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Big Data ekspertene kommer til Oslo!


Vi er virkelig heldige! Ekspertene i Big Data teamet i Redmond, USA, kommer til Oslo!

I den anledning har vi snekret sammen med agenda for deg som gir deg en dag av de sjeldne. Vi har booket Auditoriet i Forskningsparken i Oslo og ønsker deg hjertelig velkommen!

Her er teamet vi med glede tar imot:

Lance Olson

clip_image001Partner Group Program Manager, Big Data

Lance Olson is a Partner Group Program Manager responsible for HDInsight, Microsoft’s Hadoop-as-a-Service offering in Azure. Lance was one of the founding members on the .NET team at Microsoft and has worked extensively on database, networking, business intelligence, and developer technologies for enterprise customers over the last 20 years. When not thinking about data, Lance enjoys mountaineering near his home in the Pacific Northwest.

Asad Khan

Principal PM Manager, Big Data

clip_image002Asad Khan is a Principal Lead Program Manager in Microsoft Big Data group focused on Hadoop-powered experiences in the Cloud through the Azure HDInsight Service. Currently he is focused on Spark and the real time analytics through Apache Storm. He has spent the last few years working on the next generation data access technologies from Microsoft including Hadoop, OData and BI over big data. Asad holds a master’s degree from Stanford University.




Matt Winkler

Principal PM Manager, Big Data

clip_image001Matt Winkler is a Principal Program Manager on the Big Data team at Microsoft focused on building tools to make developers’ lives easier. Matt has been at Microsoft for 6 years working on developer tooling for distributed systems and cloud applications as well as technical evangelism.






Nino Bice

Principal Program Manager, Big Data

clip_image002[4]Nino Bice is a Technical Product Manager defining and leading Azure’s query capabilities and ecosystem partner model for HDInsight, Microsoft's managed hadoop offering.






Agenda for dagen:

8.30 – 9.00 Welcome; registration and coffee

9:00 – 10:00       Overview of Microsoft Analytics Platform: Data Lake + Kona, etc

10:00 – 10:30     Q&A/Break

10:30 – 11:30     Building Big Data Applications Using Azure HDInsight Service (Cloud Scale with Microsoft Azure HDInsight)

11:30 – 12:30     Q&A / LUNSJ

12:30 – 13:30     Power BI overview

13:30 – 14:00     Q&A/Break

14:00 – 15:00     End-to-End Analytics Solution: Real-World Scenario & Demo

Deltakelse er gratis – og vi spanderer mat og drikke!

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