Поделиться через

_cputs, _cputws

Puts a string to the console.

int _cputs( 
   const char *str 
int _cputws(
   const wchar_t *str 


  • str
    Output string.

Возвращаемое значение

If successful, _cputs returns 0. If the function fails, it returns a nonzero value.


The _cputs function writes the null-terminated string pointed to by str directly to the console. A carriage return–line feed (CR-LF) combination is not automatically appended to the string.

This function validates its parameter. If str is NULL, the invalid parameter handler is invoked, as described in Parameter Validation. If execution is allowed to continue, errno is set to EINVAL and -1 is returned.

Generic-Text Routine Mappings

Tchar.h routine

_UNICODE and _MBCS not defined

_MBCS defined

_UNICODE defined







Required header

Optional header







For more compatibility information, see Compatibility in the Introduction.


All versions of the C run-time libraries.


// crt_cputs.c
// compile with: /c
// This program first displays a string to the console.

#include <conio.h>
#include <errno.h>

void print_to_console(char* buffer)
   int retval;
   retval = _cputs( buffer );
   if (retval)
       if (errno == EINVAL)
         _cputs( "Invalid buffer in print_to_console.\r\n");
         _cputs( "Unexpected error in print_to_console.\r\n");

void wprint_to_console(wchar_t* wbuffer)
   int retval;
   retval = _cputws( wbuffer );
   if (retval)
       if (errno == EINVAL)
         _cputws( L"Invalid buffer in wprint_to_console.\r\n");
         _cputws( L"Unexpected error in wprint_to_console.\r\n");

int main()
   // String to print at console. 
   // Note the \r (return) character. 
   char* buffer = "Hello world (courtesy of _cputs)!\r\n";
   wchar_t *wbuffer = L"Hello world (courtesy of _cputws)!\r\n";
   wprint_to_console( wbuffer );


Hello world (courtesy of _cputs)!
Hello world (courtesy of _cputws)!

См. также

Основные понятия

Console and Port I/O

_putch, _putwch