Onaylanmamış reklamları bulma
Bu çözümde, bir veya daha fazla hesap için onaylanmamış reklamların nasıl keşfedilmeye başlandığı gösterilmektedir. Aşağıda betiğin üst düzey akışı yer alır. Diğer ayrıntılar için satır içi açıklamaları okuyun.
- Google Drive'dan bir dosya okur. Dosya bir nesne listesi içerir. Her nesne bir hesap kimliği ve hesabın onaylanmamış reklamlar için en son ne zaman denetlendiğini gösteren bir zaman damgası içerir. Betik ilk kez çalıştırıldığında dosya mevcut olmamalıdır. Dosya yoksa, betik erişiminiz olan hesapların tam listesini oluşturur. Betiğin, dosya oluşturulduktan sonra eklediğiniz yeni hesapları almayacağını unutmayın. Hesap eklerseniz dosyayı silip yeni bir hesap listesi oluşturmanız gerekir.
- Hesap listesini, denetlenilmemiş veya en eski hesaplar önce görünecek şekilde sıralar.
- Listeden ilk 50 hesap kimliklerini alır ve seçicinin executeInParallel yöntemini çağırır. yöntemi, her hesap için findDisapprovedAds işlevini paralel olarak yürütür. Bu işlev, hesabın bilgilerini ve varsa onaylanmamış reklamların listesini içeren bir nesne döndürür.
- tüm findDisapprovedAds işlev çağrıları tamamlandıktan sonra reportResults işlevini yürütür. Bu işlev bir elektronik tablo oluşturur ve google e-tablolar kullanarak her hesap için bir sayfa oluşturur. Hesap onaylanmamış reklamlar içeriyorsa, reklamları sayfaya yazar.
- Belirtilen alıcılara e-posta bildirimi göndermek için Google Mail'i kullanır. E-posta, bir hesabın onaylanmamış reklamlar içerip içermediğini belirtir ve ayrıntıları görebilecekleri sayfaya bir bağlantı sağlar.
- Her hesap için lastChecked alanını Güncelleştirmeler ve dosyayı kaydeder. Betik bir sonraki çalıştırıldığında, hesap listesini son Denetlenen zaman damgasına göre sıralar. Bu, işlenmemiş veya en eski olan tüm hesapların listede ilk sırada yer aldığı anlamına gelir. Bu betiğin sahip olduğunuz hesap sayısına bağlı olarak bir veya daha fazla kez çalıştırılması gerekir.
Bu örneği kullanmadan önce, bu çözümde kullanılacak erişim belirtecini alma seçenekleri için bkz. Google hizmetleriyle kimlik doğrulaması .
Ana işlevi ve kod düzenleyicisindeki her şeyi bu örnek betikle değiştirin.
// Update the list with email addresses of the recipients that
// you want notifications sent to. The addresses may use any email
// provider (not limited to gmail.com). The list of addresses is comma delimited.
// For example, ['someone1@example.com','someone2@example.com'].
const NOTIFY = ['someone@example.com'];
// If you chose option 1 in Getting an access token, set accessToken to
// the token you received from Google OAuth playground. Otherwise, if you
// chose option 2, set clientId, clientSecret, and refreshToken.
const credentials = {
accessToken: '',
clientId: '',
clientSecret: '',
refreshToken: ''
const SCRIPT_NAME = 'Disapproved Ads Checker';
const ACCOUNTS_FILE_NAME = 'BingAds-Scripts-DisapprovedAds-AccountList.json';
const SPREADSHEET_PREFIX = 'BingAds-DisapprovedAds';
const DATETIME_TIMEZONE = 'America/Los_Angeles';
function main() {
// If it's the first time the script has run, the function creates
// the JSON file. The file contains a list of JSON objects.
// Each object contains an account ID field (id) and a time
// stamp field (lastChecked) when the account was last checked
// for disapproved ads.
createFileIfNotExists(ACCOUNTS_FILE_NAME, false);
// Load the list of objects from the JSON file or if the file is empty,
// set the list to empty.
const accountsList = loadObject(ACCOUNTS_FILE_NAME) || [];
// If the JSON file is empty, get a list of accounts the user
// has access to. For each account, create an object that contains
// the id field and lastChecked field. Then add it to accountsList.
// Note that if the file exists, accountsList will not include
// new accounts that were added since the script last ran. To ensure
// that the list contains all accounts, consider deleting the file
// periodically or after you add an account.
if (accountsList.length === 0) {
const accounts = AccountsApp.accounts().get();
while (accounts.hasNext()) {
const account = accounts.next();
id: account.getAccountId(),
lastChecked: ''
// Sort the list by lastChecked. This ensures that unprocessed accounts
// (i.e., lastChecked: '') in accountsList are first in the list. If all
// accounts have been processed, the accounts with the oldest lastChecked
// time stamp are first.
accountsList.sort((a, b) => a.lastChecked.localeCompare(b.lastChecked));
// Save the list of JSON objects back to the file. The file is opened
// again in reportResults() to update the lastChecked field with
// the time stamp of when the account was processed.
saveObject(accountsList, ACCOUNTS_FILE_NAME);
// Get a maximum of the first 50 accounts (ACCOUNT_BATCH_SIZE) from accountsList.
// Each time the script runs, it grabs the next 50 accounts until eventually
// The script processes all the accounts.
const toCheck = accountsList.slice(0, ACCOUNT_BATCH_SIZE).map(x => x.id);
Logger.log('Checking the following accounts: ' + JSON.stringify(toCheck));
// Use the executeInParallel method to execute the findDisapprovedAds function
// for all 50 accounts in parallel. When findDisapprovedAds finishes with all
// 50 accounts, Scripts calls the reportResults function.
AccountsApp.accounts().withIds(toCheck).executeInParallel('findDisapprovedAds', 'reportResults');
// The script executes this function in parallel for each account that the
// BingAdsAccountSelector returns (see the executeInParallel call in main()).
// Each account in the selector becomes the current account for each instance
// of findDisapprovedAds().
function findDisapprovedAds() {
const currentAccountInfo = `${AdsApp.currentAccount().getName()} ${AdsApp.currentAccount().getAccountId()} (${AdsApp.currentAccount().getAccountNumber()})`;
Logger.log(`Processing account: ${currentAccountInfo}`);
// Gets the list of disapproved ads in the account.
const ads = AdsApp.ads().withCondition('CampaignStatus = ENABLED')
.withCondition('AdGroupStatus = ENABLED')
.withCondition('Status = ENABLED')
.withCondition('CombinedApprovalStatus = DISAPPROVED')
// Contains a list of ad fields.
const columns = [
{ name: 'Campaign', func: ad => ad.getCampaign().getName() },
{ name: 'Campaign Id', func: ad => ad.getCampaign().getId() },
{ name: 'AdGroup', func: ad => ad.getAdGroup().getName() },
{ name: 'AdGroup Id', func: ad => ad.getAdGroup().getId() },
{ name: 'Id', func: ad => ad.getId() },
{ name: 'Type', func: ad => ad.getType() },
{ name: 'Title', func: ad => ad.getHeadline() },
{ name: 'Title 1', func: ad => ad.isType().expandedTextAd() ? ad.asType().expandedTextAd().getHeadlinePart1() : null },
{ name: 'Title 2', func: ad => ad.isType().expandedTextAd() ? ad.asType().expandedTextAd().getHeadlinePart2() : null },
{ name: 'Text', func: ad => ad.getDescription() },
{ name: 'Display Url', func: ad => ad.getDisplayUrl() },
{ name: 'Destination Url', func: ad => ad.getDestinationUrl() },
{ name: 'Final Url', func: ad => ad.urls().getFinalUrl() },
{ name: 'Path 1', func: ad => ad.isType().expandedTextAd() ? ad.asType().expandedTextAd().getPath1() : null },
{ name: 'Path 2', func: ad => ad.isType().expandedTextAd() ? ad.asType().expandedTextAd().getPath2() : null },
const results = [];
// For each disapproved ad, create a result object, which is
// a dictionary with the above column names as keys.
while (ads.hasNext()) {
const ad = ads.next();
// Creates the result object and executes the function in 'columns'
// to get the field's value.
const adResult = columns.reduce((temp, column) => { temp[column.name] = column.func(ad); return temp }, {});
// Adds the field (key/value) to the dictionary.
Logger.log(`Found ${results.length} disapproved ads for account ${currentAccountInfo}`);
const currentAccount = AdsApp.currentAccount();
// Create an object that identifies the account and its
// list of disapproved ads, if any. Convert it to a string that's
// past to the reportResults function when all instances of
// this function finish.
// Note that you could refactor the script to return only accounts
// that have disapproved ads.
return JSON.stringify({
customerId: currentAccount.getCustomerId(),
accountId: currentAccount.getAccountId(),
accountNumber: currentAccount.getAccountNumber(),
accountName: currentAccount.getName(),
disapprovedAdsCount: results.length,
disapprovedAds: { rows: results, headers: columns.map(x => x.name) }
// Scripts calls this function for each account when the findDisapprovedAds
// finishes processing all accounts.
// This function creates a spreadsheet that contains a sheet for each
// account. It then sends an email notification to the list of
// recipients in 'NOTIFY'.
function reportResults(results) {
Logger.log('Reporting results');
const sheetResults = [];
// Create a sheet object for each account in the list of results.
for (const result of results) {
if (!result.getReturnValue()) {
Logger.log(`Got an error in result: ${result.getError()}`);
const accountResult = JSON.parse(result.getReturnValue());
const sheetName = `${accountResult.accountId} (${accountResult.accountNumber})`;
sheetResults.push({ accountResult: accountResult, sheetName: sheetName });
// Gets a time stamp. The .replace function removes the u2003 character that
// toLocaleString() adds to the date string.
const dateTimeStr = new Date().toLocaleString(DATETIME_CULTURE, { timeZone: DATETIME_TIMEZONE }).replace(/\u200e/g, '');
// Create the spreadsheet file.
const spreadsheetName = `${SPREADSHEET_PREFIX} ${dateTimeStr}`;
const spreadsheetId = createFileIfNotExists(spreadsheetName, true);
// Adds a sheet for each account to the spreadsheet.
const createSheetsResponse = createSheets(spreadsheetId, sheetResults.map(x => x.sheetName));
// Get the original accounts list, so the script can
// update the lastChecked time stamp.
const accountsList = loadObject(ACCOUNTS_FILE_NAME);
const accountsById = accountsList.reduce((map, acc) => (map[acc.id] = acc, map), {});
const sheetsByName = createSheetsResponse.updatedSpreadsheet.sheets.reduce((map, sheet) => (map[sheet.properties.title] = sheet, map), {});
// Gets a link to the file to include in the email notification.
const fileUrl = shareFileWithLink(spreadsheetId);
const spreadsheetRows = [];
const summaryEmailData = [];
// Builds the sheet information.
for (const sheetResult of sheetResults) {
const accountResult = sheetResult.accountResult;
const sheetRows = [accountResult.disapprovedAds.headers];
for (const row of accountResult.disapprovedAds.rows) {
const rowValues = accountResult.disapprovedAds.headers.map(x => row[x]);
const sheetId = sheetsByName[sheetResult.sheetName].properties.sheetId;
spreadsheetRows.push({ sheetId: sheetId, rows: sheetRows });
const sheetUrl = `${fileUrl}#gid=${sheetId}`;
customerId: accountResult.customerId,
accountId: accountResult.accountId,
accountNumber: accountResult.accountNumber,
accountName: accountResult.accountName,
disapprovedAdsCount: accountResult.disapprovedAdsCount,
sheetUrl: sheetUrl
accountsById[accountResult.accountId].lastChecked = dateTimeStr;
writeRowsToSpreadsheet(spreadsheetRows, spreadsheetId);
if (summaryEmailData.length > 0) {
saveObject(accountsList, ACCOUNTS_FILE_NAME);
// Send an email to recipients with a list of the accounts and any
// disapproved ads. The recipient can click the embedded
// link to access the spreadsheet that contains details about
// the disapproved ads.
function sendSummaryEmail(summaryEmailData) {
const subject = `${SCRIPT_NAME} Summary Results`;
const body = subject;
const dateTimeStr = new Date().toLocaleString(DATETIME_CULTURE, { timeZone: DATETIME_TIMEZONE });
const messageHtml =
<br/ ><br/ >
<table border="1" width="95%" style="border-collapse:collapse;">
<th align="left">Customer Id</th>
<th align="left">Account Id</th>
<th align="left">Account Number</th>
<th align="left">Account Name</th>
<th align="center">Disapproved Ads Found</th>
<th align="center">Full Report</th>
${summaryEmailData.map(row =>
<td align="left">${row.customerId}</td>
<td align="left">${row.accountId}</td>
<td align="left">${row.accountNumber}</td>
<td align="left">${row.accountName}</td>
<td align="center">${row.disapprovedAdsCount}</td>
<td align="left"><a href="${row.sheetUrl}">Show Details</a></td>
<br/ >
${dateTimeStr}. Completed. ${summaryEmailData.length} accounts checked.
const gmailApi = getGmailApi();
for (const i in NOTIFY) {
const email =
`To: ${NOTIFY[i]}
Subject: ${subject}
Content-Type: text/html; charset="utf-8"
gmailApi.users.messages.send({ userId: 'me' }, { raw: Base64.encode(email) });
// Calls to get Google services.
const getSheetsApi = (() => {
let sheetsApi;
return () => sheetsApi || (sheetsApi = GoogleApis.createSheetsService(credentials));
const getDriveApi = (() => {
let driveApi;
return () => driveApi || (driveApi = GoogleApis.createDriveService(credentials));
const getGmailApi = (() => {
let gmailApi;
return () => gmailApi || (gmailApi = GoogleApis.createGmailService(credentials));
// Creates each sheet in the spreadsheet.
function createSheets(spreadsheetId, sheetNames) {
const requests = sheetNames.map(x => ({ addSheet: { properties: { title: x } } }));
var response = getSheetsApi().spreadsheets.batchUpdate({ spreadsheetId: spreadsheetId }, {
requests: requests,
includeSpreadsheetInResponse: true
return response;
// Writes the disapproved ads to each sheet.
function writeRowsToSpreadsheet(spreadsheetRows, spreadsheetId) {
const requests = spreadsheetRows.map(sheetRows => ({
appendCells: {
sheetId: sheetRows.sheetId,
rows: sheetRows.rows.map(row => ({
values: row.map(colunmValue => ({
userEnteredValue: { stringValue: colunmValue }
fields: '*'
getSheetsApi().spreadsheets.batchUpdate({ spreadsheetId: spreadsheetId }, {
requests: requests,
includeSpreadsheetInResponse: false
// Returns a link to the spreadsheet. The script includes
// the link in the email notification.
function shareFileWithLink(fileId) {
// Set up permissions, so the recipient doesn't have to
// sign in.
getDriveApi().permissions.create({ fileId: fileId }, {
type: 'anyone',
role: 'reader',
allowFileDiscovery: false
const fileResponse = getDriveApi().files.get({ fileId: fileId, fields: 'webViewLink' }).result;
return fileResponse.webViewLink;
function findFileId(fileName) {
const req = escape(`name = '${fileName}'`);
const searchResult = getDriveApi().files.list({ q: req }).result;
if (searchResult.files.length > 0) {
return searchResult.files[0].id;
return null;
function createFileIfNotExists(fileName, isSpreadsheet) {
const existingFileId = findFileId(fileName);
if (existingFileId) {
return existingFileId;
const createResult = getDriveApi().files.create({}, {
name: fileName,
mimeType: isSpreadsheet ? 'application/vnd.google-apps.spreadsheet' : 'application/vnd.google-apps.document'
return createResult.id;
function saveObject(obj, fileName) {
const fileId = createFileIfNotExists(fileName, false);
getDriveApi().files.update({ fileId: fileId }, JSON.stringify(obj), { uploadType: 'simple', contentType: 'text/plain' });
function loadObject(fileName) {
const fileId = findFileId(fileName);
if (!fileId) {
throw new Error(`File ${fileName} not found`);
const fileData = getDriveApi().files.export({ fileId: fileId, mimeType: 'text/plain' }).body.trim();
if (fileData) {
return JSON.parse(fileData.trim());
} else {
return null;
// Common Google library code that all Scripts that access Google
// services will include.
var GoogleApis;
(function (GoogleApis) {
GoogleApis.createSheetsService = credentials => createService("https://sheets.googleapis.com/$discovery/rest?version=v4", credentials);
GoogleApis.createDriveService = credentials => createService("https://www.googleapis.com/discovery/v1/apis/drive/v3/rest", credentials);
GoogleApis.createGmailService = credentials => createService("https://www.googleapis.com/discovery/v1/apis/gmail/v1/rest", credentials);
// Creation logic based on https://developers.google.com/discovery/v1/using#usage-simple
function createService(url, credentials) {
const content = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText();
const discovery = JSON.parse(content);
const accessToken = getAccessToken(credentials);
const standardParameters = discovery.parameters;
const service = build(discovery, {}, discovery['rootUrl'], discovery['servicePath'], standardParameters, accessToken);
return service;
function createNewMethod(method, rootUrl, servicePath, standardParameters, accessToken) {
return (urlParams, body, uploadParams) => {
let urlPath = method.path;
if (uploadParams) {
if (!method.supportsMediaUpload) {
throw new Error(`Media upload is not supported`);
const uploadProtocols = method.mediaUpload.protocols;
const uploadType = uploadParams.uploadType;
switch (uploadType) {
case 'simple':
const simpleProtocol = uploadProtocols.simple;
if (!simpleProtocol) {
throw new Error(`Upload protocol ${uploadType} is not supported`);
urlPath = simpleProtocol.path;
case 'resumable':
const resumableProtocol = uploadProtocols.resumable;
if (!resumableProtocol) {
throw new Error(`Upload protocol ${uploadType} is not supported`);
urlPath = resumableProtocol.path;
throw new Error(`Unknown upload type ${uploadType}`);
const queryArguments = [];
for (const name in urlParams) {
const paramConfg = method.parameters[name] || standardParameters[name];
if (!paramConfg) {
throw new Error(`Unexpected url parameter ${name}`);
switch (paramConfg.location) {
case 'path':
urlPath = urlPath.replace('{' + name + '}', urlParams[name]);
case 'query':
throw new Error(`Unknown location ${paramConfg.location} for url parameter ${name}`);
if (uploadParams) {
queryArguments.push(`uploadType=${uploadParams.uploadType === 'simple' ? 'media' : uploadParams.uploadType}`);
let url = rootUrl;
if (urlPath.startsWith('/')) {
url += urlPath.substring(1);
} else {
url += servicePath + urlPath;
if (queryArguments.length > 0) {
url += '?' + queryArguments.join('&');
const payload = uploadParams ? body : JSON.stringify(body);
const contentType = uploadParams ? uploadParams.contentType : 'application/json';
const fetchParams = { contentType: contentType, method: method.httpMethod, payload: payload, headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}` }, muteHttpExceptions: true };
const httpResponse = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, fetchParams);
const responseContent = httpResponse.getContentText();
const responseCode = httpResponse.getResponseCode();
let parsedResult;
try {
parsedResult = JSON.parse(responseContent);
} catch (e) {
parsedResult = false;
const response = new Response(parsedResult, responseContent, responseCode);
if (responseCode >= 200 && responseCode <= 299) {
return response;
throw new Error(response.toString());
function Response(result, body, status) {
this.result = result;
this.body = body;
this.status = status;
Response.prototype.toString = function () {
return this.body;
function build(discovery, collection, rootUrl, servicePath, standardParameters, accessToken) {
for (const name in discovery.resources) {
const resource = discovery.resources[name];
collection[name] = build(resource, {}, rootUrl, servicePath, standardParameters, accessToken);
for (const name in discovery.methods) {
const method = discovery.methods[name];
collection[name] = createNewMethod(method, rootUrl, servicePath, standardParameters, accessToken);
return collection;
function getAccessToken(credentials) {
if (credentials.accessToken) {
return credentials.accessToken;
const tokenResponse = UrlFetchApp.fetch('https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v4/token', { method: 'post', contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', muteHttpExceptions: true, payload: { client_id: credentials.clientId, client_secret: credentials.clientSecret, refresh_token: credentials.refreshToken, grant_type: 'refresh_token' } });
const responseCode = tokenResponse.getResponseCode();
const responseText = tokenResponse.getContentText();
if (responseCode >= 200 && responseCode <= 299) {
const accessToken = JSON.parse(responseText)['access_token'];
return accessToken;
throw new Error(responseText);
})(GoogleApis || (GoogleApis = {}));
// https://github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-js/blob/master/lib/msal-core/src/Utils.ts
class Base64 {
static encode(input) {
const keyStr = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
let output = "";
let chr1, chr2, chr3, enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4;
let i = 0;
input = this.utf8Encode(input);
while (i < input.length) {
chr1 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
chr2 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
chr3 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
enc1 = chr1 >> 2;
enc2 = ((chr1 & 3) << 4) | (chr2 >> 4);
enc3 = ((chr2 & 15) << 2) | (chr3 >> 6);
enc4 = chr3 & 63;
if (isNaN(chr2)) {
enc3 = enc4 = 64;
else if (isNaN(chr3)) {
enc4 = 64;
output = output + keyStr.charAt(enc1) + keyStr.charAt(enc2) + keyStr.charAt(enc3) + keyStr.charAt(enc4);
return output.replace(/\+/g, "-").replace(/\//g, "_").replace(/=+$/, "");
static utf8Encode(input) {
input = input.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n");
let utftext = "";
for (let n = 0; n < input.length; n++) {
const c = input.charCodeAt(n);
if (c < 128) {
utftext += String.fromCharCode(c);
else if ((c > 127) && (c < 2048)) {
utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 6) | 192);
utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128);
else {
utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 12) | 224);
utftext += String.fromCharCode(((c >> 6) & 63) | 128);
utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128);
return utftext;