Элементы JobServer
The JobServer object represents the SQL Server Agent subsystem and the msdb database.
Тип JobServer предоставляет доступ к следующим элементам.
Имя | Описание | |
AddDatabaseContext | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
Alter | Updates any JobServer object property changes on an instance of SQL Server. | |
AlterImpl | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
AlterImplFinish | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
AlterImplInit | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
AlterImplWorker | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
BindDefaultImpl | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
BindRuleImpl | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
CheckCollation | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
CheckObjectState() () () () | Validates the state of the referenced object. (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
CheckObjectState(Boolean) | Validates the state of the referenced object with the option to specify that an exception is thrown if the object is not yet created. (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
CheckObjectStateImpl | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
CheckVersion100 | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
CheckVersion80 | Checks the validity of the object on SQL Server 2000. (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
CheckVersion80SP3 | Checks the validity of the object on SQL Server 2000 SP3. (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
CheckVersion90 | Check the validity of the object on SQL Server 2005. (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
CheckVersionBelow90 | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
CleanObject | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
ClearHostLoginAccount | Clears the host login account and uses integrated security to log in to SQL Server. | |
ClearMsxAccount | Clears the master server login account and uses integrated security to log in to the master server. | |
CreateImpl | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
CreateImplFinish | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
CreateImplInit | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
CycleErrorLog | Closes and renames the current error log, and then creates a new empty error log file. | |
Discover | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
DropImpl | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
DropImplWorker | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
DropJobByID | Removes the job with the specified ID value. | |
DropJobsByLogin | Removes the job with the specified login name. | |
DropJobsByServer | Removes the job with the specified server. | |
EnumErrorLogs | Enumerates a list of SQL Server Agent error log information. | |
EnumJobHistory() () () () | Enumerates a list of SQL Server Agent job history information. | |
EnumJobHistory(JobHistoryFilter) | Enumerates a list of job history information. | |
EnumJobs() () () () | Enumerates a list of information about the current job. | |
EnumJobs(JobFilter) | Enumerates a list of information about current jobs. | |
EnumPerformanceCounters() () () () | Enumerates a list of SQL Server Agent performance counter information. | |
EnumPerformanceCounters(String) | Enumerates a list of SQL Server Agent performance counter information for the specified object. | |
EnumPerformanceCounters(String, String) | Enumerates a list of SQL Server Agent performance counter information for the specified object and specified counter. | |
EnumPerformanceCounters(String, String, String) | Enumerates a list of SQL Server Agent performance counter information for the specified object, specified counter, and specified instance of SQL Server. | |
EnumScriptImpl | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
EnumScriptImplWorker | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
EnumSubSystems | Enumerates a list of SQL Server Agent execution subsystems. | |
Equals | (Наследуется из Object.) | |
Finalize | (Наследуется из Object.) | |
FormatSqlVariant | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
GenerateDataSpaceFileStreamScript | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
GenerateDataSpaceScript | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
GetBindDefaultScript | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
GetBindRuleScript | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
GetBoolParameter(StringBuilder, ScriptingOptions, String, String, Int32%) | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
GetBoolParameter(StringBuilder, ScriptingOptions, String, String, Int32%, Boolean) | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
GetDateTimeParameter | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
GetDateTimeParameterAsInt | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
GetDBName | Gets the database name that is associated with the object. (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
GetEnumParameter | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
GetFragOptionString | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
GetGuidParameter | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
GetHashCode | (Наследуется из Object.) | |
GetJobByID | Returns a job with the specified ID value. | |
GetParameter(StringBuilder, ScriptingOptions, String, String, Int32%) | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
GetParameter(StringBuilder, ScriptingOptions, String, String, Int32%, Boolean) | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
GetPropValue | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
GetPropValueOptional | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
GetPropValueOptionalAllowNull | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
GetRealValue | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
GetScriptingOptionsForCreate | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
GetServerName | Gets the name of the instance of SQL Server with which the object is associated. (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
GetServerObject | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
GetSqlServerVersionName | Gets the version name of the instance of SQL Server with which the object is associated. (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
GetStringParameter(StringBuilder, ScriptingOptions, String, String, Int32%) | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
GetStringParameter(StringBuilder, ScriptingOptions, String, String, Int32%, Boolean) | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
GetTimeSpanParameterAsInt | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
GetType | (Наследуется из Object.) | |
GetUrnRecursive(StringBuilder) | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
GetUrnRecursive(StringBuilder, UrnIdOption) | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
ImplInitialize | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
Initialize() () () () | Initializes the object and forces the properties be loaded. (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
Initialize(Boolean) | Initializes the object and forces the properties be loaded. (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
IsObjectDirty | Verifies whether the object properties have been modified and the changes have not yet been persisted on the instance of SQL Server. (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
IsObjectInitialized | Verifies whether the object has been initialized. (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
IsObjectInSpace | Verifies whether the object is isolated or connected to the instance of SQL Server. (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
IsVersion80SP3 | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
MarkDropped | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
MarkForDropImpl | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
MemberwiseClone | (Наследуется из Object.) | |
MsxDefect() () () () | Ends SQL Server Agent participation in a multiserver administration group. | |
MsxDefect(Boolean) | Ends SQL Server Agent participation in a multiserver administration group with the option to force defection. | |
MsxEnlist | Enlists SQL Server Agent as a target server with the specified master server in a multiserver administration. | |
PostAlter | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
PostCreate | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
PostDrop | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
PurgeJobHistory() () () () | Removes all logged records of SQL Server Agent jobs. | |
PurgeJobHistory(JobHistoryFilter) | Removes all logged records of SQL Server Agent jobs as specified by a filter. | |
ReadErrorLog() () () () | Enumerates the error log. | |
ReadErrorLog(Int32) | Enumerates the error log. | |
ReassignJobsByLogin | Changes ownership for any SQL Server Agent job currently owned by a SQL Server login. | |
Refresh | Refreshes the object and retrieves properties when the object is next accessed. (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
RemoveJobByID | Removes a job with a specified ID value. | |
RemoveJobsByLogin | Removes a job with a specified login. | |
Script() () () () | Generates a Transact-SQL script that can be used to re-create SQL Server Agent. | |
Script(ScriptingOptions) | Generates a Transact-SQL script that can be used to re-create SQL Server Agent as specified by the scripting options. | |
ScriptAlter | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
ScriptCreate | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
ScriptDdl | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
ScriptDrop | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
ScriptImpl() () () () | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
ScriptImpl(ScriptingOptions) | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
ScriptImplWorker | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
SetHostLoginAccount | Sets the SQL Server authentication account and password used to log in to SQL Server. | |
SetMsxAccount(String) | Sets the name of the credentials used to log in to the master server in multiserver administration. | |
SetMsxAccount(String, String) | Sets the name of the credentials used to log in to the master server in multiserver administration. | |
SetParentImpl | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
StartMonitor | Starts monitoring the local SQL Server Agent Service by an instance of SQL Server. | |
StopMonitor | Ends monitoring the local SQL Server Agent Service by an instance of SQL Server. | |
TestMailProfile | Tests the validity of an e-mail profile. | |
TestNetSend | Tests the validity of a net send address. | |
ToString | Returns a String that represents the referenced object. (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
TouchImpl | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
UnbindDefaultImpl | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
UnbindRuleImpl | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
Validate | (Наследуется из SmoObjectBase.) |
В начало
Имя | Описание | |
AgentDomainGroup | Gets the SQL Server Agent domain group. | |
AgentLogLevel | Gets or sets the type of messages that are logged by SQL Server Agent. | |
AgentMailType | Gets or sets the mail type for SQL Server Agent. | |
AgentShutdownWaitTime | Gets or sets the time that SQL Server Agent waits for jobs to complete execution before shutting down. | |
AlertCategories | Represents a collection of AlertCategory objects. Each AlertCategory object represents an alert category defined on SQL Server Agent. | |
Alerts | Represents a collection of Alert objects. Each Alert object represents an alert defined on SQL Server Agent. | |
AlertSystem | The AlertSystem object stores information that applies to all the alerts defined on SQL Server Agent. | |
DatabaseMailProfile | Gets or sets a Database Mail profile. | |
ErrorLogFile | Gets or sets the name and path of the file in which SQL Server Agent records errors. | |
ExecuteForScalar | Gets or sets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the object is set to the execute for scalar option. (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
HostLoginName | Gets or sets the login used to log in to SQL Server. | |
IdleCpuDuration | Gets or sets the length of time in seconds that the processor must have to maintain the CPU idle percentage value before the processor is considered idle. | |
IdleCpuPercentage | Gets or sets the CPU idle percentage threshold that the processor is required to achieve before it is considered idle. | |
IsCpuPollingEnabled | Gets or sets the Boolean property value that specifies whether CPU polling is enabled. | |
IsTouched | Gets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the object properties have been updated but not yet persisted on the server. (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
JobCategories | Represents a collection of JobCategory objects. Each JobCategory object represents a job category defined on SQL Server Agent. | |
Jobs | Represents a collection of Job objects. Each Job object represents a job defined on SQL Server Agent. | |
JobServerType | Gets or sets the type of job server with regard to multiserver administration. | |
LocalHostAlias | Gets or sets the local host alias that is used to connect to the local instance of SQL Server. | |
LoginTimeout | Gets or sets the number of seconds after which an attempt to connect times out. | |
MaximumHistoryRows | Gets or sets the maximum number of history rows retained. | |
MaximumJobHistoryRows | Gets or sets the maximum number of history rows retained per job. | |
MsxAccountCredentialName | Gets or sets the Windows account required to connect to the master server using Windows Authentication. | |
MsxAccountName | Gets or sets the login required to connect to the master server using SQL Server Authentication. | |
MsxServerName | Gets or sets the name of the master server participating in multiserver administration. | |
Name | Gets the name of the SQL Server Agent service. | |
NetSendRecipient | Gets or sets the recipient of net send messages. | |
ObjectInSpace | Gets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the object exists in isolation, or whether it is directly or indirectly connected to the instance of SQL Server. (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
OperatorCategories | Represents a collection of OperatorCategory objects. Each OperatorCategory object represents an operator category defined on SQL Server Agent. | |
Operators | Represents a collection of Operator objects. Each Operator object represents an operator defined on SQL Server Agent. | |
Parent | Gets the Server object that is the parent of the JobServer object. | |
Properties | Gets a collection of Property objects that represent the object properties. (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
ProxyAccounts | Represents a collection of ProxyAccount objects. Each ProxyAccount object represents a proxy account defined on SQL Server Agent. | |
ReplaceAlertTokensEnabled | ||
SaveInSentFolder | Gets or sets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the notifications are saved. | |
ScalarResult | Gets the scalar result for the referenced object. (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
ServiceAccount | Gets the account under which the SQL Server Agent service runs | |
ServiceStartMode | Gets the mode used to start the SQL Server Agent service. | |
SharedSchedules | Represents a collection of JobSchedule objects. Each JobSchedule object represents a shared schedule defined on SQL Server Agent. | |
SqlAgentAutoStart | Gets or sets the Boolean property value that specifies whether SQL Server Agent is automatically started. | |
SqlAgentMailProfile | Gets or sets a SQL Server Agent mail profile. | |
SqlAgentRestart | Gets or sets the Boolean property value that specifies whether SQL Server Agent is monitored and restarted if it stops. | |
SqlServerRestart | Gets or sets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the SQL Server Service is monitored and restarted if it stops. | |
State | Gets the state of the referenced object. (Наследуется из SmoObjectBase.) | |
SysAdminOnly | Gets the Boolean property value that specifies whether CmdExec and ActiveX commands can only be executed by members of the sysadmin fixed server role. | |
TargetServerGroups | Represents a collection of TargetServerGroup objects. Each TargetServerGroup object represents a target server group defined on SQL Server Agent. | |
TargetServers | Represents a collection of TargetServer objects. Each TargetServer object represents a target server defined on SQL Server Agent. | |
Urn | Gets the Uniform Resource Name (URN) address value that uniquely identifies the object. (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
UserData | Gets or sets user-defined data associated with the referenced object. (Наследуется из SmoObjectBase.) | |
WriteOemErrorLog | Gets or sets the Boolean property value that specifies whether to write the error log to a non-Unicode file or not. |
В начало
Имя | Описание | |
PropertyChanged | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
PropertyMetadataChanged | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) |
В начало
Явные реализации интерфейса
Имя | Описание | |
IAlienObjectDiscover | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
IAlienObjectGetParent | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
IAlienObjectGetProperty | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
ISfcPropertyProviderGetPropertySet | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
IAlienObjectGetUrn | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
IAlienObjectResolve | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) | |
IAlienObjectSetProperty | (Наследуется из SqlSmoObject.) |
В начало