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Сохранение на сервере данных из клиента Excel

This example shows you how to:

  1. Create a workbook with editable ranges.

  2. Save the workbook to a SharePoint document library that is a trusted location.


    [!Примечание] It is assumed that you have already created a SharePoint document library and made it a trusted location. Дополнительные сведения см. в разделе Практическое руководство. Доверие к расположению.

  3. Change values in a workbook by using the parameters pane in Веб-клиент Excel.

Saving a Workbook to Excel Services

To create a workbook with ranges

  1. Запустите Excel.

  2. In cell A1, type 8.

  3. In cell A2, type =3*A1.

  4. To make cell A1 editable in Веб-клиент Excel, you must first make cell A1 into a named range:

  5. Click the Formulas tab, and then click cell A1 to select it.

  6. On the Formulas tab, in the Defined Names group, click Define Name.

  7. In the New Name dialog box, in the Name text box, typeMyAOneParam.

Сохранение в службы Excel

  1. В меню Файл выберите команду Сохранить & Отправить, а затем — Сохранить в SharePoint.

  2. In the Save to SharePoint dialog box, click Publish Options.

  3. In the Publish Options dialog box, on the Show tab, ensure that Entire Workbook is selected.

  4. On the Parameters tab, click Add..

  5. In the Add Parameters list, select the MyAOneParam check box.

  6. Click OK. You should now see "MyAOneParam" in the Parameters list.

  7. Click OK to close the Publish Options dialog box.

  8. In the Save to SharePoint dialog box, click Save As.

  9. In the Save As dialog box, ensure that the Open with Excel in the browser check box is selected.

  10. In the File name text box, type the path to the trusted SharePoint document library where you want to store this workbook. For example,http:// MyServer002/Shared%20Documents/TestParam.xlsx.

  11. Click Save. You should see TestParam.xlsx in Веб-клиент Excel.

To change values by using parameters

  1. In the Parameters pane, you should see the named range for cell A1—that is, MyAOneParam.

  2. You can change the values in cell A1 and cell A2 by typing a number in the text box next to MyAOneParam. For example, if you type 10 and then click Apply, cell A1 changes to 10 and cell A2 changes to 30.

См. также


How to: Save to the Server to Prepare for Programmatic Access


Доступ к API SOAP

Loop-Back SOAP Calls and Direct Linking

Excel Services Alerts

Другие ресурсы

Пошаговое руководство. Разработка настраиваемого приложения с помощью веб-служб Excel