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System.Resources Namespace

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The System.Resources namespace provides classes and interfaces that enable you to create, store, and manage culture-specific resources for your Silverlight-based application. One of the most important classes of the System.Resources namespace is the ResourceManager class.


  Class Description
Public class MissingManifestResourceException The exception thrown if the main assembly does not contain the resources for the neutral culture, and they are required because of a missing appropriate satellite assembly.
Public class NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute Informs the ResourceManager of the neutral culture of an assembly. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class ResourceManager Provides convenient access to culture-specific resources at run time.
Public class ResourceSet Stores all the resources localized for one particular culture, ignoring all other cultures, including any fallback rules.
Public class SatelliteContractVersionAttribute Instructs the ResourceManager to ask for a particular version of a satellite assembly to simplify updates of the main assembly of an application.


  Interface Description
Public interface IResourceReader Provides the base functionality to read data from resource files.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration UltimateResourceFallbackLocation Specifies the assembly that the ResourceManager class will use when it retrieves neutral resources by using the fallback process.