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Конструктор ReportRenderingException

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Creates a new instance of the ReportRenderingException class.

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  Имя Описание
Открытый метод ReportRenderingException(ErrorCode) Creates a new instance of the ReportRenderingException class with the specified error code.
Открытый метод ReportRenderingException(Exception) Creates a new instance of the ReportRenderingException class with the specified inner exception.
Открытый метод ReportRenderingException(String) Creates a new instance of the ReportRenderingException class with the specified error message.
Открытый метод ReportRenderingException(ErrorCode, Exception) Creates a new instance of the ReportRenderingException class with the specified error code and inner exception.
Открытый метод ReportRenderingException(ErrorCode, array<Object[]) Creates a new instance of the ReportRenderingException class with the specified error code and arguments for formatting the error message.
Открытый метод ReportRenderingException(Exception, Boolean) Creates a new instance of the ReportRenderingException class with the specified inner exception and flag indicating whether the exception is unexpected.
Защищенный метод ReportRenderingException(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) Инфраструктура. Creates a new instance of the ReportRenderingException class with serialized data.
Открытый метод ReportRenderingException(String, Boolean) Creates a new instance of the ReportRenderingException class with the specified error message and flag indicating whether the exception is unexpected.
Открытый метод ReportRenderingException(String, Exception) Creates a new instance of the ReportRenderingException class with the specified error message and inner exception.
Открытый метод ReportRenderingException(ErrorCode, Exception, Boolean) Creates a new instance of the ReportRenderingException class with the specified error code, inner exception, and flag indicating whether the exception is unexpected.
Открытый метод ReportRenderingException(ErrorCode, String, Boolean) Creates a new instance of the ReportRenderingException class with the specified error code, error message, and flag indicating whether the exception is unexpected.
Открытый метод ReportRenderingException(String, Exception, Boolean) Creates a new instance of the ReportRenderingException class with the specified error message, inner exception, and flag indicating whether the exception is unexpected.
Открытый метод ReportRenderingException(ErrorCode, String, Exception, Boolean) Creates a new instance of the ReportRenderingException class with the specified error code, error message, inner exception, and flag indicating whether the exception is unexpected.

В начало

См. также


ReportRenderingException Класс

Пространство имен Microsoft.ReportingServices.OnDemandReportRendering