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BuildDependency.RemoveProject - метод

Удаляет проект из списка, задающего порядок сборки проектов.

Пространство имен:  EnvDTE
Сборка:  EnvDTE (в EnvDTE.dll)


Sub RemoveProject ( _
    ProjectUniqueName As String _
void RemoveProject(
    string ProjectUniqueName
void RemoveProject(
    String^ ProjectUniqueName
abstract RemoveProject : 
        ProjectUniqueName:string -> unit 
function RemoveProject(
    ProjectUniqueName : String


  • ProjectUniqueName
    Тип: System.String
    Обязательный.Имя проекта из свойства UniqueName для добавления в качестве зависимости.


Этот пример работает только в Visual Studio .NET 2003.Дополнительные сведения см. в разделе Migrating Code that Creates Projects by Using Templates.

Sub RemoveProjectExample(ByVal dte As DTE)

    ' Create a new solution.
    Dim soln As Solution = dte.Solution
    Dim solnName As String = "NewSolution.sln"
    Dim tempPath As String = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath()
    soln.Create(tempPath, solnName)

    ' Create two new Visual Basic Console Application projects.
    Dim templatePath As String = <template path>
    templatePath &= "ConsoleApplication.vsz"
    Dim projName As String = "Project1"
    soln.AddFromTemplate(templatePath, tempPath & projName, projName)
    Dim proj1 As Project = soln.Item(1)
    projName = "Project2"
    soln.AddFromTemplate(templatePath, tempPath & projName, projName)
    Dim proj2 As Project = soln.Item(2)

    ' Make Project1 dependent on Project2.
    Dim bd As BuildDependency = _

    ' Enumerate Project1's dependencies.
    Dim depends As String = ""
    Dim proj As Project
    For Each proj In CType(bd.RequiredProjects, Array)
        depends &= proj.Name & vbCrLf

    MsgBox(bd.Project.Name & " has the following dependencies:" & _
        vbCrLf & vbCrLf & depends)

    If MsgBox("Remove dependency on " & proj2.Name & " from " & _
        bd.Project.Name & "?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo) = _
        MsgBoxResult.Yes Then

        ' Enumerate Project1's dependencies.
        depends = ""
        For Each proj In CType(bd.RequiredProjects, Array)
            depends &= proj.Name & vbCrLf

        MsgBox(bd.Project.Name & " has the following dependencies:" & _
            vbCrLf & vbCrLf & depends)
    End If

End Sub
public void RemoveProjectExample(DTE dte)
    // Create a new solution.
    Solution soln = dte.Solution;
    string solnName = "NewSolution.sln";
    string tempPath = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath();
    soln.Create(tempPath, solnName);

    // Create two new C# Console Application projects.
    string templatePath = <template path>;
    templatePath += "CSharpConsole.vsz";
    string projName = "Project1";
    soln.AddFromTemplate(templatePath, tempPath + projName, 
        projName, false);
    Project proj1 = soln.Item(1);
    projName = "Project2";
    soln.AddFromTemplate(templatePath, tempPath + projName, 
        projName, false);
    Project proj2 = soln.Item(2);

    // Make Project1 dependent on Project2.
    BuildDependency bd = 

    // Enumerate Project1's dependencies.
    string depends = "";
    foreach (Project proj in (Array)bd.RequiredProjects)
        depends += proj.Name + Environment.NewLine;

    MessageBox.Show(bd.Project.Name + 
        " has the following dependencies:" + Environment.NewLine + 
        Environment.NewLine + depends);

    if (MessageBox.Show("Remove dependency on " + proj2.Name + 
        " from " + bd.Project.Name + "?", "", 
        MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)

        // Enumerate Project1's dependencies.
        depends = "";
        foreach (Project proj in (Array)bd.RequiredProjects)
            depends += proj.Name + Environment.NewLine;

        MessageBox.Show(bd.Project.Name + 
            " has the following dependencies:" + Environment.NewLine + 
            Environment.NewLine + depends);

Безопасность платформы .NET Framework

См. также


BuildDependency Интерфейс

EnvDTE - пространство имен

Другие ресурсы

Практическое руководство. Компиляция и выполнение примеров кода модели объектов автоматизации