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Executes the specified command using the IOleCommandTarget::Exec method.

HRESULT ExecFormsCommand(
   DWORD dwCommandID,
   VARIANT* pVarIn,
   VARIANT* pVarOut


  • dwCommandID
    The command to be executed. This command must belong to the CMDSETID3_Forms3 group.

  • pVarIn
    Pointer to a VARIANT structure containing input arguments. Can be NULL.

  • pVarOut
    Pointer to a VARIANT structure to receive command output. Can be NULL.

Возвращаемое значение

A standard HRESULT value. For a complete listing of possible values, see IOleCommandTarget::Exec in the Windows SDK.


ExecFormsCommand implements the behavior of the IOleCommandTarget::Exec method.


Header: afxhtml.h

См. также

Основные понятия

CHtmlView Class

CHtmlView Members

Hierarchy Chart
