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Set_FDCC_LGPO updated: v1.05

[2009-04-15: Attachment removed. Bookmark this page for the latest versions of these utilities.]  

The utility for applying FDCC configuration settings en masse to a computer has been updated:

  • The 0x80070020 sharing-violation error code that occasionally occurred appears to be due to contention over the registry.pol files between Set_FDCC_LGPO (which is writing to them) and winlogon.exe, which is reading from them to apply their contents to local policy.  Upon a sharing-violation error, Set_FDCC_LGPO no longer reports an error right away, but retries the operation every half second for up to 10 seconds.  This should dramatically reduce if not eliminate these errors.
  • The output log (use the /log command line option) now formats output in the same format that is consumed by Apply_LGPO_Delta, which will make it much easier to create input files to automate those variances.

The GPOs it applies are still those of the FDCC Major Version 1.0 (Q3 2008).

The updated source code is here.  The original documentation still applies.