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XamlTaskFactory.TaskNamespace Property

Gets or sets the namespace of the task, pulled from the XAML.

MSBuild is now included in Visual Studio instead of the .NET Framework. You can use MSBuild 12.0 side-by-side with versions previously deployed with the .NET Framework.For more information, see What's New in MSBuild 12.0.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Build.Tasks
Assembly:  Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Core (in Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Core.dll)


Public Property TaskNamespace As String
public string TaskNamespace { get; private set; }
property String^ TaskNamespace {
    String^ get ();
    private: void set (String^ value);
member TaskNamespace : string with get, private set
function get TaskNamespace () : String 
private function set TaskNamespace (value : String)

Property Value

Type: System.String
Returns the namespace of the task.

.NET Framework Security

See Also


XamlTaskFactory Class

Microsoft.Build.Tasks Namespace