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VCPropertySheet - члены

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Provides access to the project engine property sheets.

Универсальный тип VCPropertySheet предоставляет следующий члены.


  Имя Описание
Открытый метод AddUserMacro Adds a user macro to the property sheet.
Открытый метод ClearToolProperty Clears the property value of a tool property.
Открытый метод MatchName Matches a specified name to the name of a collection item.
Открытый метод RemoveAllUserMacros Removes all user macros from the property sheet.
Открытый метод RemoveUserMacro Removes a user macro from the property sheet.
Открытый метод Save Saves the project file (.vcproj).

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  Имя Описание
Открытое свойство ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage Gets or sets a value indicating whether ATL will link to the C runtime libraries statically to minimize dependencies. This requires that the useOfATL property is set.
Открытое свойство BuildLogFile Gets or sets the BuildLogFile name.
Открытое свойство CharacterSet Gets or sets a value specifying the character set for the compiler to use.
Открытое свойство ConfigurationType Gets or sets the type of output this configuration generates.
Открытое свойство DeleteExtensionsOnClean Gets or sets which files in the intermediate directory to delete on clean or rebuild.
Открытое свойство DEPRECATED1 Инфраструктура. Microsoft Internal Use Only.
Открытое свойство FileEncoding Инфраструктура. Microsoft Internal Use Only.
Открытое свойство FileFormat Инфраструктура. Microsoft Internal Use Only.
Открытое свойство FileTools Lists the available tools that operate on files.
Открытое свойство InheritedPropertySheets Gets or sets property sheets inherited by this object.
Открытое свойство IntermediateDirectory Gets or sets a relative path to the intermediate file directory. The path can include environment variables.
Открытое свойство IsDirty Инфраструктура. Microsoft Internal Use Only.
Открытое свойство ManagedExtensions Gets or sets a value indicating that this configuration uses Visual C++.
Открытое свойство Name Gets or sets the name of the object.
Открытое свойство OutputDirectory Gets or sets the directory in which to place output. The default directory is the project directory.
Открытое свойство PropertySheetDirectory Gets the directory name for the property sheet.
Открытое свойство PropertySheetFile Sets or gets the full path to the property sheet file. Includes the file name.
Открытое свойство PropertySheetName Sets or gets the value of the Name tag in the property sheet file. This property is available only for backwards compatibility and should otherwise not be used.
Открытое свойство PropertySheets Gets the collection of property sheets applied to the object.
Открытое свойство Tools Lists the available tools for the platform.
Открытое свойство useOfATL Gets or sets a value that specifies how ATL is used by the configuration.
Открытое свойство useOfMfc Gets or sets a value that specifies how MFC is used by the configuration.
Открытое свойство UserMacros Gets the collection of user macros.
Открытое свойство VCProjectEngine Gets a pointer to the project engine.
Открытое свойство WholeProgramOptimization Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enable cross-module optimizations by delaying code generation to link time.

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См. также


VCPropertySheet Интерфейс

Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine - пространство имен