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Selecting Your Deployment Status

Applies To: Windows 7, Windows Vista

You can track the testing and the deployment status of your operating system applications, application installation packages, Web sites, and impact report - updates from the Set Deployment Status dialog box.

Selecting Your Deployment Status

You can change the deployment status from both the report screen and the associated report dialog box.


For this topic, we are going to use the <Operating_System> - Application Report screen and the <Application_Name> dialog box; however, the process is the same for application installation packages, Web sites, and updates.

To change the deployment status in the <Operating_System> - Application Report screen

  1. On the <Operating_System> - Application Report screen, click the application name for which you want to add a deployment status.

  2. On the Actions menu, click Set Deployment Status.

    The Set Deployment Status dialog box appears.

  3. Click your deployment status from one of the following options:

    • Not Reviewed (default)

    • Testing

    • Mitigating

    • Ready to Deploy

    • Will Not Deploy

  4. Click OK.

To change the deployment status in the <Application_Name> dialog box

  1. In the <Operating_System> - Application Report screen, double-click the application name for which you want to add a deployment status.

    The <Application_Name> dialog box appears.

  2. On the Actions menu, click Set Deployment Status.

    The Set Deployment Status dialog box appears.

  3. Click your deployment status, click OK to close the Set Deployment Status dialog box, and then click Close to close the <Application_Name> dialog box.

Filtering By Deployment Status

You can filter your application, application installation package, Web site, and impact report - update data by your deployment status, by using the associated report screen.

To filter based on deployment status

  1. On the <Operating_System> - Application Report screen, click Toggle Filter.

    The Query Builder appears with a blank row.

  2. Enter your filter criteria, pressing the TAB key to add additional clauses.


To delete a clause, right-click the row, and then click Delete Clause.

  1. The following example shows a query filters for all applications with an deployment status of Mitigating or Ready to Deploy.
And/Or Field Operator Value


Deployment Status




Deployment Status


Ready to Deploy

  1. Click Refresh.

    Your filtered results appear.

See Also


Filtering and Organizing Your Compatibility Data
Example Filter Queries
Viewing Quick Reports