
Introduction to OmniBOR

with Frank Boucher, Ed Warnicke

Supply Chain requirements got you down? Getting an endless array of false positives from your 'SBOM scanners'? Spending more of your time proving you don't have a 'false positive' from your scanners than fixing real vulnerabilities in your code? There has to be a better way.

There is. Come hear about a new way to capture the full artifact dependency graph of your software, not as a 'scan' after the fact, but as an output of your build tools themselves. Find out when this feature is coming to a build tool near you.


  • 00:00 - Introduction
  • 00:41 - Where vulnerabilities are coming from
  • 03:09 - Artifact Dependency Graph
  • 07:11 - What OmniBOR does
  • 12:11 - Get started
  • 13:18 - Celebrate Maintainer Month

