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AcquireIssuanceLicense method

[The AD RMS SDK leveraging functionality exposed by the client in Msdrm.dll is available for use in Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, and Windows 8. It may be altered or unavailable in subsequent versions. Instead, use Active Directory Rights Management Services SDK 2.1, which leverages functionality exposed by the client in Msipc.dll.]

The AcquireIssuanceLicense SOAP web method signs and returns one issuance license chain.


This SOAP web method is documented as if it were used in a .NET Framework XML web service client. For more information about creating an XML web service client, see Building XML Web Service Clients and Accessing XML Web Services in Managed Code.


public AcquireIssuanceLicenseResponse[] AcquireIssuanceLicense(
  AcquireIssuanceLicenseParams[] RequestParams

Public Function AcquireIssuanceLicense( _
  ByVal RequestParams() As AcquireIssuanceLicenseParams _
) As AcquireIssuanceLicenseResponse()



An array of AcquireIssuanceLicenseParams objects that specifies request parameters. This array can contain only one element.


Servers will only accept requests that consist of arrays that contain a single element. All other requests will fail.

Return value

An array of AcquireIssuanceLicenseResponse objects that represent the signed issuance license chain.

Web Service URL



The VersionDataValue and Credentials properties of the SOAP proxy object must be set before calling this method.

A signed issuance license chain is used to obtain a use license for a piece of content. Only the leaf certificate in this chain (array index 0 in each AcquireIssuanceLicenseResponse item) is used to acquire a use license with AcquirePreLicense, or update a signed issuance license with EditIssuanceLicense.

If the AD RMS client and server versions are not identical, an issuance license cannot be signed online.


Rights Management Services 1.0 SP2 or later

See also

AD RMS SOAP Web Methods

