Show a person's information

Applies to: Skype for Business 2015

The person information that a signed-in user can get for another user is restricted by the privacy relationships between the two users. When a privacy relationship restricts access to person information, the Person property for that information is undefined.

After the user is signed in, your application can perform the following procedure. The desired person may not be in the user's person list. In that case, see Search for persons and distribution groups to learn about providing a person search feature.

How to: Show a person's information

  1. Handle the PersonsAndGroupsManager#persons.added event to put the added person on a webpage.

  2. Add an event handler for the Person#status property changed event. Update the webpage with the new availability of the person.

  3. Read the Person#displayName property to get the person's name.

  4. Read the Person#title property to get the person's business title.

  5. Read the Person#department property to get the person's work department.

  6. Read the Person#company property to get the person's company name.

app.personsAndGroupsManager.all.persons.added(person => {
    // let's assume we're using jQuery here: $(id).text(s) can
    // be rewritten as document.querySelector(id).textContent = s
    person.status.changed(status => $("#status").text(status));
    person.activity.changed(activity => $("#activity").text(activity));
    person.title.changed(title => $("#title").text(title));
    person.department.changed(department => $("#department").text(department));
    // the online status changes often, so tell the SDK
    // to create a presence subscription; note, that
    // despite there are two .subscribe()s below, the SDK
    // will create only one presence subscription

    // unlike the online status, contact details like title
    // and department don't change often, so it's enough to
    // fetch them once from the server: .get() sends a GET
    // to UCWA if the property value isn't cached, or returns
    // a resolved promise right away; moreover, the two .get()s
    // below will result in one GET request at most