Use SharePoint brand center fonts in SharePoint Framework solutions

The SharePoint brand center offers a centralized branding management application that empowers your brand managers or designated brand owners to help your organization to customize the look and feel of their experiences. This brand asset management system allows customers to manage the colors, fonts, and images, and other assets all in one place.

Developers can use the fonts defined in Brand center in their SharePoint Framework (SPFx) components. This article demonstrates how you can use the fonts defined in the SharePoint brand center in your SPFx components.

Screenshot of the SharePoint brand center

In this article, learn how you can modify your SPFx components to use the same fonts set in the

Use SharePoint brand center fonts in SPFx components

Start by creating a new SharePoint Framework component, such as a web part.


To learn how to create your first SPFx web part, see Build your first SharePoint client-side web part (Hello World part 1).

Within the web part, locate and open the *.module.scss file in the project. For example, if you created a web part named *Hello World", the file will be found in the following location in the project: ./src/webparts/helloWorld/HelloWorldWebPart.module.scss.

This file contains the styles for the SPFx component.

All fonts defined within Brand center are referenced using variables following the naming convention --fontFamilyCustomFont###. All start with the prefix --fontFamily followed by the font slot name.

For example, to change the primary font in your web part, add the following style to the .helloWorld class:

font-family: var(--fontFamilyCustomFont100, var(--fontFamilyBase));

This tells the SPFx runtime to set the font-family style to the variable --fontFamilyCustomFont100, but if that value isn't set, it will default to the --fontFamilyBase slot.

The resulting class will now look like this:

.helloWorld {
  font-family: var(--fontFamilyCustomFont100, var(--fontFamilyBase));
  overflow: hidden;
  padding: 1em;
  color: "[theme:bodyText, default: #323130]";
  color: var(--bodyText);
  &.teams {
    font-family: $ms-font-family-fallbacks;

Next, repeat this step for any other classes in our style where you want to apply these changes. For example, in the default web part, you'd update the .welcome and .links.a styles as well, so the resulting *.scss file will look like the following:

@import '~@microsoft/sp-office-ui-fabric-core/dist/sass/SPFabricCore.scss';

.helloWorld {
  font-family: var(--fontFamilyCustomFont100, var(--fontFamilyBase));
  overflow: hidden;
  padding: 1em;
  color: "[theme:bodyText, default: #323130]";
  color: var(--bodyText);
  &.teams {
    font-family: $ms-font-family-fallbacks;

.welcome {
  text-align: center;
  font-family: var(--fontFamilyCustomFont100, var(--fontFamilyBase));

.welcomeImage {
  width: 100%;
  max-width: 420px;

.links {
  a {
    font-family: var(--fontFamilyCustomFont100, var(--fontFamilyBase));
    text-decoration: none;
    color: "[theme:link, default:#03787c]";
    color: var(--link); // note: CSS Custom Properties support is limited to modern browsers only

    &:hover {
      text-decoration: underline;
      color: "[theme:linkHovered, default: #014446]";
      color: var(--linkHovered); // note: CSS Custom Properties support is limited to modern browsers only

Test the web part

To test the web part, start the local web browser, but don't launch a browser to the hosted workbench.

  1. Run the command gulp serve from the root of the project and include the --nobrowser argument:

    gulp serve --nobrowser


    The SharePoint hosted workbench does not support custom fonts defined in the SharePoint brand center. To test your web parts, you'll need to test them on a page in a SharePoint site.

  2. In the console, the gulp serve command will output a line that looks similar to the following:

    [spfx-serve] To load your scripts, use this query string: ?debug=true&noredir=true#debugManifestsFile=https://localhost:4321/temp/manifests.js
  3. Open the browser and navigate to a page that you have permission to add a web part to the page.

  4. Add the query string from the preceding console message to the URL and load the page.

    When prompted in the Allow debug scripts dialog, select Load debug scripts.

  5. Next, put the page into edit mode and add your sample web part to the page.

  6. Finally, publish the changes.

With the web part on the page, select one of the custom fonts from the Brand center site:

  1. Select the gear icon in the top right of the Microsoft 365 suite bar, then select Change the look.

    Screenshot of the SharePoint settings menu

  2. On the Change the look panel, select Font.

    Screenshot of the SharePoint setting Change the look panel

  3. On the Font panel, select one of the fonts to view the changes on your web part.

    Screenshot of the SharePoint setting Font panel

    Notice the fonts on the page will change, including those in our custom web part:

    Screenshot of a custom font selected from Brand central used in the web part

Brand central font slot reference

The following table lists all the available font slots from SharePoint brand center that developers can use in their custom SPFx components:

Font slot Custom Font Token Default Token Short Description Used in Product Location
Body customFont100 .caption2 Caption small
Body customFont200 .caption2Strong Caption medium News Badge, Image caption, Site WP activity, Avatar Role/Job, Hero Badge
Body customFont300 .caption1 Caption large Image Overlay
Interactive customFont400 .caption1Strong Label small Avatar link
Interactive customFont500 .caption1Stronger Label medium Footer links, Top Navigation links, Hub navigation links, Left navigation, Hero button
Interactive customFont600 .body1 Label large Button
Body customFont700 .body1Strong Paragraph small Quick links description, News sub description, Site web part information, Site web part description, Avatar name, Avatar description
Body customFont800 .body1Stronger Paragraph medium News description, RTE Normal, RTE Table Cell, Hero Description
Body customFont900 .body2 Paragraph large
Headline customFont1000 .subtitle2 Heading extra small News subtitle, RTE H4, RTE Table Header, RTE, Table Column, Site WP site title, Call to action text, Hero call to action
Headline customFont1100 .subtitle2Stronger Heading small Quick Links title, News title, Footer title, RTE H3, RTE Pull quote, Section heading, Hero title, Hero small tile title
Headline customFont1200 .subtitle1 Heading medium RTE H2, Hero title large
Headline customFont1300 .title3 Heading large Web part title, Hero tile title
Headline customFont1400 .title2 Heading extra large
Title customFont1500 .title1 Title small Hub title
Title customFont1600 .largeTitle Title medium Page title, Site title
Title customFont1700 .display Title large


Don't forget to include the --fontFamily prefix when using one of the custom font slot tokens in your style sheets.

See also