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Converts (maps) a set of points from the coordinate space of the CWnd to the coordinate space of another window.

void MapWindowPoints(
   CWnd* pwndTo,
   LPRECT lpRect 
) const;
void MapWindowPoints(
   CWnd* pwndTo,
   LPPOINT lpPoint,
   UINT nCount 
) const;


  • pwndTo
    Identifies the window to which points are converted. If this parameter is NULL, the points are converted to screen coordinates.

  • lpRect
    Specifies the rectangle whose points are to be converted. The first version of this function is available only for Windows 3.1 and later.

  • lpPoint
    A pointer to an array of POINT structures that contain the set of points to be converted.

  • nCount
    Specifies the number of POINT structures in the array pointed to by lpPoint.


Header: afxwin.h

См. также

Основные понятия

CWnd Class

CWnd Members

Hierarchy Chart


