SymmetricKeyCollection The SymmetricKeyCollection class represents a collection of SymmetricKey objects that represent all the symmetric keys on the referenced database.
Открытый класс SymmetricKeyEncryption The SymmetricKeyEncryption class represents the encryption type used when encrypting symmetric keys.
Открытый класс Synonym The Synonym object represents a SQL Server synonym.
Открытый класс SynonymCollection The SynonymCollection class represents a collection of Synonym objects that represent all the synonyms on the referenced database.
Открытый класс SynonymEvents The SynonymEvents object represents the settings that are required for SQL Server synonym event notification.
Открытый класс SystemDataType The SystemDataType object represents a supported system data type. The SystemDataTypeCollection represents all the supported system data types.
Открытый класс SystemDataTypeCollection The SystemDataTypeCollection class represents a collection of SystemDataType objects that represent all the system data types on the referenced database.
Открытый класс SystemMessage The SystemMessage object represents messages defined by the system.
Открытый класс SystemMessageCollection The SystemMessageCollection class represents a collection of SystemMessage objects that represent all the system messages on the instance of SQL Server.
Открытый класс Table Объект Table представляет таблицу SQL Server.
Открытый класс TableCollection The TableCollection class represents a collection of Table objects that represent all the tables on the referenced database.
Открытый класс TableEvent The TableEvent object represents the SQL Server table events that can be included in a table event set.
Открытый класс TableEvents The TableEvents object represents the settings required for SQL Server table event notification.
Открытый класс TableEventSet The TableEventSet object represents a set of table events.
Открытый класс TableViewBase The TableViewBase class is a base class that is used in the construction of the Table class and View class. It contains functionality that is common to both classes.
Открытый класс TableViewTableTypeBase Базовый класс для типов табличных представлений.
Открытый класс TcpProtocol The TcpProtocol object provides programmatic access to the protocols supported by Microsoft SQL Server.
Открытый класс Transfer The Transfer object is a tool object that provides programmatic control over copying of schemas and data to other instances of SQL Server.
Открытый класс Trigger Объект Trigger представляет триггер SQL Server.
Открытый класс TriggerCollection The TriggerCollection class represents a collection of Trigger objects that represent all the triggers defined on a table.
Открытый класс TriggerEvents The TriggerEvents object represents the settings that are required for SQL Server trigger event notification.
Открытый класс UnknownPropertyException The UnknownPropertyException class represents the exception that is raised when an SMO operation encounters an unknown property.
Открытый класс UnsupportedEngineTypeException The UnsupportedEngineTypeException class represents the exception raised when an SMO operation is attempted on a Database Engine type that does not support that operation. A Database Engine type is either an instance of the SQL Server Database Engine, or SQL Azure.
Открытый класс UnsupportedFeatureException The UnsupportedFeatureException class represents the exception raised when an SMO operation encounters a request for an unsupported feature.
Открытый класс UnsupportedObjectNameException The UnsupportedObjectNameException class represents the exception that is raised when an SMO operation encounters an unsupported object name.
Открытый класс UnsupportedVersionException The UnsupportedVersionException class represents the exception raised when an SMO operation encounters an unsupported version of SQL Server.
Открытый класс UrnCollection The UrnCollection class represents a collection of Urn objects that represent Uniform Resource Name (URN) addresses.
Открытый класс User The User object represents a SQL Server user.
Открытый класс UserCollection The UserCollection class represents a collection of User objects that represent all the database users defined on a database.
Открытый класс UserDefinedAggregate The UserDefinedAggregate object represents a SQL Server user-defined aggregate.
Открытый класс UserDefinedAggregateCollection The UserDefinedAggregateCollection class represents a collection of UserDefinedAggregate objects that represent all the database user-defined aggregates that are defined on a database.
Открытый класс UserDefinedAggregateParameter The UserDefinedAggregateParameter object represents the parameters that are used with a user-defined aggregate.
Открытый класс UserDefinedAggregateParameterCollection The UserDefinedAggregateParameterCollection class represents a collection of UserDefinedAggregateParameter objects that represent all the user-defined aggregate parameters that are defined on a table.
Открытый класс UserDefinedDataType The UserDefinedDataType object represents a SQL Server user-defined data type.
Открытый класс UserDefinedDataTypeCollection The UserDefinedDataTypeCollection class represents a collection of UserDefinedDataType objects that represent all the user-defined data types defined on a table.
Открытый класс UserDefinedDataTypeResolver Resolves objects of user-defined types.
Открытый класс UserDefinedFunction Объект UserDefinedFunction представляет определяемую пользователем функцию SQL Server.
Открытый класс UserDefinedFunctionCollection The UserDefinedFunctionCollection class represents a collection of UserDefinedFunction objects that represent all the user-defined functions that are defined on a table.
Открытый класс UserDefinedFunctionEvent Объект UserDefinedFunctionEvent представляет события определяемой пользователем функции SQL Server, которые могут быть включены в набор событий этой функции.
Открытый класс UserDefinedFunctionEvents The UserDefinedFunctionEvents object represents the settings that are required for SQL Server user-defined function event notification.
Открытый класс UserDefinedFunctionEventSet The UserDefinedFunctionEventSet object represents a SQL Server set of user-defined function events.
Открытый класс UserDefinedFunctionParameter The UserDefinedFunctionParameter object represents a SQL Server user-defined function parameter.
Открытый класс UserDefinedFunctionParameterCollection The UserDefinedFunctionParameterCollection class represents a collection of UserDefinedFunctionParameter objects that represent all the user-defined function parameters that are defined on a table.
Открытый класс UserDefinedMessage The UserDefinedMessage object represents a user-defined message.
Открытый класс UserDefinedMessageCollection The UserDefinedMessageCollection class represents a collection of UserDefinedMessage objects that represent all the user-defined messages defined on a table.
Открытый класс UserDefinedTableType The UserDefinedTableType object represents a SQL Server user-defined table type data type.
Открытый класс UserDefinedTableTypeCollection The UserDefinedTableTypeCollection class represents a collection of UserDefinedTableType objects that represent all the user-defined table types that are defined on a database.
Открытый класс UserDefinedTableTypeResolver Resolves the type of a user defined table to an Object.
Открытый класс UserDefinedType The UserDefinedType represents an alias data type that is based on .NET data types.
Открытый класс UserDefinedTypeCollection The UserDefinedTypeCollection class represents a collection of UserDefinedType objects that represent all the alias data types that are defined on a table.
Открытый класс UserDefinedTypeEvents The UserDefinedTypeEvents object represents the settings required for SQL Server user-defined type event notification.
Открытый класс UserDefinedTypeResolver Resolves user-defined data types.
Открытый класс UserEvents The UserEvents object represents the settings that are required for SQL Server database user event notification.
Открытый класс UserOptions The UserOptions object represents a set configurable server options that relate specifically to users.
Открытый класс VerifyCompleteEventArgs The VerifyCompleteEventArgs object provides programmatic access to the arguments used to report the details of the event that occurs when a backup verification operation completes.
Открытый класс VersionSerializationAdapter Adapts the serialization mode to the version of SQL Server in use.
Открытый класс View The View object represents a SQL Server view. 
Открытый класс ViewCollection The ViewCollection class represents a collection of View objects that represent all the views defined on a table.
Открытый класс ViewEvent The ViewEvent object represents the SQL Server view events that can be included in a view event set.
Открытый класс ViewEvents The ViewEvents object represents the settings that are required for SQL Server view event notification.
Открытый класс ViewEventSet The ViewEventSet object represents a set of view events.
Открытый класс WorkloadGroup The WorkloadGroup class is represents a SQL Server workgroup, which contains a group of session requests. Workload groups allow aggregate monitoring of resource consumption and application of uniform policies to all requests in the group.
Открытый класс WorkloadGroupCollection Initializes a workload group.
Открытый класс WrongPropertyValueException The WrongPropertyValueException class represents the exception that is raised when a property is assigned the wrong value.
Открытый класс XmlSchemaCollection The XmlSchemaCollection object represents a collection of XML namespaces. The collection of XML namespaces behave a composite object though the namespaces can be enumerated within the collection.
Открытый класс XmlSchemaCollectionCollection The XmlSchemaCollectionCollection class represents a collection of XmlSchemaCollection objects that represent all the XML schema collections defined on a table. The XmlSchemaCollection object represents a collection of XML namespaces.


  Структура Описание
Открытая структура AuditSpecificationDetail The AuditSpecificationDetail object represents a SQL Server audit specification detail required when creating an audit.
Открытая структура DdlTextParserHeaderInfo This class supports the SMO infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.


  Интерфейс Описание
Открытый интерфейс IColumnPermission The IColumnPermission class represents the interface that manages permissions for a specified column.
Открытый интерфейс IDatabaseMaintenanceFacet Interface that defined methods and properties for the database maintenance facet.
Открытый интерфейс IDatabaseOptions Interface with properties that expose database options.
Открытый интерфейс IDatabasePerformanceFacet Defines methods and properties that can be used to measure and influence database performance.
Открытый интерфейс IDatabaseSecurityFacet Security facet interface.
Открытый интерфейс IExtendedProperties The IExtendedProperties class is an interface that represents the collection of extended properties associated with an object.
Открытый интерфейс ILoginOptions The ILoginOptions class is an interface that represents a collection of options associated with a login.
Открытый интерфейс IMultipartNameFacet Interface to deal with object names containing both the object and the schema.
Открытый интерфейс INameFacet Represents the name facet interface.
Открытый интерфейс IObjectPermission The IObjectPermission class represents the interface used to set object permissions.
Открытый интерфейс IScriptable The IScriptable class represents the interface used to create Transact-SQL scripts of SMO objects.
Открытый интерфейс IServerAuditFacet Interface that identifies audit facet members.
Открытый интерфейс IServerConfigurationFacet Contains configuration information for interfaces based on the Configuration object.
Открытый интерфейс IServerInformation An interface based on the Information type properties.
Открытый интерфейс IServerPerformanceFacet An interface for the performance facet.
Открытый интерфейс IServerSecurityFacet An interface that defines members for the SeverSecurityFacet.
Открытый интерфейс IServerSelectionFacet The IServerSelectionFacet class contains members that represent the SQL Server policy-based management server selection facet objects.
Открытый интерфейс IServerSettings An interface for SQL Server 2008 Policy-Based Management that is based on Settings.
Открытый интерфейс IServerSetupFacet Represents the Policy-Based Management facet interface for setting up an instance of SQL Server.
Открытый интерфейс ISurfaceAreaFacet An interface that defines surface area facet members.
Открытый интерфейс ITableOptions The ITableOptions class is an interface that represents a collection of options that is associated with a table.
Открытый интерфейс ITextObject The ITextObject class represents the interface that is used to implement text on objects.
Открытый интерфейс IUserOptions The IUserOptions class is an interface that represents a collection of options that is associated with a user.
Открытый интерфейс IViewOptions The IViewOptions class is an interface that represents a collection of options that is associated with a view.


  Делегат Описание
Открытый делегат PercentCompleteEventHandler The PercentCompleteEventHandler class represents the event handler that is used to handle percent complete events.
Открытый делегат ProgressReportEventHandler The ProgressReportEventHandler class represents the event handler that is used to handle progress report events.
Открытый делегат ScriptingErrorEventHandler The ScriptingErrorEventHandler class represents the event handler that is used to handle scripting errors.
Открытый делегат ScriptingFilter Не ссылайтесь на этот элемент непосредственно из кода. Он поддерживает работу инфраструктуры SQL Server. Supplies filtering for scripts.
Открытый делегат ServerEventHandler The ServerEventHandler class represents the event handler that is used to handle server errors.
Открытый делегат SmoApplication. . :: . .AnyObjectEventHandler The SmoApplication..::..AnyObjectEventHandler class represents the event handler that is used to handle events from any object.
Открытый делегат SmoApplication. . :: . .DatabaseEventHandler The SmoApplication..::..DatabaseEventHandler class represents the event handler that handles database events.
Открытый делегат SmoApplication. . :: . .ObjectAlteredEventHandler The SmoApplication..::..ObjectAlteredEventHandler class represents the event handler that is used to handle events that occur when an object is altered.
Открытый делегат SmoApplication. . :: . .ObjectCreatedEventHandler The SmoApplication..::..ObjectCreatedEventHandler class represents the event handler that is used to handle events when an object is created.
Открытый делегат SmoApplication. . :: . .ObjectDroppedEventHandler The SmoApplication..::..ObjectDroppedEventHandler class represents the event handler that is used to handle events when an object is dropped.
Открытый делегат SmoApplication. . :: . .ObjectRenamedEventHandler The SmoApplication..::..ObjectRenamedEventHandler class represents the event handler that handles events that occur when an object is renamed.
Открытый делегат VerifyCompleteEventHandler The VerifyCompleteEventHandler class represents the event handler that handles completion events.


  Перечисление Описание
Открытое перечисление ActivationExecutionContext The ActivationExecutionContext enumeration contains values that specify the security context used by a procedure. These procedures are activated by a service queue.
Открытое перечисление AffinityType The AffinityType enumeration represents the possible affinity settings for an instance of SQL Server.
Открытое перечисление AssemblyAlterOptions The AssemblyAlterOptions enumeration contains values that are used to specify the addition options when modifying an assembly. The values are bit flag values, and they can be combined by adding the values.
Открытое перечисление AssemblySecurityLevel The AssemblySecurityLevel enumeration contains values that are used to specify the access rights for an assembly.
Открытое перечисление AsymmetricKeyEncryptionAlgorithm The AsymmetricKeyEncryptionAlgorithm enumeration contains values that are used to specify an encryption algorithm used on an asymmetric key.
Открытое перечисление AsymmetricKeySourceType The AsymmetricKeySourceType enumeration contains values that are used to specify the source type used to load an asymmetric key.
Открытое перечисление AttachOptions The AttachOptions enumeration contains values that are used to specify attach options.
Открытое перечисление AuditActionType The AuditActionType enumeration contains values that are used to specify the audit action types.
Открытое перечисление AuditDestinationType The AuditDestination enumeration contains values that are used to specify the destination, to which the results of a SQL Server Audit are sent.
Открытое перечисление AuditFileSizeUnit The AuditFileSizeUnit enumeration contains values that are used to specify the unit that specifies the size of the audit file.
Открытое перечисление AuditLevel The AuditLevel enumeration contains values that are used to specify the SQL Server audit level setting.
Открытое перечисление AuditStatusType The AuditStatusType enumeration contains values that are used to specify the status of the audit.
Открытое перечисление BackupActionType The BackupActionType enumeration contains values that are used to specify the type of backup.
Открытое перечисление BackupCompressionOptions The BackupCompressionOptions enumeration contains values that are used to specify the backup compression option.
Открытое перечисление BackupDeviceType The BackupDeviceType enumeration contains values that are used to specify the backup device type.
Защищенное перечисление BackupRestoreBase. . :: . .AsyncOperation The BackupRestoreBase..::..AsyncOperation enumeration contains values that are used to specify which backup components are running asynchronously.
Открытое перечисление BackupSetFlag The BackupSetFlag enumeration contains values that are used to specify the purpose of the backup.
Открытое перечисление BackupSetType The BackupSetType enumeration contains values that are used to specify the backup type.
Открытое перечисление BackupTruncateLogType The BackupTruncateLogType enumeration contains values that are used to specify the truncate action taken on the log.
Открытое перечисление CatalogPopulationAction The CatalogPopulationAction enumeration contains values that are used to specify the method used to populate a full-text catalog.
Открытое перечисление CatalogPopulationStatus The CatalogPopulationStatus enumeration contains values that are used to specify the status of the full-text catalog.
Открытое перечисление CertificateSourceType The CertificateSourceType enumeration contains values that are used to specify the source of the certificate.
Открытое перечисление ChangeTracking The ChangeTracking enumeration contains values that are used to specify change tracking in a full-text index.
Открытое перечисление CollationVersion The CollationVersion enumeration contains values that specify the collation versions.
Открытое перечисление CompatibilityLevel The CompatibilityLevel enumeration is a list of constant values that specify the behavior that corresponds to a version of SQL Server.
Открытое перечисление CreateDispositionType The CreateDispositionType enumeration contains values that are used to specify the source of the symmetric key.
Открытое перечисление DatabaseDdlTriggerExecutionContext The DatabaseDdlTriggerExecutionContext enumeration contains values that are used to specify the execution context under which the database DDL trigger runs.
Открытое перечисление DatabaseEncryptionAlgorithm Specifies the algorithm used to encrypt the database encryption key
Открытое перечисление DatabaseEncryptionState Enumerates the possible encryption states of a database.
Открытое перечисление DatabaseEncryptionType The DatabaseEncryptionType enumeration contains values that are used to specify the encryption types.
Открытое перечисление DatabaseEventType The DatabaseEventType enumeration is a list of constant values that specify the database event type.
Открытое перечисление DatabaseObjectTypes The DatabaseObjectTypes enumeration is a list of constant values that specifies the types of database object.
Открытое перечисление DatabasePermissionSetValue The DatabasePermissionSetValue enumeration is a list of constant values that specify all the database permissions.
Открытое перечисление DatabaseStatus The DatabaseStatus enumeration is a list of constant values that specify the status of a database, whether it be loading, recovering, or normal, for example. This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.
Открытое перечисление DatabaseUserAccess The DatabaseUserAccess enumeration is a list of constant values that specify how user access can be restricted.
Открытое перечисление DataCompressionType The DataCompressionType enumeration contains values that are used to specify the type of data compression used to store data on the physical partition.
Открытое перечисление DependencyType Перечисление DependencyType — это список значений констант, задающих направление операции обнаружения зависимостей.
Открытое перечисление DeviceType The DeviceType enumeration is a list of constant values that specify the various different types of devices supported by SQL Server.
Открытое перечисление Edition The Edition enumeration is a list of constant values that specify the various different types of devices that are supported by SQL Server.
Открытое перечисление EndpointAuthenticationOrder The EndpointAuthenticationOrder enumeration contains values that are used to specify the authentication methods and order of preference for the endpoint connection.
Открытое перечисление EndpointEncryption The EndpointEncryption enumeration contains values that are used to specify the state of encryption on the endpoint.
Открытое перечисление EndpointEncryptionAlgorithm The EndpointEncryptionAlgorithm enumeration contains values that are used to specify an encryption algorithm used on an endpoint.
Открытое перечисление EndpointState The EndpointState enumeration is a list of constant values that specifies the state of the HTTP endpoint.
Открытое перечисление EndpointType The EndpointType enumeration is a list of constant values that specifies the type of HTTP endpoint.
Открытое перечисление EventType The EventType enumeration is a list of constant values that specify the various different types of events that are supported by SQL Server.
Открытое перечисление ExecutionContext The ExecutionContext enumeration is a list of constant values that specify the different types of context (or which role is assumed) when executing a process represented by an object.
Открытое перечисление ExecutionStatus The ExecutionStatus enumeration is a list of constant values that specify the status of an executing process.
Открытое перечисление FileGrowthType The FileGrowthType enumeration is a list of constant values that specify whether file growth is determined by percentage amount or by KB.
Открытое перечисление FilestreamAccessLevelType The FilestreamAccessLevelType enumeration contains values that are used to specify the type of access permitted on file stream operations.
Открытое перечисление FileStreamEffectiveLevel The FileStreamEffectiveLevel enumeration contains values that are used to specify the file stream level.
Открытое перечисление FileStreamLevel The FileStreamLevel enumeration contains values that are used to specify the file stream level.
Открытое перечисление ForeignKeyAction The ForeignKeyAction enumeration is a list of constant values that specify the action that is taken when the primary key reference by a foreign key is updated.
Открытое перечисление FragmentationOption The FragmentationOption enumeration is a list of constant values that specify the levels of detail of collected fragmentation information.
Открытое перечисление FullTextCatalogUpgradeOption The FullTextCatalogUpgradeOption enumeration contains values that are used to specify the action taken when the full-text catalog is upgraded.
Открытое перечисление HttpAuthenticationModes The HttpAuthenticationModes enumeration contains values that specify the HTTP port for HTTP endpoints.
Открытое перечисление HttpPortTypes The HttpPortTypes enumeration contains values that are used to specify the type HTTP port.
Открытое перечисление ImplementationType The ImplementationType enumeration contains values that are used to specify the type of implementation for a stored procedure, a user-defined function, and other objects.
Открытое перечисление IndexEnableAction The IndexEnableAction enumeration contains values that are used to specify the action that is taken on an index when it is enabled after having been disabled.
Открытое перечисление IndexKeyType The IndexKeyType enumeration contains values that are used to specify the type of key on which the index is created.
Открытое перечисление IndexOperation The IndexOperation enumeration contains values that are used to specify index operations.
Открытое перечисление IndexPopulationAction The IndexPopulationAction enumeration contains values that are used to specify the type of Microsoft Search full-text index population.
Открытое перечисление IndexPopulationStatus The IndexPopulationStatus enumeration contains values that are used to specify the type of population in progress.
Открытое перечисление InDoubtTransactionResolutionType Enumerates possible responses to in-doubt transactions.
Открытое перечисление KeyEncryptionType The KeyEncryptionType enumeration is a list of constant values that specify the key encryption type.
Открытое перечисление LinkedTableType The LinkedTableType enumeration contains values that specify the type of table accessed on a linked server.
Открытое перечисление LinkFieldType The LinkFieldType enumeration contains values that specify the type of link field.
Открытое перечисление LockEscalationType An enumeration that lists lock escalation types.
Открытое перечисление LockRequestStatus The LockRequestStatus enumeration contains constant values that specify the lock request status.
Открытое перечисление LoginCreateOptions The LoginCreateOptions enumeration contains values that are used to specify the password options when you create a logon.
Открытое перечисление LoginType The LoginType enumeration contains values that are used to specify the authentication type and the Windows account type.
Открытое перечисление LogReuseWaitStatus The LogReuseWaitStatus enumeration contains values that specify the current operation on which the reuse of transaction log space is waiting.
Открытое перечисление MappedClassType Enumerates credential mapping options.
Открытое перечисление MediaTypes The MediaTypes enumeration contains values that are used to specify the type of media used to store data. This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.
Открытое перечисление MethodLoginType The MethodLoginType enumeration contains values that are used to specify the method used for logging on to the instance of SQL Server.
Открытое перечисление MethodXsdSchemaOption The MethodXsdSchemaOption enumeration contains values that specify the XSD schema returned for a SOAP method.
Открытое перечисление MirroringOption The MirroringOption enumeration contains values that specify the mirroring options for a database.
Открытое перечисление MirroringRole The MirroringRole enumeration contains values that specify the role the database plays in mirroring.
Открытое перечисление MirroringSafetyLevel The MirroringSafetyLevel enumeration contains values that specify the safety guarantee on updates to the mirrored database.
Открытое перечисление MirroringStatus The MirroringStatus enumeration contains values that specify the state of a database regarding mirroring.
Открытое перечисление MirroringWitnessStatus The MirroringWitnessStatus enumeration contains values that specify the state of the mirroring witness.
Открытое перечисление Month The Month enumeration contains constant values that specify the twelve calendar months.
Открытое перечисление NSActivationState The NSActivationState enumeration contains constant values that specify the activation state of Notification Services.
Открытое перечисление NumaNodeAffinity The NumaNodeAffinity enumeration defines the affinity states for a Cpu object.
Открытое перечисление ObjectClass The ObjectClass enumeration contains values that specify the SMO class type.
Открытое перечисление ObjectPermissionSetValue The ObjectPermissionSetValue enumeration is a list of constant values that specify all the object permissions.
Открытое перечисление OnFailureAction The OnFailureAction enumeration contains values that specify the action to be taken when an audit fails.
Открытое перечисление PageVerify The PageVerify enumeration contains constant values that specify the automatic page verification options for a database.
Открытое перечисление PerfMonMode The PerfMonMode enumeration contains values that are used to specify the polling behavior in Performance Monitor.
Открытое перечисление PermissionState The PermissionState enumeration contains values that specify the state of a permission.
Открытое перечисление PlanGuideType Enumerates the possible Plan Guide types.
Открытое перечисление PrincipalType The PrincipalType enumeration contains values that specify the type of user, role, or login.
Открытое перечисление PrivateKeyEncryptionType The PrivateKeyEncryptionType enumeration contains values that are used to specify the encryption types for a private key associated with a certificate or an asymmetric key.
Открытое перечисление PrivilegeTypes The PrivilegeTypes enumeration contains values that are used to specify the operations that the grantee can perform on the specified object when permission is granted.
Открытое перечисление ProtocolType The ProtocolType enumeration contains values that are used to specify the type of protocol.
Открытое перечисление ProviderAuthenticationType Specifies the type of authentication supported by Cryptographic Provider.
Открытое перечисление RangeType The RangeType enumeration contains values that are used to specify the type range.
Открытое перечисление RecoveryModel The RecoveryModel enumeration contains values that are used to specify the type of recovery model.
Открытое перечисление RepairOptions The RepairOptions enumeration contains values that are used to specify the repair options that are used when checking data in a table.
Открытое перечисление RepairStructure The RepairRepairStructure enumeration contains values that are used to specify the type of repair options used when checking data in a table.
Открытое перечисление RepairType The RepairType enumeration contains values that are used to specify the type of repair mode used by the database consistency check (DBCC) functions.
Открытое перечисление ReplicationOptions The ReplicationOptions enumeration contains values that are used to specify the replication settings for the referenced database.
Открытое перечисление ResourceUsage The ResourceUsage enumeration contains values that specify the relative operating system execution priority setting for the Microsoft Search service.
Открытое перечисление RestoreActionType The RestoreActionType enumeration contains values that are used to specify the type of action that is required during a data restore operation.
Открытое перечисление RestoreType The RestoreType enumeration contains values that specify the type of restore operation to perform.
Открытое перечисление ResultFormat The ResultFormat enumeration contains values that specify the format in which to return results for an HTTP endpoint.
Открытое перечисление RetentionPeriodUnits Enumerates values that specify the units for the retention period.
Открытое перечисление RoleTypes The RoleTypes enumeration contains values that are used to specify the type of role.
Открытое перечисление SecondaryXmlIndexType The SecondaryXmlIndexType enumeration contains values that are used to specify the secondary XML index type.
Открытое перечисление ServerDdlTriggerExecutionContext The ServerDdlTriggerExecutionContext enumeration contains values that are used to specify the execution context under which the server DDL trigger runs.
Открытое перечисление ServerLoginMode The ServerLoginMode enumeration contains values that are used to specify the method used to connect to the instance of SQL Server.
Открытое перечисление ServerMirroringRole The ServerMirroringRole enumeration contains values that are used to specify the role of the instance of SQL Server when participating in mirroring.
Открытое перечисление ServerPermissionSetValue The ServerPermissionSetValue enumeration is a list of constant values that specify all the database permissions.
Открытое перечисление ServerStatus The ServerStatus enumeration contains values that are used to specify the status of the instance of SQL Server.
Открытое перечисление ServiceStartMode The ServiceStartMode enumeration contains values that are used to specify the method that is used to start a service.
Открытое перечисление ShrinkMethod The ShrinkMethod enumeration contains values that are used to specify the method that is used shrink a database file.
Открытое перечисление SmoExceptionType The SmoExceptionType enumeration contains values that are used to specify the type of SMO exception.
Открытое перечисление SnapshotIsolationState The SnapshotIsolationState enumeration contains values that are used to specify the current state of snapshot isolation.
Открытое перечисление SortOrder The SortOrder enumeration contains values that specify how objects are sorted in an enumerated list.
Открытое перечисление SpatialGeoLevelSize Enumerates grid density levels for spatial indexes.
Открытое перечисление SpatialIndexType Enumerates possible spatial index types.
Открытое перечисление SqlDataType The SqlDataType enumeration contains values that are used to specify a SQL Server data type.
Открытое перечисление SqlServerVersion The SqlServerVersion enumeration contains values that are used to specify the version of the referenced instance of SQL Server.
Открытое перечисление SqlServerVersions The SqlServerVersions enumeration contains values that are used to specify the version of the referenced instance of SQL Server.
Открытое перечисление SqlSmoState The SqlSmoState enumeration contains values that are used to specify the state of an SMO object.
Открытое перечисление SqlVerifyAction The SqlVerifyAction enumeration contains values that are used to specify the type of backup verification.
Открытое перечисление StatisticsScanType The StatisticsScanType enumeration contains values that specify the ways in which statistical information is collected from tables or views during the creation or update of a statistic counter.
Открытое перечисление StatisticsTarget The StatisticsTarget enumeration contains values that specify the type of statistic that is targeted for the update operation.
Открытое перечисление StopListOption The StopListOption enumeration contains values that are used to specify the way in which a new stop list is created.
Открытое перечисление SymmetricKeyEncryptionAlgorithm The SymmetricKeyEncryptionAlgorithm enumeration contains values that specify the algorithm that is used to encrypt the symmetric key.
Открытое перечисление SymmetricKeyEncryptionType The SymmetricKeyEncryptionType enumeration contains constant values that specify the type of symmetric key encryption.
Открытое перечисление SynonymBaseType The SynonymBaseType enumeration contains constant values that specify the type of synonym.
Открытое перечисление TerminationClause The TerminationClause enumeration contains constant values that specify the action taken when transactions are terminated.
Открытое перечисление TransactionTypes The TransactionTypes enumeration contains constant values that specify the method of recording transactions.
Открытое перечисление UrnIdOption Enumerates URN identification options.
Открытое перечисление UserDefinedFunctionType The UserDefinedFunctionType enumeration is a list of constant values that specify the types of user-defined functions that are supported by SQL Server.
Открытое перечисление UserDefinedTypeFormat The UserDefinedTypeFormat enumeration is a list of constant values that specify the formats used by user-defined types.
Открытое перечисление UserType The UserType enumeration contains constant values that specify the security type for the user.
Открытое перечисление WindowsLoginAccessType The WindowsLoginAccessType enumeration contains constant values that specify the type of access a Windows login has to the instance of SQL Server.
Открытое перечисление WorkloadGroupImportance The WorkloadGroupImportance enumeration contains values that specify the importance of workload groups.
Открытое перечисление WsdlGeneratorOption The WsdlGeneratorOption enumeration contains constant values that specify the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) generator options.
Открытое перечисление XmlDocumentConstraint The XmlDocumentConstraint enumeration contains constant values that specify the constraints imposed on an XML document.
Открытое перечисление XmlFormatOption The WsdlGeneratorOption enumeration contains constant values that specify the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) generator options.
Открытое перечисление XmlTypeDerivation The XmlTypeDerivation enumeration contains constant values that specify the XML type derivation.
Открытое перечисление XmlTypeKind The XmlTypeKind enumeration contains constant values that specify the kind of XML component.
Открытое перечисление XsdSchemaOption The XsdSchemaOption enumeration contains constant values that specify whether an inline schema for the method result is returned in the SOAP response.