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Setup Single Sign On with AAD using SimpleSAMLphp

This blog provides step-by-step instruction on how to setup Single Sign On with Azure AD using SimpleSMPLphp API (apply to MediaWiki site as an example).

  • Install and configure SimpleSAMLphp
  1. To download SimpleSAMLphp, , extract the download to wwwroot/simplesamlphp
  2. Configure admin: Edit wwwroot/simplesamlphp/config/config.php,

           - Modify baseurlpath:       'baseurlpath'  => 'simplesamlphp/www/'

           - Set admin login passwoed:      'auth.adminpassword'  => '<your-admin-password>'

           - Browse to simplasamlphp admin page, <your-site-url>/simplesamlphp/www/, login with 'admin' and the password you set in config.php


3.  Generate metadata in XML: Click Federation tab, choose "XML to simpleSAMLphp metadata converter,


             - Copy raw XML from 

             paste to "XML metadata" area, and click "Parse", you will see the PHP code populated in "Converted metadata" area.

             - Copy the PHP code into wwwroot/simplesamlphp/metadata/saml20-idp-remote.php

4.  Configure authsources: Add following PHP code in wwwroot/simplesamlphp/config/authsources.php:

             Find $config = array( 'default-sp' => array(...), );

             Add the code:

             'idp' => '',

5. Check the default settings for php sessions, if session.phpsession.cookiename is 'null', set it to 'PHPSESSID'.

  • Integrate with MediaWiki site:
  1. Download SimpleSamlAuth extension from , extract to wwwroot/extensions/SimpleSamlAuth
  2. Modify LocalSettings.php to require authentication:

          require_once "$IP/extensions/mwSimpleSamlAuth/SimpleSamlAuth.php";

          $wgSamlRequirement = SAML_REQUIRED;

          $wgSamlCreateUser = true;

          $wgSamlUsernameAttr = '';

          $wgSamlRealnameAttr = '';

          $wgSamlMailAttr = '';

          $wgSamlSspRoot = '/libraries/simplesamlphp';

          $wgSamlAuthSource = 'default-sp';

          $wgSamlPostLogoutRedirect = NULL;


  • Configure authentication in Azure AD:
  1. In Azure management portal (classic), select Active Directory from menu, choose Microsoft tenant
  2. Select Application tab, Add your application 
  3. Select a name for your application, keep "Web application and/or web API", click next
  4. In "Sign on URL", use home url of your site, for "App ID URL", use the URL to default-sp, e.g. https://<your-site-url>/libraries/simplesamlphp/www/module.php/saml/sp/metadata.php/default-sp
  5. From Configure tab of your application, find "permission to other applications" section, check Enable "sign in and read users' profiles" and "read directory data" under Delegated Permission,save the change.  

