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Exposes the functionality of the linker options.

Универсальный тип VCLinkerTool предоставляет следующий члены.


  Имя Описание
Открытый метод get_PropertyOption Инфраструктура. Microsoft Internal Use Only.

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  Имя Описание
Открытое свойство AdditionalDependencies Gets or sets additional configuration-specific items to add to the link line, such as comdlg32.lib or kernel32.lib.
Открытое свойство AdditionalLibraryDirectories Gets or sets one or more additional paths (configuration specific) to search for libraries.
Открытое свойство AdditionalManifestDependencies Gets or sets the additional XML manifest fragments that the linker will add to the manifest file.
Открытое свойство AdditionalOptions Gets or sets options to add to the end of the command line immediately before the file name(s). An example is if an option is not supported in the object model.
Открытое свойство AddModuleNamesToAssembly Gets or sets the specified non-assembly file in the final output.
Открытое свойство AllowIsolation Gets or sets a value indicating whether to lookup a manifest file without side-by-side assemblies.
Открытое свойство AssemblyDebug Gets or sets a value indicating the level of debugging support.
Открытое свойство AssemblyLinkResource Gets or sets a value specifying a resource file to link to the output assembly.
Открытое свойство BaseAddress Gets or sets a base address for the program, overriding the default location for an .exe file (at 0x400000) or a DLL (at 0x10000000).
Открытое свойство CLRImageType Gets or sets a value indicating the type of a CLR image.
Открытое свойство CLRThreadAttribute Gets or sets a value indicating the threading attribute for the entry point of your CLR program.
Открытое свойство CLRUnmanagedCodeCheck Determines whether /CLRUNMANAGEDCODECHECK is in effect or not.
Открытое свойство DelayLoadDLLs Gets or sets one or more DLLs for delayed loading.
Открытое свойство DelaySign Gets or sets a value indicating whether space should be reserved in the assembly file of a COM wrapper for the later addition of the digital signature with a strong name. This property is meaningful only in Visual C# projects.
Открытое свойство driver Gets or sets a value which indicates to the linker which type of driver is being linked.
Открытое свойство EmbedManagedResourceFile Gets or sets the specified embedded .NET (or .NET Framework) resource file.
Открытое свойство EnableCOMDATFolding Removes redundant COMDAT symbols from the linker output.
Открытое свойство EntryPointSymbol Gets or sets the starting address (entry point) for an .exe file or DLL.
Открытое свойство ErrorReporting Sets or gets the current linker error reporting setting.
Открытое свойство ExecutionBucket Инфраструктура. Microsoft Internal Use Only.
Открытое свойство FixedBaseAddress Gets or sets a value indicating whether an image must be loaded at a fixed address.
Открытое свойство ForceSymbolReferences Gets or sets the linker or librarian to include a reference to this symbol.
Открытое свойство FunctionOrder Gets or sets COMDATs (functions) in the image in a predetermined order.
Открытое свойство GenerateDebugInformation Gets or sets a value enabling generation of debug information.
Открытое свойство GenerateManifest Gets or sets a value indicating whether the linker should generate a manifest file.
Открытое свойство GenerateMapFile Gets or sets a value indicating whether a map file is generated during linking.
Открытое свойство HeapCommitSize Gets or sets a value specifying total heap allocation size in physical memory.
Открытое свойство HeapReserveSize Gets or sets a value specifying total heap allocation size in virtual memory.
Открытое свойство IgnoreAllDefaultLibraries Gets or sets a value indicating to the linker or librarian to ignore all default libraries.
Открытое свойство IgnoreDefaultLibraryNames Gets or sets one or more default libraries to ignore.
Открытое свойство IgnoreEmbeddedIDL Gets or sets a value indicating whether to ignore embedded .idlsym sections of object files.
Открытое свойство IgnoreImportLibrary Gets or sets a value indicating whether the import library generated by this configuration should not be imported into dependent projects.
Открытое свойство ImportLibrary Gets or sets a value specifying which import libraries to generate.
Открытое свойство KeyContainer Gets or sets the named container of the key for strongly naming the output assembly.
Открытое свойство KeyFile Gets or sets the file that contains the key for strongly naming the output assembly.
Открытое свойство LargeAddressAware Gets or sets a value to enable handling addresses larger than 2 GB.
Открытое свойство LinkDLL Gets or sets a value specifying whether to build a DLL as the main output.
Открытое свойство LinkIncremental Gets or sets a value enabling incremental linking.
Открытое свойство LinkLibraryDependencies Sets or gets whether there are link library dependencies.
Открытое свойство LinkTimeCodeGeneration Gets or sets a value enabling link time code generation of objects compiled with /GL (Whole Program Optimization).
Открытое свойство ManifestFile Gets or sets the name of the manifest file to generate.
Открытое свойство MapExports Gets or sets a value indicating whether to include exported functions in map file information.
Открытое свойство MapFileName Gets or sets the name for the mapfile.
Открытое свойство MergedIDLBaseFileName Specifies the base name of the .idl file that contains the contents of the merged IDLSYM sections.
Открытое свойство MergeSections Causes the linker to merge section from into section to; if section to does not exist, section from is renamed to.
Открытое свойство MidlCommandFile Specifies a response file for MIDL commands to use.
Открытое свойство ModuleDefinitionFile Gets or sets the specified module definition file during executable creation.
Открытое свойство OptimizeForWindows98 Gets or sets code on 4-KB boundaries. This improves performance on Windows 98 systems.
Открытое свойство OptimizeReferences Enables elimination of functions or data that are never referenced.
Открытое свойство OutputFile Overrides the default output file name; the default is based on the first .lib or .obj name on the command line.
Открытое свойство Profile Gets or sets a value indicating whether to produce an output file that can be used with the Enterprise Developer performance profiler.
Открытое свойство ProfileGuidedDatabase Gets or sets the database file to use when using profile-guided optimizations.
Открытое свойство ProgramDatabaseFile Enables generation of a program database .pdb file.
Открытое свойство RegisterOutput Gets or sets a value indicating whether the primary project output should be registered by using Regsvr32 after deployment.
Открытое свойство ResourceOnlyDLL Creates a DLL with no entry point. Setting this to true creates a resource-only DLL.
Открытое свойство SetChecksum Gets or sets a value enabling the setting of the checksum in the header of an .exe file.
Открытое свойство ShowProgress Gets or sets a value that enables a detailed display about linker progress.
Открытое свойство StackCommitSize Gets or sets a value indicating the total stack allocation size in physical memory.
Открытое свойство StackReserveSize Gets or sets the total stack allocation size in virtual memory.
Открытое свойство StripPrivateSymbols Do not put private symbols in the specified, generated .pdb file.
Открытое свойство SubSystem Gets or sets a subsystem for the linker.
Открытое свойство SupportUnloadOfDelayLoadedDLL Gets or sets a value indicating whether explicit unloading of the delayed load DLLs is allowed.
Открытое свойство SuppressStartupBanner Gets or sets a value indicating whether to suppress the display of the startup banner and information messages.
Открытое свойство SwapRunFromCD Gets or sets a value indicating whether to run the application from the swap location of the CD.
Открытое свойство SwapRunFromNet Gets or sets a value indicating if the application should be run from the swap location of the network.
Открытое свойство TargetMachine Gets or sets a value specifying the subsystem for the linker.
Открытое свойство TerminalServerAware Enables terminal server awareness.
Открытое свойство ToolKind Gets the name of the kind of tool this is.
Открытое свойство toolName Gets the name of the specified tool.
Открытое свойство ToolPath Gets the path to the specified tool.
Открытое свойство TurnOffAssemblyGeneration Gets or sets a value specifying that no assembly will be generated although the common language runtime information is present in the object files.
Открытое свойство TypeLibraryFile Gets or sets a value that specifies the name of the type library file.
Открытое свойство TypeLibraryResourceID Gets or sets a value that specifies the ID number to assign to the .tlb file in the compiled resources.
Открытое свойство UseLibraryDependencyInputs Sets or gets whether independent linking of libraries is enabled.
Открытое свойство UseUnicodeResponseFiles Sets or gets whether to use unicode response files.
Открытое свойство VCProjectEngine Gets a pointer to the project engine.
Открытое свойство Version Gets or sets a value as the version number in the image header.

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См. также


VCLinkerTool Интерфейс

Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine - пространство имен