Поделиться через

_rotl, _rotl64, _rotr_rotr64

Rotates bits to the left (_rotl) or right (_rotr).

unsigned int _rotl(
   unsigned int value,
   int shift 
unsigned __int64 _rotl64(
   unsigned __int64 value, 
   int shift
unsigned int _rotr(
   unsigned int value,
   int shift 
unsigned __int64 _rotl64(
   unsigned __int64 value,
   int shift


  • value
    Value to be rotated.

  • shift
    Number of bits to shift.

Возвращаемое значение

The rotated value. There is no error return.


The _rotl and _rotr functions rotate the unsigned value by shift bits. _rotl rotates the value left. _rotr rotates the value right. Both functions wrap bits rotated off one end of value to the other end.



Required header

_rotl, _rotl64


_rotr, _rotr64


For more compatibility information, see Compatibility in the Introduction.


All versions of the C run-time libraries.


// crt_rot.c
/* This program shifts values to rotate an integer.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main( void )
   unsigned val = 0x0fd93;
   __int64 val2 = 0x0101010101010101;

   printf( "0x%4.4x rotated left three times is 0x%4.4x\n", 
           val, _rotl( val, 3 ) );
   printf( "0x%4.4x rotated right four times is 0x%4.4x\n", 
           val, _rotr( val, 4 ) );

   printf( "%I64x rotated left three times is %I64x\n",
           val2, _rotl64( val2, 3 ) );
   printf( "%I64x rotated right four times is %I64x\n", 
           val2, _rotr64( val2, 4 ) );


0xfd93 rotated left three times is 0x7ec98
0xfd93 rotated right four times is 0x30000fd9
101010101010101 rotated left three times is 808080808080808
101010101010101 rotated right four times is 1010101010101010

Эквивалент в .NET Framework

Not applicable. To call the standard C function, use PInvoke. For more information, see Platform Invoke Examples.

См. также

Основные понятия

Floating-Point Support

_lrotl, _lrotr