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Пример программы C. Работа с идентификаторами ключей

В следующем примере показаны способы работы с идентификаторами ключей. В этом примере показаны следующие задачи и функции CryptoAPI:

  • Создание идентификатора ключа с помощью CryptCreateKeyIdentifierFromCSP.
  • Задание свойства для идентификатора ключа с помощью CryptSetKeyIdentifierProperty.
  • Получение содержимого свойства идентификатора ключа с помощью CryptGetKeyIdentifierProperty.
  • Перечисление свойств идентификатора ключа с помощью CryptEnumKeyIdentifierProperties.
  • Объявление, определение и использование функции обратного вызова.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <Wincrypt.h>

// Copyright (C) Microsoft.  All rights reserved.
// This program demonstrates the following Key Identifier functions:
//         CryptCreateKeyIdentifierFromCSP
//         CryptSetKeyIdentifierProperty
//         CryptGetKeyIdentifierProperty
//         CryptEnumKeyIdentifierProperties
// The callback function pfnEnum is also demonstrated.

// Declare the Callback function

static BOOL WINAPI pfnEnum (
const CRYPT_HASH_BLOB *pKeyIdentifier, // in- pKeyIdentifier
DWORD dwFlags,                         // in- Flag values
void *pvReserved,                      // Reserved
void *pvArg,                           // in- Pass-through argument
DWORD cProp,                           // in- cProp
DWORD *rgdwPropId,                     // in- array of PropIds
void **rgpvData,                       // in- array of 
                                       //  CRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO 
                                       //  structures
DWORD *rgcbData                        // in- rgcbData

//  Declare the MyHandleError function.

void MyHandleError(char *s);

void main(void)
// Declare and initialize variables.

DWORD cbPubKeyStruc= sizeof(PUBLICKEYSTRUC);
if(!(pPubKeyStruc = (PUBLICKEYSTRUC *) malloc (cbPubKeyStruc)))
    MyHandleError("Memory allocation failed.");

pPubKeyStruc->bType= PUBLICKEYBLOB;
pPubKeyStruc->bVersion= CUR_BLOB_VERSION;
pPubKeyStruc->reserved= 0;
pPubKeyStruc->aiKeyAlg= CALG_RSA_KEYX;

BYTE *pbHash;
DWORD cbHash;

CRYPT_HASH_BLOB KeyIdentifier;

DWORD cbData;
void *pvArg;         // Pass through argument.
cbHash= 20;          // define cbHash to the size of a SHA1
                     // string- there is no need for a 2 pass
                     // call to determine size of cbHash.

// Allocate memory for the pbHash buffer

if(!(pbHash= (BYTE *) malloc (cbHash))
    MyHandleError("Memory allocation failed.");

// Create a Key Identifier

   X509_ASN_ENCODING, // dwCertEncodingType
   NULL,              // pszPubKeyOID- NULL to
                      // use default OID.
   pPubKeyStruc,      // pPubKeyStruc- defined above
   cbPubKeyStruc,     // cbPubKeyStruc
   0,                 // dwFlags
   NULL,              // pvReserved
   pbHash,            // pbHash
   &cbHash            // pcbHash
   printf("Call to CryptCreateKeyIdentifierFromCSP succeeded.\n");
   MyHandleError("A key identifier was not created");
// Set the members of the key identifier.

KeyIdentifier.cbData= cbHash;
KeyIdentifier.pbData= (BYTE*) pbHash;

// Initialize the pdata structure.

if(!(pData= (CRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO*) malloc 
    MyHandleError("Memory allocation failed.");
pData->pwszContainerName= L"New Key container name";
pData->pwszProvName= MS_ENHANCED_PROV_W;
pData->dwProvType= PROV_RSA_FULL;
pData->dwFlags= 0;
pData->cProvParam= 0;
pData->rgProvParam= NULL;
pData->dwKeySpec= AT_SIGNATURE;

// Set a property on the created key identifier.

  &KeyIdentifier,             // in- defined above
  CRYPT_KEYID_MACHINE_FLAG,   // in- dwFlags- use local computer
  NULL,                       // in- pwszComputerName
  NULL,                       // Reserved
  pData                       // in- pointer to a 
                              // CRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO.
  printf("A property is set on the key identifier.\n");
  MyHandleError("Setting the property failed.");

// Call CryptGetKeyIdentifierProperty to set the size 
// of the property to be retrieved.

   &KeyIdentifier,             // in- defined above
   CERT_KEY_PROV_INFO_PROP_ID, // in- dwPropId
   CRYPT_KEYID_MACHINE_FLAG,   // in- dwFlags
   NULL,                       // in, optional- pwszComputerName
   NULL,                       // in, optional- pvReserved
   NULL,                       // out- pvData
   &cbData                     // in, out- pcbData
   printf("First call to get property succeeded.\n");
   MyHandleError("Call 1 to CryptGetKeyIdentifierProperty failed.");

// Free the memory allocated for pData,

// Allocate memory for the buffer to receive the property.

if(!(pData= (CRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO*) malloc (cbData)))
    MyHandleError("Memory allocation failed.");

// Call CryptGetKeyIdentifierProperty a second time
// To retrieve the property into the allocated buffer.

   &KeyIdentifier,             // pKeyIdentifier
   NULL,                       // pwszComputerName
   NULL,                       // Reserved
   pData,                      // pData
   &cbData                     // pcbData
   printf("The property has been retrieved.\n");
   MyHandleError("Second call failed.");

// Print part of the retrieved property.

printf("Some of the properties obtained are;\n");
printf("container name= %S\n",pData->pwszContainerName);
printf("Provider name= %S\n", pData->pwszProvName);
printf("Provider type= %i\n", pData->dwProvType);
printf("length= %i\n\n", cbData);

// Set the pass through argument for the callback function.

pvArg= pPubKeyStruc;

// Call CryptEnumKeyIdentifierProperties.

printf("\nCalling CryptEnumKeyIdentifierProperties.\n");
   &KeyIdentifier,           // in- pKeyIdentifier-
   0,                        // in- dwPropId
   CRYPT_KEYID_MACHINE_FLAG, // in- dwFlags, use LocalMachine.
   NULL,                     // in, optional- pwszComputerName set
                             // to NULL to use LocalMachine.
   NULL,                     // Reserved
   pvArg,                    // in, optional- Pointer to the
                             // pass-through argument
                             // in- Callback function.
   printf("The function call succeeded.\n");
  MyHandleError("Call to CryptEnumKeyIdentifierProperties failed.");

// Free all allocated memory

free (pData);
free (pPubKeyStruc);
printf("all memory free\n");
printf("The program ran to completion without error.\n");
}  // end main.

// Define the Callback function

static BOOL WINAPI pfnEnum (
const CRYPT_HASH_BLOB *pKeyIdentifier, // in- pKeyIdentifier
DWORD dwFlags,                         // in- Flag values
void *pvReserved,                      // Reserved
void *pvArg,                           // in- Pass-through argument
DWORD cProp,                           // in- cProp
DWORD *rgdwPropId,                     // in- rgdwPropId
void **rgpvData,                       // in- rgpvData- points to an 
                                       // array of
                                       // CRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO 
                                       // structures
DWORD *rgcbData                        // in- rgcbData
//  Declare and initialize local variables.


//  Begin processing

printf("The argument passed is a structure.\n");
printf("BLOB type= %x   ", pArg->bType);
printf("Version= %x\n", pArg->bVersion);
printf("Algorithm= %x\n\n", pArg->aiKeyAlg);
return TRUE;
} // end callback function.

//  Define MyHandleError

void MyHandleError(char *s)
printf("\n An error has occurred. \n");
printf("The error message is %s \n",s);
printf("Last error is %x \n",GetLastError());
} // end MyHandleError.