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This function converts variant data types to BSTR from DATE.

HRESULT VarBstrFromDate(
  DATE dateIn, 
  LCID lcid, 
  ULONG dwFlags,
  BSTR pbstrOut 


  • dateIn
    [in] The value to coerce.
  • lcid
    [in] For conversions from string and VT_DISPATCH input, the LCID to use for the conversion.
  • dwFlags
    [in] A value made from one or more flags. The following table shows the flags that can be set for this parameter.
    Flag Description
    LOCALE_NOUSEROVERRIDE Uses the system default locale settings, rather than custom locale settings.
    VAR_CALENDAR_HIJRI If set then the Hijri calendar is used. Otherwise the calendar sent in Control Panel is used.
    VAR_CALENDAR_THAI Windows CE does not support this flag.
    VAR_CALENDAR_GREGORIAN Windows CE does not support this flag.
    VAR_FOURDIGITYEARS Windows CE does not support this flag.
    VAR_TIMEVALUEONLY Windows CE does not support this flag.
    VAR_DATEVALUEONLY Windows CE does not support this flag.
  • pbstrOut
    [out] Points to the coerced value. The following table shows the flags that can be set for this parameter.
    Flag Description
    LOCALE_NOUSEROVERRIDE Uses the system default locale settings, rather than custom locale settings.
    VAR_CALENDAR_HJRI If set then the Hijri calendar is used. Otherwise the calendar sent in Control Panel is used.
    VAR_DATEVALUEONLY Omits the time portion of a VT_DATE and returns only the date. Applies to conversions to or from dates. Not used for VariantChangeType and VariantChangeTypeEx.
    VAR_TIMEVALUEONLY Omits the date portion of a VT_DATE and returns only the time. Applies to conversions to or from dates. Not used for VariantChangeType and VariantChangeTypeEx.

Return Values

The following table shows the HRESULT values that can be returned by this function.

Value Description
S_OK Success.
DISP_E_BADVARTYPE The input parameter is not a valid type of variant.
DISP_E_OVERFLOW The data pointed to by the output parameter does not fit in the destination type.
DISP_E_TYPEMISMATCH The argument could not be coerced to the specified type.
E_INVALIDARG One of the arguments is invalid.
E_OUTOFMEMORY Memory could not be allocated for the conversion.


Passing invalid (and under some circumstances NULL) pointers to this function causes an unexpected termination of the application.


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.0 and later.
Header: Oleauto.h.
Link Library: Oleaut32.lib.

See Also

VariantChangeType | VariantChangeTypeEx

Last updated on Wednesday, April 13, 2005

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