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Managing DPM Performance on a WAN

Назначение: System Center Data Protection Manager 2010

Performance is a serious consideration when the DPM server and the servers that it is protecting are connected by low-speed wide area network (WAN) links, particularly for resource-intensive jobs such as replica creation and consistency checks. For example, transferring a 20 GB volume across a 512 Kbps link would take at least 120 hours.

In this network configuration, you should enable compression for all protection groups. For replica creation of volumes larger than 5 GB, we recommend that you create the replica manually.

Improving usage of WAN latency

If your deployment of DPM disaster recovery requires DPM to send large amounts to data over a WAN, you can improve DPM’s use of your WAN latency by adjusting the following registry settings

On the remote DPM server:



On the DPM server:


Example: The following settings over a 100 Mbps link with 40 ms latency, gives the following results.


On the remote DPM server: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\TcpWindowSize


On both the DPM servers: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\TcpWindowSize\Tcp1323Opts



One job running

3.45 MB/sec

Three jobs running

~3 MB/sec/job