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Cluster Levels

The Cluster Levels viewer Layout for Charts provides a horizontal Bar element visualizer component that displays the log entry count for each of the information levels (InfoLevel) that exist in a Cluster.log file that were reported by components of the Cluster Service. The typical values for InfoLevel consist of DBG, INFO, WARN, and ERR. These InfoLevel values provide debug information, status information, warnings, and errors that were reported to the Cluster log by various subcomponents of the Cluster Service, such as the Global Update Manager (GUM), Failover Manager (FM), Node Manager (NM), and Database Manager (DM) services.

With the Cluster Levels viewer Layout, you can obtain a quick assessment of which information levels have the most log entry activity. The bar element configuration of this Layout provides an at-a-glance summary of the relative distribution of log entry volume for each of the information types found in a Cluster log file. The information level values of the most interest are likely to be the warnings (WARN) and errors (ERR), which can point you to areas in the Cluster Service on which your analysis should focus.


A Cluster.log file will be parsed only if you select the Cluster configuration file in Text Log Configuration drop-down list of the New Session dialog for a Data Retrieval Session prior to loading the data into Message Analyzer. Otherwise, no data will display in the Cluster Levels view Layout.

More Information
To learn more about working with text-based .log files, see Opening Text Log Files.

Using the Cluster Levels Layout

When you review the data presented in the Cluster Levels viewer Layout, you might notice a significant volume of log entries with ERR levels being reported. To assess these entries, you might proceed by double-clicking the ERR bar element to isolate all the log entries that contain the ERR InfoLevel type in a new instance of the Analysis Grid viewer. Then you can sort the SubComponent column of the Analysis Grid viewer in ascending order to consolidate all the subcomponents of the same type together for easier viewing. Thereafter, you can review the RemainingText column for descriptions of the errors and failures that occurred for each subcomponent of the Cluster Service. Note that you might also execute the Group context menu command on the Subcomponent column of the Analysis Grid viewer to create a grouped view of the subcomponents and the associated log entry counts for an enhanced perspective of the data. Moreover, you can use the Cluster Logs Layout for the Grouping viewer to create a hierarchical grouped configuration of nested InfoLevel, Subcomponent, and ProcessId groups, so that you can quickly isolate the data according to InfoLevel values and view the underlying Subcomponents that logged the debugging information.

Interactive Analysis
This Layout for the Chart viewer is intended to work with the Cluster Log Layout for the Analysis Grid viewer and the Cluster Logs Layout for the Grouping viewer to create an integrated and interactive analysis environment. You will be able to correlate the data most effectively if you have these viewers and Layouts displayed. Note that these viewers and Layouts are configured in the Cluster Logs Profile and will display after you load data from a Cluster.log file, provided that you enabled this Profile on the Profiles tab of the Options dialog (accessible from the global Message Analyzer Tools menu).

As an example of interactively driving the display of messages, if you select an InfoLevel group in the Grouping viewer, you can display all the messages associated with that particular error level in the Analysis Grid viewer for further analysis of details.

More Information
To learn more about interactively analyzing Cluster log data with the indicated viewing and Layout configurations, see the following topics:
Applying and Managing Analysis Grid Viewer Layouts — see the Cluster Log Layout in this topic.
Grouping Viewer — see the Cluster Logs Layout in this topic.
Working With Message Analyzer Profiles — see the Cluster Logs Profile in the table of this topic to review a related usage scenario and analysis example and to learn how to manually display the Grouping and Chart viewers with the Layouts defined in this Profile.