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PropertyList Element - Supported XMLA Properties

Analysis Services supports the properties listed in the following table. You use these listed properties in the Properties element of the Discover and Execute methods.

Name Description Type Values
AxisFormat Determines the format used within an MDDataSet result set to describe the axes of the multidimensional dataset. This property can have the values listed in the following table.

This property can be used with the Execute method.
Optional, write-only String property ClusterFormat: The MDDataSet axis is made up of one or more CrossProduct elements.

Analysis Services uses the TupleFormat format for this setting.

TupleFormat Default. The MDDataSet axis contains one or more Tuple elements.
BeginRange Contains a zero-based integer value corresponding to a CellOrdinal attribute value. (The CellOrdinal attribute is part of the Cell element in the CellData section of MDDataSet.)

The default value for this property is -1.

This property can be used with the Execute method.

Used together with the EndRange property, the client application can use this property to restrict an OLAP dataset returned by a command to a specific range of cells. If -1 is specified, all cells up to the cell specified in the EndRange property are returned.
Optional, write-only Integer property
Catalog When establishing a session with an Analysis Services instance to send an XMLA command, this property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, DBPROP_INIT_CATALOG.

When you set this property during a session to change the current database for the session, this property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, DBPROP_CURRENTCATALOG.

The default value for this property is an empty string.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read/write String property
CatalogLocation This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, DBPROP_CATALOGLOCATION.

The default value for this property is zero (0), equivalent to DBPROPVAL_CL_START.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Integer property
ClientProcessID Contains the identifier (ID) of the process thread for the current session.

The default value for this property is zero (0).

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read/write Integer property
CommitTimeout Determines how long, in milliseconds, the commit phase of a currently running XMLA command waits before rolling back. When greater than 0, overrides the value of the corresponding CommitTimeout property in the server configuration. The commit phase corresponds to XMLA commands such as Statement or Process.

A value of zero (0) indicates that the instance waits indefinitely.

The default value for this property is zero (0).

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, write-only Integer property
Content Determines the type of data that is returned from the Discover and Execute methods.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, write-only String property SchemaData: Default. Returns the schema information and the data.

None: Allows the structure of the command to be verified, but not run.

Schema: Returns the XML schema that relates to the requested command. The XML schema indicates columns and other information.

Data: Returns only the data that was requested.
Cube Contains the name of the cube that sets the context for the command. If the command itself contains a cube name, such as within the FROM clause of a Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) SELECT statement, the setting of this property is ignored.

The default value for this property is an empty string.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, write-only String property
DataSourceInfo Contains the information, such as the instance name, required to connect to the data source.

Client applications should not construct the contents of the DataSourceInfo property to send to an instance. Instead, the client application should find the data sources supported by the provider by using the Discover method to retrieve the DISCOVER_DATASOURCES rowset. The client application then sends back the same value for the DataSourceInfo property that the client retrieved from the DISCOVER_DATASOURCES rowset.

There is no default value for this property.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Required, read/write String property
DbpropCatalogTerm This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, DBPROP_CATALOGTERM.

The default value for this property is "Database".

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only String property
DbpropCatalogUsage This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, DBPROP_CATALOGUSAGE.

The default value for this property is zero (0).

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Integer property
DbpropColumnDefinition This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, DBPROP_COLUMNDEFINITION.

The default value for this property is zero (0).

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Integer property
DbpropConcatNullBehavior This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, DBPROP_CONCATNULLBEHAVIOR.

The default value for this property is 1, equivalent to DBPROPVAL_CB_NULL.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Integer property
DbpropDataSourceReadOnly This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, DBPROP_DATASOURCEREADONLY.

The default value for this property is FALSE.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Boolean property
DbpropGroupBy This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, DBPROP_GROUPBY.

The default value for this property is 2, equivalent to DBPROPVAL_GB_EQUALS_SELECT.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Integer property
DbpropHeterogeneousTables This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, DBPROP_HETEROGENEOUSTABLES.

The default value for this property is zero (0).

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Integer property
DbpropIdentifierCase This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, DBPROP_IDENTIFIERCASE.

The default value for this property is 8, equivalent to DBPROPVAL_IC_MIXED.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Integer property
DbpropInitMode This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, DBPROP_INIT_MODE.

The only supported values for this property are DB_MODE_READWRITE and DB_MODE_READ.

There is no default value for this property.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read/write Integer property
DbpropMaxIndexSize This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, DBPROP_MAXINDEXSIZE.

The default value for this property is zero (0).

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Integer property
DbpropMaxOpenChapters This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, DBPROP_MAXOPENCHAPTERS.

The default value for this property is zero (0).

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Integer property
DbpropMaxRowSize This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, DBPROP_MAXROWSIZE.

The default value for this property is zero (0).

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Integer property
DbpropMaxRowSizeIncludeBlob This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, DBPROP_MAXROWSIZEINCLUDESBLOB.

The default value for this property is TRUE.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional read-only Boolean property
DbpropMaxTablesInSelect This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property DBPROP_MAXTABLESINSELECT.

The default value for this property is 1.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Integer property
DbpropMsmdAutoexists Determines the behavior of autoexists. This property can have the values listed in the following table.

Zero or empty are the default values for this property.

This is a session property that can only be set when the session is created.
Optional, read/write Integer property 0: Default value, same as 1.

1: Apply deep autoexists for query axes and named sets. Includes WHERE clauses and subselects.

2: Apply deep autoexists for query axes and exclude named sets from autoexists. Includes WHERE clauses and subselects.

3: Apply no autoexists for named sets with WHERE clause. Apply shallow autoexists for query axes with WHERE clause. Apply deep autoexists for query axes with subselects and named sets with subselects.
DbpropMsmdCacheMode Reserved for future use.

There is no default value for this property.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read/write Integer property
DbpropMsmdCachePolicy Reserved for future use.

There is no default value for this property.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read/write Integer property
DbpropMsmdCacheRatio Reserved for future use.

There is no default value for this property.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read/write Integer property
DbpropMsmdCacheRatio2 Reserved for future use.

There is no default value for this property.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read/write Double property
DbpropMsmdCompareCaseNotSensitiveStringFlags Determines case-sensitive string comparison and sort order functionality. This property controls how comparisons are made in character sets that do not support uppercase and lowercase characters, such as katakana for Japanese and Hindi. The value of this property is set in the first connection of the process thread, and affects all subsequent connections in that process thread.

There is no default value for this property.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional read/write Integer property Use the following Name: Value pairs to determine which flags to use:

NORM_IGNORECASE: 0x00000001. Case is ignored.

Not applicable: 0x00000002.Binary comparison. Characters are compared based on their underlying value in the character set, not on their order in their particular alphabet.

NORM_IGNORENONSPACE: 0x00000010. Nonspacing characters are ignored.

NORM_IGNORESYMBOLS: 0x00000100. Symbols are ignored.

NORM_IGNOREKANATYPE: 0x00001000. No differentiation is made between hiragana and katakana characters. When compared, corresponding hiragana and katakana characters are considered to be equal.

NORM_IGNOREWIDTH: 0x00010000. No differentiation is made between single-byte and double-byte versions of the same character.

SORT_STRINGSORT: 0x00100000. Punctuation is treated the same as symbols.
DbpropMsmdCompareCaseSensitiveStringFlags Determines case-insensitive string comparison and sort order functionality. This property controls how comparisons are made in character sets that do not support uppercase and lowercase characters, such as katakana for Japanese and Hindi. The value of this property is set in the first connection of the process thread, and affects all subsequent connections in that process thread.

There is no default value for this property.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read/write Integer property Use the following Name: Value pairs to determine which flags to use:

NORM_IGNORECASE: 0x00000001. Case is ignored.

Not applicable:
0x00000002. Binary comparison. Characters are compared based on their underlying value in the character set, not on their order in their particular alphabet.

0x00000010. Nonspacing characters are ignored.

0x00000100. Symbols are ignored.

No differentiation is made between hiragana and katakana characters. When compared, corresponding hiragana and katakana characters are considered to be equal.

No differentiation is made between single-byte and double-byte versions of the same character.

Punctuation is treated the same as symbols.
DbpropMsmdDebugMode Usage
Optional, read/write String property

Reserved for future use.

There is no default value for this property.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
DbpropMsmdDynamicDebugLimit Usage
Optional, read/write Integer property

Reserved for future use.

There is no default value for this property.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
DbpropMsmdFlattened2 Usage
Optional, read/write Boolean property

Outputs all members of a parent-child hierarchy in a single table column in the flattened result, unless the parent-child hierarchy is requested on Axis 0. The Level template for output columns is not used.

The default value for this property is FALSE.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
DbpropMsmdMDXCompatibility Usage
Optional, read/write Integer property

Determines how placeholder members in a ragged or unbalanced hierarchy are treated. This property can have the following values:


For compatibility with earlier versions of Analysis Services, this value is equivalent to 1


Hierarchies in role-playing dimensions receive a caption that includes the dimension name and the hierarchy name. The caption has the following format: {Dimension].[Hierarchy] Placeholder members are exposed.


Hierarchies in role-playing dimensions receive a caption that includes the dimension name and the hierarchy name The caption has the following format:


Placeholder members are not exposed.


(Default) Placeholder members are not exposed.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
DbpropMsmdMDXUniqueNameStyle Usage
Optional, read/write Integer property

Determines the algorithm for generating the unique names of members in a dimension. This property can have the values listed in the following table.


For compatibility with earlier versions of Analysis Services, this value is equivalent to 2.


Uses a key path algorithm: [dim].&[key1].&[key2]


Uses a name path algorithm: [dim].[name1].&[name2]


Uses guaranteed unique names that are stable over time.

The default value for this property is 6.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
DbpropMsmdSQLCompatibility Reserved for future use.

The default value for this property is zero (0).

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read/write Integer property
DbpropMsmdSubQueries A bitmask that determines the behavior of subqueries.

Zero or empty are the default values for this property.

This is a session property that can only be set when the session is created.

See Calculated Members in Subselects and Subcubes for a detailed explanation of the behavior of calculated members or calculated sets in subselects and subcubes.
Optional, read/write Integer property This property can have one of the following values:

0: Default value, Compatible with earlier versions of Analysis Services. Calculated members or calculated sets are not allowed in subselects or subcubes..

1: Calculated members or calculated sets are allowed in subselects or subcubes. Ascendants of the calculated member are not included in the space of the subselect or subcube.

2: Calculated members or calculated sets are allowed in subselects or subcubes. Ascendants of the calculated member are included in the space of the subselect or subcube.
DbpropMsmdUseFormulaCache Usage
Reserved for future use.

There is no default value for this property.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
DbpropMultiTableUpdate Usage
Optional, read-only Boolean property

This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, DBPROP_MULTITABLEUPDATE.

The default value for this property is FALSE.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
DbpropNullCollation Usage
Optional, read-only Integer property

This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, DBPROP_NULLCOLLATION.

The default value for this property is 4, equivalent to DBPROPVAL_NC_LOW.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
DbpropOrderByColumnsInSelect This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, DBPROP_ORDERBYCOLUMNSINSELECT.

The default value for this property is FALSE.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Boolean property
DbpropOutputParameterAvailable This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, DBPROP_OUTPUTPARAMETERAVAILABILITY.

The default value for this property is 1, equivalent to DBPROPVAL_OA_NOTSUPPORTED.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Integer property
DbpropPersistentIdType This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, DBPROP_PERSISTENTIDTYPE.

The default value for this property is 4, equivalent to DBPROPVAL_PT_NAME.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Integer property
DbpropPrepareAbortBehavior This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, DBPROP_PREPAREABORTBEHAVIOR.

The default value for this property is 1, equivalent to DBPROPVAL_CB_DELETE.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Integer property
DbpropPrepareCommitBehavior This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property DBPROP_PREPARECOMMITBEHAVIOR.

The default value for this property is 1, equivalent to DBPROPVAL_CB_DELETE.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Integer property
DbpropProcedureTerm This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, DBPROP_PROCEDURETERM.

The default value for this property is "Calculated member".

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only String property
DbpropQuotedIdentifierCase This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, DBPROP_QUOTEDIDENTIFIERCASE.

The default value for this property is 8, equivalent to DBPROPVAL_IC_MIXED.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional read-only Integer property
DbpropSchemaUsage This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, DBPROP_SCHEMAUSAGE.

The default value for this property is zero (0).

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Integer property
DbpropSqlSupport This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, DBPROP_SQLSUPPORT.

The default value for this property is 512, equivalent to DBPROPVAL_SQL_SUBMINIMUM.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Integer property
DbpropSubqueries This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, DBPROP_SUBQUERIES.

Note: While Data Mining Extensions (DMX) supports subqueries, this property refers to subquery support in SQL.

The default value for this property is zero (0).

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Integer property
DbpropSupportedTxnDdl This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, DBPROP_SUPPORTEDTXNDDL.

The default value for this property is zero (0), equivalent to DBPROPVAL_TC_NONE.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Integer property
DbpropSupportedTxnIsoLevels This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, DBPROP_SUPPORTEDTXNISOLEVELS.

The default value for this property is 4096, equivalent to DBPROPVAL_TI_READCOMMITTED.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Integer property
DbpropSupportedTxnIsoRetain This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, DBPROP_SUPPORTEDTXNISORETAIN.

The default value for this property is 292, equivalent to a combination of DBPROPVAL_TR_ABORT_NO, DBPROPVAL_TR_COMMIT_NO, and DBPROPVAL_TR_NONE.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Integer property
DbpropTableTerm Usage
Optional, read-only String property

This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, DBPROP_TABLETERM.

The default value for this property is "Cube".

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Dialect You can use the Dialect property when you expect that most of queries will use one particular dialect over any other.

Query syntax can be similar for language dialects, such as DMX and SQL. Because the syntax can be similar, Analysis Services may not be able to infer the dialect from the query syntax. If a query does not run in one dialect, the Analysis Services instance may try to run the query again in a different dialect.

If the Dialect property is set, Analysis Services returns query execution errors in the dialect that has precedence, even if the provider tries to run the query again in another dialect. For example, the Dialect property is set to MDGUID_DM. The provider first tries to run the query as a data mining query, but this query fails. The provider then resubmits the query as an SQL query. However, this SQL query also fails. Because the value of the Dialect property is MDGUID_DM, Analysis Services returns a data mining error message, not an SQL error message.

If the Dialect property is not set, Analysis Services returns query execution errors in the dialect last used. For example, the Dialect property is not set, and a data mining query fails. The provider then resubmits the query as SQL. The SQL query also fails. Because the Dialect property is not set, the provider returns an SQL error message instead of a data mining error message.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.

There is no default value for this property. Establishes the dialect used in the following situations:

-The dialect that the provider will use the first time that the provider tries to run a query.

-The dialect used for the execution errors returned as the result of query failures.
Optional, read/write String property The following Name: Value pairs are dialects available to this property:

C8B522D7-5CF3-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D. The SQL parser has precedence.

62C58FED-CCA5-44F1-83B6-7B45682B3904. The DMX parser has precedence.

A07CCCD0-8148-11D0-87BB-00C04FC33942. The MDX parser has precedence.
Disable Prefetch Facts When set to True, the engine stops trying to pre-fetch values for the length of the session.

The default value for this property is False.
Optional, read/write Boolean property,
EffectiveRoles Reserved for future use.

There is no default value for this property.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, write-only String property
EffectiveUserName Specifies the name of an account to use to override the user name when connecting to an Analysis Services instance. The value of the property is not normalized, in that the MDX UserName function returns the literal value if this property is used. This property can only be used by server administrators.

This property supports the following SID types: User, Group, Alias, WellKnownGroup, Computer.

There is no default value for this property.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, write-only String property
EndRange Specifies a zero-based integer value corresponding to a CellOrdinal attribute value. (The CellOrdinal attribute is part of the Cell element in the CellData section of MDDataSet).

Used together with the BeginRange property, the client application can use this property to restrict an OLAP dataset returned by a command to a specific range of cells. If -1 is specified, all cells from the cell specified in the BeginRange property are returned.

The default value for this property is -1.

This property can be used with the Execute method.
Optional, write-only Integer property
ExecutionMode Reserved for future use.

The default value for this property is Execute.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, write-only String property
ForceCommitTimeout Determines for how long, in seconds, the commit phase of a currently running XMLA command waits before forcing previously issued commands to roll back. The commit phase corresponds to XMLA commands such as Statement or Process.

A value of zero (0) indicates that the instance waits indefinitely.

The default value for this property is zero (0).

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, write-only Integer property
Format Determines the type of result set that is returned from the Discover and Execute methods.

The default value for this property is Native.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, write-only String property This property can have the following values:

Tabular: Returns a result set using the Rowset data type.

Multidimensional: Returns a rowset using the MDDataSet data type.

Native: No format is explicitly specified. Analysis Services returns the appropriate format for the command. The actual result type is identified by the namespace of the result.
ImpactAnalysis Reserved for future use.

The default value for this property is zero (0).

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, write-only Boolean property
LocaleIdentifier Reads or sets the locale identifier (LCID) used by the Discover or Execute method. For the complete hexadecimal list of language identifiers, look for "Language Identifiers" in the MSDN Library.

There is no default value for this property.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read/write Integer property
MaximumRows Reserved for future use.

There is no default value for this property.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, write-only Integer property
MdpropAggregateCellUpdate This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, MDPROP_AGGREGATECELL_UPDATE.

The default value for this property is 4, equivalent to MDPROPVAL_AU_SUPPORTED.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Integer property
MdpropAxes This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, MDPROP_AXES.

The default value for this property is 2147483647.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Integer property
MdpropDrillFunctions Determines the level of support for drill functions on the server.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Integer property The following values are used to build a valid bitmask:




The default values are:

3 for SQL Server 2008

7 for SQL Server 2008 R2 and SQL Server 2012.
MdpropFlatteningSupport This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, MDPROP_FLATTENING_SUPPORT.

The default value for this property is 1, equivalent to MDPROPVAL_FS_FULL_SUPPORT.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Integer property
MdpropMdxCaseSupport This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, MDPROP_MDX_CASESUPPORT.

The default value for this property is zero (0).

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Integer property
MdpropMdxDescFlags This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, MDPROP_MDX_DESCFLAGS.

The default value for this property is 7, equivalent to MDPROPVAL_MD_BEFORE, MDPROPVAL_MD_AFTER, and MDPROPVAL_MD_SELF.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Integer property
MdpropMdxFormulas This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property MDPROP_MDX_FORMULAS.


This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Integer property
MdpropMdxJoinCubes This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, MDPROP_MDX_JOINCUBES.

The default value for this property is 1, equivalent to MDPROPVAL_MJC_SINGLECUBE.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Integer property
MdpropMdxMemberFunctions This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, MDPROP_MDX_MEMBER_FUNCTIONS.

The default value for this property is 15, equivalent to a combination of all available OLE DB values.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Integer property
MdpropMdxNamedSets This property is used in creating named sets. Optional, read-only Integer property A bitmask from values listed in the following table.









A value of 15 is the default value for this property.
MdpropMdxNonMeasureExpressions This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, MDPROP_MDX_NONMEASURE_EXPRESSIONS.

The default value for this property is zero (0), equivalent to MDPROPVAL_NME_ALLDIMENSIONS.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Integer property
MdpropMdxNumericFunctions This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, MDPROP_MDX_NUMERIC_FUNCTIONS.


This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Integer property
MdpropMdxObjQualification This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, MDPROP_MDX_OBJQUALIFICATION.


This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Integer property
MdpropMdxOuterReference This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property MDPROP_MDX_OUTERREFERENCE.

The default value for this property is zero (0).

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Integer property
MdpropMdxQueryByProperty This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, MDPROP_MDX_QUERYBYPROPERTY.

The default value for this property is TRUE.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Boolean property
MdpropMdxRangeRowset This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, MDPROP_MDX_RANGEROWSET.

The default value for this property is 4, equivalent to MDPROPVAL_RR_UPDATE.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Integer property
MdpropMdxSetFunctions This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, MDPROP_MDX_SET_FUNCTIONS.


This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Integer property
MdpropMdxSlicer This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, MDPROP_MDX_SLICER.

The default value for this property is 2, equivalent to MDPROPVAL_MS_SINGLETUPLE.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Integer property
MdpropMdxStringCompop This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, MDPROP_MDX_STRING_COMPOP.


This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Integer property
MdpropMdxSubQueries Indicates the level of support for subqueries in MDX.

A value of 63 is the default value for this property in SQL Server 2014.

A value of 31 is the default value for this property in SQL Server 2008 R2 and SQL Server 2012.

A value of 15 is the default value for this property in SQL Server 2008

A value of 3 is the default value for this property in SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services.
Optional, read-only Integer property Valid values for this property are a bitmask made from the following values:





MdpropNamedLevels This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, MDPROP_NAMED_LEVELS.

The default value for this property is 3, equivalent to a combination of MDPROPVAL_NL_NAMEDLEVELS and MDPROPVAL_NL_NUMBEREDLEVELS.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Integer property
MdxMissingMemberMode Indicates whether missing members are ignored in MDX statements.

This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, DBPROP_MDX_MISSING_MEMBER_MODE.

The default value for this property is Default.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, write-only String property This property can have one of the following values:

Default: Use value generated by the Analysis Services instance.

Error: Generate an error.

Ignore: Always ignore missing members.
MDXSupport Specifies an enumeration that describes the degree of MDX support.

The default value for this property is Core.

This property can be used with the Discover method.

Note that currently, the only valid value for this enumeration is Core. Other values may be defined for this enumeration in the future.
Optional, read-only String property This property can have the following value:

Core: All MDX options are supported.
NonEmptyThreshold Reserved for future use.

There is no default value for this property.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional read/write Integer property
Password This property is no longer supported.

For backward compatibility, this property is ignored without generating an error when used with the Execute or Discover method.
Optional write-only String property
ProviderName This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, DBPROP_DBMSNAME.

The default value for this property is "OLAP Server".

This property can be used with the Discover method.
Optional, read-only String property
ProviderType This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, DBPROP_DATASOURCE_TYPE.

The default value for this property is 6.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Integer property
ProviderVersion This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, DBPROP_DBMSVER.

The default value for this property is the version of the Analysis Services instance.

This property can be used with the Discover method.
Optional, read-only String property
ReadOnlySession Reserved for future use.

There is no default value for this property.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read/write Integer property
RealTimeOlap When set to TRUE, indicates that all the partitions listening for table notifications are to be queried in real time, bypassing caching. This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, DBPROP_MSMD_REAL_TIME_OLAP.

The default value for this property is FALSE.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read/write Boolean property
ReturnCellProperties Specifies whether cell properties will be returned.

The default value for this property is FALSE.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read/write Boolean property
Roles Specifies a comma-delimited string of the role names under which a client application connects to an Analysis Services instance. This property lets the user connect using a role other than the one he or she is currently using. For example, a server administrator may want to connect to a cube as a member of a role to test permissions granted to that role. This user must be a member of the role specified in order to connect using this property.

** Important ** Role names are case-sensitive, and spaces should not be used between the comma-delimited role names. Otherwise errors and unexpected results may be returned by queries to secured cell sets.

There is no default value for this property.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read/write String property
SafetyOptions Determines whether unsafe libraries can be registered and loaded by client applications.

The value of this property also determines whether the PASSTHROUGH keyword is allowed in local cubes. An error occurs in the following situations:

-If a client application tries to create a local cube with an INSERT INTO statement that contains the PASSTHROUGH keyword.

-If a client application tries to update a local cube that contains an INSERT INTO statement which uses the PASSTHROUGH keyword.

There is no default value for this property.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read/write Integer property This property can have one of the values listed in the following Name: Value pairs:

0. This value is treated as DBPROPVAL_MSMD_SAFETY_OPTIONS_ALLOW_SAFE.For connections to a local cube, this value depends on whether the CREATECUBE connection string property is used. If the CREATECUBE connection string property is used, this value is the same as DBPROPVAL_MSMD_SAFETY_OPTIONS_ALLOW_ALL. Otherwise, this value is the same as DBPROPVAL_MSMD_SAFETY_OPTIONS_ALLOW_SAFE.

1. This value enables all user-defined function libraries without verifying that they are safe for initialization and scripting. For connections to local cubes, this value enables usage of stored procedures and of the PASSTHROUGH keyword in INSERT INTO statements. ** Security Note **: This option is not recommended.

2. This value makes sure that all classes for a particular user-defined function library are checked to make sure that they are safe for initialization and scripting. For connections to local cubes, this value prevents usage of the PASSTHROUGH keyword in INSERT INTO statements and of stored procedures where the PermissionSet property is not set to Safe. This value also removes actions in the MDSCHEMA_ACTIONS schema rowset that have either a value of HTML or COMMAND in the ACTION_TYPE column, or have a value of URL in the ACTION_TYPE column and a value in the CONTENT column that does not start with "http://" or "https://".

3: This value prevents user-defined functions from being used during the session. For connections to local cubes, this value prevents usage of all stored procedures and of the PASSTHROUGH keyword in INSERT INTO statements. This value also removes all actions in the MDSCHEMA_ACTIONS schema rowset.
SecuredCellValue Specifies the error code and the values for the Value and Formatted Value cell properties to be returned when it tries to access a secured cell.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read/write Integer property This property can have one of the following values:

0: Default. For compatibility with earlier versions, this value is the same as 1. The meaning of this default value is subject to change in future versions.

1: Returns HRESULT = NO_ERROR. The Value property of the cell contains the result as a variant data type. The string "#N/A" is returned in the Formatted Value property.

2: Returns an error as the value of HRESULT.

3: Returns NULL in both the Value and Formatted Value properties.

4: Returns a numeric zero (0) in the Value property, and returns a formatted zero in the Formatted Value property. For example, 0.00 is returned in the Formatted Value property for a cell whose Format property is "#.##".

5: Returns the string "#SEC" in both the Value and Formatted Value properties.
ServerName This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, DBPROP_SERVERNAME.

The default value for this property is the name of the Analysis Services instance.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only String property
ShowHiddenCubes Reserved for future use.

The default value for this property is FALSE.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read/write Boolean property
SQLQueryMode Determines whether calculations are included in SQL queries.

The default value for this property is Calculated.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read/write String property This property can have one of the following values:

Data: No calculations are included.

Calculated: Calculations are returned.

IncludeEmpty: Calculations and empty rows are returned.
SQLSupport Specifies the type of SQL support available on the provider.

The default value for this property is 512.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Integer property
SspropInitAppName Contains the name of the client application.

There is no default value for this property.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read/write String property
SspropInitPacketsize Contains the ID of the client application.

There is no default value for this property.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read/write Integer property
SspropInitWsid Contains the ID of the client workstation.

There is no default value for this property.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read/write String property
StateSupport Specifies the degree of support for statefulness.

The default value for this property is Sessions.

This property can be used with the Discover method.
Optional, read-only String property This property can have one of the following values:

None: Statefulness is not supported.

Sessions: Statefulness is provided through session support.
Timeout Specifies, in seconds, the maximum time that the Analysis Services instance should wait for a request to be successful before returning an error. This property also determines the maximum time that the instance should wait for an update to a writeback table to be successful before returning an error, equivalent to the connection string property, Writeback Timeout.

The default value for this property is zero (0).

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read/write Integer property
TransactionDDL Reserved for future use.

The default value for this property is 0.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, read-only Integer property
UserName This property is no longer supported.

Specifies a string that returns the user name that the Analysis Services instance associates with the command. For backward compatibility, this property is ignored without generating an error when used with the Execute or Discover method. This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, DBPROP_USERNAME.

The default value for this property is the user name that opened the current session or connection.

This property can be used with the Execute method.
Optional, read-only String property
VisualMode This property is equivalent to the OLE DB property, MDPROP_VISUALMODE.

The default value for this property is zero (0), equivalent to DBPROPVAL_VISUAL_MODE_DEFAULT.

This property can be used with the Discover and Execute methods.
Optional, write-only Integer property