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How to Read a Configuration Manager Site Control File Embedded Property

Applies To: System Center Configuration Manager 2007, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R3, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP1, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP2

In Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007, you read an embedded property from a site control file resource by getting the SMS_EmbeddedProperty object for the embedded object from the resources Props property array.

An embedded property has the following properties that you can read. For more information, see SMS_EmbeddedProperty.

Value Description


The embedded property name.


An integer value.


A string value.


A string value.

To read a site control file embedded property.

  1. Set up a connection to the SMS Provider. For more information, see About the SMS Provider in Configuration Manager.

  2. Using the connection object from step one, get a site control file resource. For more information, see About the Configuration Manager Site Control File.

  3. Get the SMS_EmbeddedProperty for the required embedded property.


The following example method populates the supplied value, value1 and value2 parameters with the values of the embedded property identified by the propertyName parameter. true is returned if the embedded property is found; otherwise, false is returned.

You can update the embedded property returned from this method by using the method in How to Write a Configuration Manager Site Control File Embedded Property.

To view code that calls these methods, see How to Read and Write to the Configuration Manager Site Control File by Using Managed Code.

For information about calling the sample code, see Calling Configuration Manager Code Snippets.

Function GetScfProperty(resource,  _
        propertyName,               _
        ByRef value,                _
        ByRef value1,               _
        ByRef value2)         
    Dim scfProperty

    For Each scfProperty in resource.Props
        if scfProperty.PropertyName = propertyName Then
            ' Found the property, so populate values and exit.
            value = scfProperty.Value 
            value1 = scfProperty.Value1 
            value2 = scfProperty.Value2 
            GetScfProperty = true
            Exit Function
        End If    
    ' Did not find the property.
    GetScfProperty = false    
End Function           
public bool GetScfEmbeddedProperty(
    IResultObject resource,
    string propertyName,
    ref int value,
    ref string value1,
    ref string value2)

    value = 0;
    value1 = "";
    value2 = "";
        // Find the property.
        if (resource.EmbeddedProperties.ContainsKey(propertyName))
            value = resource.EmbeddedProperties[propertyName]["Value"].IntegerValue;
            value1 = resource.EmbeddedProperties[propertyName]["Value1"].StringValue;
            value2 = resource.EmbeddedProperties[propertyName]["Value2"].StringValue;
            return true;
    catch(SmsException e)
        Console.WriteLine("Error: " + e.Message);

    // Either the property or property array does not exist.
    return false;

The example method has the following parameters:





  • Managed: IResultObject

  • VBScript: SWbemObject

The site control file resource that contains the embedded property. For more information, see How to Read and Write to the Configuration Manager Site Control File by Using Managed Code.


  • Managed: String

  • VBScript: String

The embedded property to be written to.


  • Managed: Integer

  • VBScript: Integer

The SMS_EmbeddedProperty class value property value.


  • Managed: String

  • VBScript: String

The SMS_EmbeddedProperty class value1 property value.


  • Managed: String

  • VBScript: String

The SMS_EmbeddedProperty class value2 property value.

Compiling the Code

The C# example has the following compilation requirements:











Robust Programming

For more information about error handling, see About Configuration Manager Errors.


For more information about securing Configuration Manager applications, see About Securing Configuration Manager Applications.

See Also


How to Write a Configuration Manager Site Control File Embedded Property
How to Write a Configuration Manager Site Control File Embedded Property List


About the Configuration Manager Site Control File
How to Read a Configuration Manager Site Control File Embedded Property List
How to Read a Configuration Manager Site Control File Embedded RegMultiString List
How to Write a Configuration Manager Site Control File Embedded RegMultiString List
How to Read and Write to the Configuration Manager Site Control File by Using Managed Code
How to Read and Write to the Configuration Manager Site Control File by Using WMI