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Applies To: System Center 2016 - Service Provider Foundation, System Center Technical Preview


Reads, creates, updates, or deletes user roles for Virtual Machine Manager (VMM).

HTTP Verbs

Yes Yes Yes Yes


Reads the specified user role or all user roles that are associated with a profile.

Entity Properties

Name Type Mandatory Description
ID Edm.Guid No The identifier of the user role
UserRoleProfile Edm.String No The name of a user role to filter on
Name Edm.String No The name of the user role


Creates a new user role with the specified rights.

Entity Properties

Name Type Mandatory Description
Name Edm.String Yes The name of the user role
UserRoleProfile Edm.String Yes The user role profile that this user role will belong to
Description Edm.String No A description of the user role


Updates an existing user role with new memberships, resources, scope, and quota points.

Entity Properties

Name Type Mandatory Description
ID Edm.Guid Yes The identifier of the user role to update
Name Edm.String No The name of the user role
Description Edm.String No The description of the user role
UserRoleDataPath UserRoleDataPath[] Yes Library share paths that the user role can use to upload their data to.

 Collection may be empty.
PermissionInput UserRolePermission[] Yes Permissions associated with the user role.

 Collection may be empty.
AddMember Edm.String[] Yes Identifiers of each member that will be added to this user role.

 Collection may be empty.
RemoveMember Edm.String[] Yes Identifiers of each member that will be removed from this user role.

 Collection may be empty.
AddResource UserRoleResource[] Yes Resources that will be added to this user role.

 Collection may be empty.
RemoveResource UserRoleResourcep[] Yes Resources that will be removed from this user role.

 Collection may be empty.
AddScope UserRoleScope[] Yes Adds the specified scopes to the user role.

 Collection may be empty.
RemoveScope UserRoleScope[] Yes Removes the identified scopes from this user role.

 Collection may be empty.
VMNetworkQuota VMNetworkQuota[] Yes Specifies the quotas to be associated with this user role.

 Collection may be empty.
CloudPermissionInput TBD No TBD
AddCloudResourceExtension TBD No TBD
RemoveCloudResourceExtension TBD No TBD


Deletes the specified user role.

Entity Properties

Name Type Mandatory Description
ID Edm.Guid Yes The identifier of the user role to delete

See Also

VMM Collections Reference R2