Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration Namespace
Applies To: Windows Server Update Services
Provides classes and interfaces to access and manage WSUS.
Class | Description | |
AdminProxy | This class provides a starting point for getting an IUpdateServer, which is used to communicate with the WSUS server. |
AutomaticUpdateApprovalDeadline | Specifies when to set a deadline for an auto-approval rule. This time is based on the local time of the database on which WSUS is installed. |
AutomaticUpdateApprovalRuleCollection | Represents a collection of IAutomaticUpdateApprovalRule objects. |
BiosInfo | Contains the BIOS information for the client computer. To get this class, call the BiosInfo property. |
CleanupEventArgs | Defines the arguments containing information specific to the cleanup event. |
CleanupResults | Represents the set of cleanup results of various cleanup options. |
CleanupScope | Represents the set of cleanup options selected by the user. |
CommandLineItem | Represents a command-line executable. |
ComputerTargetCollection | Represents a collection of client computers. |
ComputerTargetGroupCollection | Represents a collection of computer target groups. |
ComputerTargetGroupId | Use the target group identifiers that are defined in this class to get the target groups that are defined by WSUS. For example, you can use the identifiers when calling GetComputerTargetGroup. |
ComputerTargetScope | Defines the scope that can be used to filter a list of computer targets. |
ContentDownloadProgress | Defines the download progress for all updates that are currently downloading to the WSUS server. To get this class, call the GetContentDownloadProgress method. |
DownstreamServerCollection | The set of downstream Windows Server Update Servers (WSUS) servers. To get this collection, call GetDownstreamServers. |
FileForInstallableItem | Represents a file for an installable item. |
InstallableItem | Each package contains one or more installable items. Applications typically have a single installable item, and updates have one or more installable items. |
InstallationBehavior | Defines the installation behavior of the update. To get this class, call the InstallationBehavior property. |
InstallBehavior | Represents the behaviors of an update for the purposes of installation or uninstallation. |
InventoryItemProperty | Represents a property of an inventory item. |
InventoryScope | Provides a way to limit the scope of the API to a specific class. Also defines the property to summarize by. |
OSInfo | Contains information about the operating system of the client computer. To get this class, call the OSInfo property. |
OSVersion | Defines the version of the operating system. To get this class, call the Version property. |
PackagePublisherOperationCanceledException | Exception class. |
PackagePublisherTooManyCategoriesException | Exception class. |
PrerequisiteGroup | A group of package identifiers to be used as prerequisites. |
ProgramKey | Represents the program key. |
PublishingEventArgs | Event Class containing information specific to the progress event |
ReturnCode | Represents installation return code. |
ScriptUtilities | This class defines a series of utilities for COM clients scripting against the Windows Server Update Services API. |
SoftwareDistributionPackage | Represents a default package, including a new GUID for the package ID, the current Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) for the creation date, a default 1.0 schema version, and a package type of default application. |
SubscriptionEventCollection | Collection of subscription events. To retrieve the collection, call one of the following methods: GetEventHistory; GetEventHistory. |
SynchronizationInfoCollection | Collection of synchronization information. To retrieve the collection, call one of the following methods: GetSynchronizationHistory; GetSynchronizationHistory. |
SynchronizationProgress | Defines the progress of synchronizing update metadata and deployments to a WSUS server. To retrieve this class, call GetSynchronizationProgress. |
SynchronizationUpdateErrorInfo | Use this class to determine why an update failed. To get this class, call Item or enumerate through the SynchronizationUpdateErrorInfoCollection. |
SynchronizationUpdateErrorInfoCollection | The errors that occurred while processing an update. To get this collection, call one of the following properties: UpdateErrors; UpdateErrors. |
UpdateApprovalCollection | Collection of update approvals. To retrieve this collection, call one of the following methods: GetUpdateApprovals; GetUpdateApprovals; GetUpdateApprovals. |
UpdateApprovalScope | Defines a set of parameters that can be used as part of UpdateScope to filter results based on update approval properties. |
UpdateCategoryCollection | Collection of product categories. For a description of product categories, see GetUpdateCategories. To retrieve this collection, call one of the following methods: GetUpdateCategories; GetUpdateCategories; GetSubcategories; GetRootUpdateCategories; GetUpdateCategories; GetUpdateCategories; |
UpdateClassificationCollection | Collection of update classifications. Classifications define a grouping of updates. For example, Security Updates, Critical Updates, or Driver Updates. To retrieve this collection, call one of the following methods: GetUpdateClassifications; GetUpdateClassifications; GetUpdateClassifications; GetUpdateClassifications. |
UpdateCollection | Collection of updates. To retrieve this collection, call one of the following methods: GetRelatedUpdates; GetUpdates; GetUpdates; GetUpdates; GetUpdates; GetUpdates; GetUpdates;.SearchUpdates. |
UpdateEventCollection | Collection of update events. To retrieve this collection, call one of the following methods: GetUpdateEventHistory; GetUpdateEventHistory; GetUpdateEventHistory; GetUpdateEventHistory. |
UpdateFile | This class defines an update file associated with an InstallableItem. |
UpdateInstallationInfoCollection | Collection of update installation information. To retrieve this collection, call one of the following methods: GetUpdateInstallationInfoPerUpdate; GetUpdateInstallationInfoPerComputerTarget.GetUpdateInstallationInfoPerComputerTarget. |
UpdateLanguage | Defines RFC1766 style languages code strings. |
UpdateRevisionId | Represents a specific revision of an update. Use the new keyword to initialize a new instance of the class or call one of the following properties to get an instance of this class: Id; Id; UpdateId; Id. |
UpdateScope | Defines the filter for a list of updates. |
UpdateServerStatus | This class contains statistics summarizing the current state of the WSUS server, updates, and the client computers. To get this class, call the GetStatus method. The statistics are a snapshot in time of the current counts. You need to call the GetStatus method each time you want to receive the current counts. Do not use the new keyword to create this class. |
UpdateSummaryCollection | Represents a collection of summary installation information for updates. To retrieve this collection, call one of the following methods: GetSummaryPerUpdate; GetTotalSummaryPerComputerTarget; GetSummaryPerComputerTargetGroup. |
WindowsDriverItem | This class is used to support a driver package. It contains the token applicability rules for a driver and a list of WindowsDriverMetadata items to represent the devices to which the driver applies. |
WindowsDriverMetadata | This class represents the information necessary to target a driver package at a particular device. The WindowsDriverItem installable item contains a list of these objects. |
WindowsInstallerItem | Represents the Windows Installer Item. |
WindowsInstallerPatchItem | Represents the MSP package to be installed. |
WindowsInstallerRepairPath | This class is used to support Exe-wrapped-Msi. It contains TargetId (ProductCode of Msi), TargetType: for either MSI or MSP; and RelativePathToExe: a relative path to setup executable which AU will use it to determine where the repair path is for each MSI/MSP. |
WsusCollection | This class provides custom validation for CollectionBase. |
WsusInvalidDataException | This exception is thrown when data in the WSUS database is not valid. |
WsusInvalidServerException | This exception should be thrown when AdminProxy.GetUpdateServer is called for a server that is not valid. |
WsusObjectAlreadyExistsException | This exception is thrown when the object already exists in the database. |
WsusObjectNotFoundException | This exception is thrown when the requested object is not found in the database. |
Interface | Description | |
IAutomaticUpdateApprovalRule | Use this interface to define and enable an automatic approval rule. The approval rule creates approvals for newly synchronized updates that fall within one of the specified update classifications. To get this interface, call the CreateInstallApprovalRule. If you want to apply this automatic approval rule to updates that were synchronized earlier, use the ApplyRule method. The rule applies only to new updates, not to new revisions of an update. Any changes made to this automatic approval rule will not be saved to the database until you call the Save method. |
ICleanupManager | Represents the manager of the cleanup operation. |
IComputerTarget | Use this interface to get information about the client computer, remove the client from WSUS, determine the group to which it belongs, and get information about the updates approved for the client. To get this interface, call one of the following methods: Item; GetComputer; GetComputerTarget; GetComputerTarget; RegisterComputer. |
IComputerTargetGroup | Adds and removes clients, deletes the group, and get installation results for clients. To get this interface, call the following methods: Item; GetComputerTargetGroups; GetComputerTargetGroup; CreateComputerTargetGroup. |
IDatabaseConfiguration | Allows access to database configuration information. To get this interface, call GetDatabaseConfiguration. |
IDownstreamServer | Use this interface to retrieve the name of the downstream server or to remove the downstream server from the list of downstream servers connected to this WSUS server. |
IDynamicCategory | Provides an interface for the Dynamic Category object. |
IEmailNotificationConfiguration | Defines the interface for configuring the e-mail user account and e-mail server. |
IFrontEndServer | This type defines interface of a front end server. |
IInstallableItem | This type defines an installable subcomponent of an update. |
IInventoryItem | Represents an Inventory item |
ILicenseAgreement | Use this interface to retrieve the text of the license agreement and to determine if the agreement was accepted and by whom. To retrieve this interface, call GetLicenseAgreement. |
IPublisher | The properties of the IPublisher interface. |
ISubscription | Used to view or modify the synchronization settings and to start the synchronization process manually or automatically. Downstream servers receive synchronization settings from the upstream server. Downstream servers can modify and save synchronization settings; however, only the synchronization schedule is used by the downstream server. WSUS ignores the other settings. Downstream servers can also start and stop the synchronization process. To retrieve this interface, call GetSubscription. |
ISubscriptionEvent | Used to get information about subscription and synchronization events. To get this interface, call the following methods: GetSubscriptionEvent; Item |
ISynchronizationInfo | Use this interface to get information about the last synchronization process. To get this interface, call one of the following methods: GetLastSynchronizationInfo; GetSynchronizationInfo; Item |
IUpdate | Use this interface to approve or decline updates for deployment and get information about the update. To get this interface, call one of the following methods: GetUpdate; GetUpdate; GetUpdate; GetUpdate; Item. |
IUpdateApproval | Use this interface to get information about an approval and to remove the approval. To get this interface, call the following methods: Approve; Approve; GetUpdateApproval; Item. |
IUpdateCategory | Use this interface for information and updates related to a category. To get this interface, call the following methods: Item; GetUpdateCategory. |
IUpdateClassification | Use this interface for information and updates related to the classification. To get this interface, call the following methods: GetUpdateClassifications, Item. |
IUpdateEvent | Use this interface to get information about events associated with updates. To get this interface, call Item. |
IUpdateInstallationInfo | Use this interface to get information about update installations on client computes. To get this interface, call Item. |
IUpdateServer | Use this interface to access WSUS components. To get this interface, call one of the GetUpdateServer methods. |
IUpdateServerConfiguration | Use this interface to configure the WSUS server, for example, to specify a proxy server if necessary, the update languages to download, and whether the updates are stored locally. To get an IUpdateServerConfiguration, call GetConfiguration. |
IUpdateSummary | Use this interface to get summary information about the number of clients reporting different states of installing updates. To get this interface, call one of the following methods: GetTotalSummary; Item. |
Delegate | Description | |
CleanupProgressEventHandler | The event handler that deals with cleanup progress. |
Enumeration | Description | |
ApprovedStates | Indicates whether or not an update is approved or declined. These flags can be used to retrieve updates in the specified state. |
AutomaticUpdateApprovalAction | Defines the possible automatic update approval actions which an automatic update approval rule can perform. |
CleanupProcessProgressStep | Represents the current step of the cleanup process. |
ClientReportingLevel | Specifies how much information clients should report to the server. This value is sent to the client every time the client talks to the server. |
ComputerRole | Represents the role of WSUS on the computer. |
DynamicCategoryOriginType | Lists category origins. |
DynamicCategoryType | Specifies the type of a dynamic category. |
EmailNotificationType | Represents the possible types of e-mail notification |
EmailStatusNotificationFrequency | Determines the frequency with which e-mail status notifications are sent. |
FileType | Represents the type of installable file. |
InstallationImpact | Defines constants that indicate the possible impact an update may have on the computer or on other applications that are running on the computer. |
InstallationResult | The result of an installation or uninstallation. All installations and uninstallations must result in one of these values. |
InstallationStatus | Defines constants for the possible installation states of an update on the client computer. |
LogDestinations | Defines constants that indicate where log messages are written. This enumeration is no longer used. |
LogLevel | Defines constants for specifying the logging level that you want WSUS to use. This enumeration is no longer used. |
MsrcSeverity | Defines constants for the severity rating of the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) bulletin that is associated with an update. |
PackagePublicationState | Publication State for the Package (optional) |
PackageType | Type of this package |
PackageUpdateClassification | The classification of the update as specified by the SE cabinet. |
PackageUpdateType | Determines the type of a locally-published update. |
PublicationState | Defines the publication states of the update. |
PublishingProcessProgressStep | Enumeration showing the current step that the Publishing Process is working on. |
RebootBehavior | Defines constants that indicate the computer restart behavior of an update. |
RevisionChanges | Defines the revisions that were made to an update. |
SecurityRating | The maximum severity rating of the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) bulletin associated with the update. |
SubscriptionEventCategory | Defines constants that are the possible categories for a subscription event. |
SynchronizationError | Defines constants that indicate what caused the synchronization process to fail. |
SynchronizationPhase | Defines constants that indicate the content that the downstream server is currently synchronizing with the upstream server. |
SynchronizationResult | Defines constants that indicate the result of the synchronization process. |
SynchronizationStatus | Defines constants that indicate if the synchronization process is currently running. |
SynchronizationUpdateError | Defines constants that indicate the reason for the update failure. |
TargetingMode | Defines constants for the possible targeting modes. The targeting mode determines if the server or client decides to which group the client belongs. |
UpdateApprovalAction | Defines constants that indicate the action a client performs when applying the update. |
UpdateApprovalActions | The actions a client will perform when applying the Update associated with an UpdateApproval. |
UpdateApprovalState | Defines constants the indicate the current state of an approval. |
UpdateCategoryType | Defines constants that describe the different update categories. |
UpdateInstallationState | Indicates the last reported state of the update on the client computer. The state is updated when the client reports to the server. |
UpdateInstallationStates | Defines constants that indicate the possible installation states of the update on the client computer. |
UpdateRelationship | Defines constants that describe the relationship between updates. This enum can be used in conjunction with GetRelatedUpdates to obtain the updates that have a specific relationship with the update. |
UpdateServerConfigurationState | Defines constants that indicate if the WSUS database is ready to save changes. |
UpdateServerUserRole | Describes a user's role on the WSUS server. |
UpdateSource | Defines the source from which the update came. |
UpdateSources | Flags that can be used to search for updates based on their source. |
UpdateState | Defines constants that indicate the state of an update. |
UpdateType | Defines constants that indicate if the update is a software or driver update. |
UpdateTypes | Set of flags used to specify what kind of updates to retrieve. |
WindowsInstallerPackageType | Represents target package type |
WsusEventId | Defines constants for the possible events that can be raised by WSUS servers and their clients. |
WsusEventSource | Represents the source of an event. |
You use the WSUS interfaces to access and manage WSUS. The IUpdateServer interface contains the methods that you use to retrieve the other interfaces. For example:
Call IUpdateServer.GetSubscription to retrieve an instance of ISubscription, which you use to manage the types of updates that you want to synchronize with Microsoft Update.
Call IUpdateServer.GetUpdate to retrieve an instance of IUpdate, which you use to approve an update for deployment.
Call IUpdateServer.GetComputerTargetGroups to retrieve an instance of IComputerTargetGroup, which you use to manage a group of clients to which updates are deployed.
Call IUpdateServer.GetConfiguration to retrieve an instance of IUpdateServerConfiguration, which you use to manage WSUS settings.
To retrieve an IUpdateServer instance, call AdminProxy.GetUpdateServer.
The WSUS classes are primarily collection classes returned by various interface methods.
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