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Equivalence Class Partitioning Part 3 - The tests

In the last post we decomposed the set of characters in the ANSI character set into valid and invalid class subsets for use in a base filename component on the Windows Xp operating system. The second part of the testing technique of equivalence class partitioning is to then use this information in tests that will adequately evaluate the functional capabilities of the base filename parameter used by COMDLG32.DLL in Windows Xp.

(Note: It is appropriate here to differentiate between a test case and a test. A test case is the hypothesis or assertion that I am either trying to prove or disprove. A test is the process or procedure I am using to prove or disprove my hypothesis. In other words, a test case in this example might be "Validate a base filename can be saved using valid characters in the ANSI 1252 character set." In order to prove or disprove this hypothesis, I will execute multiple tests using the various subsets outlined in the previous post , and as described below. If any test fails, the test case fails. )

There are basically 2 procedures for defining the tests that use the data from an equivalence class table. Paul Jorgensen describes a procedure for robust equivalence class testing in which each valid class subset is tested individually. Glenford Myers suggests a procedure in which valid class subsets are combined in a test until all valid class subsets have been covered. (Jorgensen refers to this as weak equivalence class testing.) Both authors agree that subsets in the invalid subsets must be tested in a way that only one parameter is invalid and any other parameters use valid variables. Using Myers' approach (or what Jorgensen describes as weak equivalence class testing) the tests for the base filename parameter are illustrated in the table below.

[Edited 11/30] I appearantly made too many assumptions about conducting these tests, so I must clarify some of those assumptions.  

  • Any time a key is pressed there is essentially a state change. The primary state change we are concerned with for this particular functional test is whether or not a file is saved to the file system. However, in cases of invalid input there are other state changes that may be interesting. In most well designed Windows applications an erroneous input in an input control will be highlighted (usually after an error message is displayed). This is indeed an expected state change. The only time no noticable state change occurs (there is still a state change because the machine is processing WM_Key messages) is with Test #5. But, another noticable state change (the one primarily identified in the table below) is the state change to the listview control.
  • There are 3 ways to effectively affect the Save button. One way is to press enter, another is to press the Alt + s key mnemonic, and thirdly to left mouse click the button control (including simulating any of those actions via automation). In some cases the visible state changes may vary; however, the purpose of these tests it so verify the existance of a file name in the file system for valid cases, and the non-existance and no abhorrent side effects in the case of members of the invalid class subsets. So, regardless of the visible state changes, the tester can use any of these procedures to affect the Save button.
  • Application of techniques (systematic procedures) at a granular level is very different than simply trying things to see what happens, exploratory testing, guessing, or wild speculation. I made the assumption that readers are familiar with designing and executing atomic functional tests at a granular level in which certain variables are controlled. For example, once we enter an invalid string in the file name text box and press the save button the Save As... dialog is now dirty; meaning that the next input could produce an error but I will not know if the error is a result of an error with the base filename parameter, or with the Save As... dialog state. Equivalence class partitioning is a low level functional test of a single parameter, so in order to test the base filename parameter the tester (or automated test) should minimally close and reinstantiate the Save As... dialog on each test.
Tests Data Subset Example Expected Result
1 V1 ETX File saved to disk
2 V2, V3, V4, V5 U V6, V7 yæB1% 9!.ÅęxK File saved to disk
3 V8 CLOCK$ File saved to disk
4 V9, V2, V3, V4, V5 U V6, V7 "myFileName" File saved to disk, but no file association
5 I1 Ctrl + B No error message, no listview state change, no File name textbox state change
6 I2 NUL or nul Error message, reserved device name
7 I3 [tab] Error message, file name invalid
8 I4 lpt3 Error message, reserved device name
9 I5 com7 Error message, file name invalid
10 I6 : OR ht/7g| Error message, file name invalid
11 I7 " OR """" Error message, file name invalid
12 I8 \\\\\ Error message, file name invalid
13 I9 "" No error message, state change
14 I10 . No error message, no listview state change
15 I11 .. No error message, listview state change
16 I12 ...... No error message, listview state change
17 I13 \ No error message, listview state change
18 I14 [space] No error message, listview state change
19 I15 [space]myfile File saved to disk, leading space truncated
20 I16 myfile[space] File saved to disk, trailing space truncated
21 I17 * No error message, listview state change
22 I18 my*file No error message, listview state change
23 I19 myf\ile Error message, invalid path (assumes dir not exist)
24 I20 strlen > 251 Error message, file name invalid
25 I21 myfile and MyFile Error message, file already exists
26 I22 [empty] No error message, listview state change

Reducing tests while increasing breadth of coverage

The total number of possible tests of valid string combinations for just the base filename parameter using only characters within the ANSI 1252 character set is 214251 + 214250 + 214249 + ...2142 + 2141. This number of tests, of course, is a virtual impossibility, so by employing the equivalence class partitioning testing technique we are able to systematically produce a minimum baseline set of tests that has a high probability of both proving or disproving our hypothesis or test purpose, as well as providing great variability in the test data to increase breadth of data coverage. The minimum possible number of valid tests determined by combining at least one element from each valid class subset is only 4 tests. But, let's look at each valid test a little more closely.

Test #3 is probably a red-herring! This is only an invalid filename on Windows NT 4.0 and below. So, if your application is ported from that time frame, and you are using a custom function for your file save functionality rather than Windows APIs then you might consider running this test once. If if passes, you can probably forget running this again ever again on that product. Test #1 evaluates the literal strings in valid subset V1 can be listed in an array or enumeration and one element can be selected at random throughout the development lifecycle, or each literal string can be tested once and the probability of failure in a later build is most likely less than .001%. Test #4 is also a test that probably doesn't require a great deal of retesting of various combinations of elements from subsets V2, V3, V4, V5 , & V7. Elements from the valid class subsets described in Test #2 are most interesting and this is the test that we will probably want to automate and run repeated throughout the development lifecycle because it provides great breadth of coverage. Remember this is the minimum number of valid tests. What isn't covered in this set is common or 'real-world' data sets which we would certainly want to include. Additionally, Test #2 relies on at least one element from each indicated subset. We might also want to consider additional tests that focus on subsets V4 and V5 only. Also, we might also consider testing valid class subset V6 as a special case if we suspected a private function excluded code point values that were not assigned character glyphs. However, if these 4 valid tests pass the probability of failure of any combination of these data sets used in this parameter is minimal. Random selection of elements for Test #2 (and possibly Test #4) may slightly increase the probability of exposing a defect in the base filename parsing routine. Tests #5 through #26 are tests for invalid filenames, or in the case of Test #19 and #20 where the expected result is to truncate the leading or trailing space character.

This of course only analyzes (or tests) the base filename parameter and assumes a nominal valid 3-letter extension, valid filenames do not preexist on the file system, and within the specific context described in the first post. If the context changes, (e.g. this example does not apply to Unix platforms, or Windows Vista, or other parameters) then this set of tests (assuming we would include at least Tests #2, and #5 through #26 as part of our regression suite ran on each new build) would provide a high level of confidence in the functional capability of this specific parameter.

Next, we would also decompose the data for the file extension parameter (which is different than the base filename parameter) because in the File name textbox we can enter either the base filename or the base filename and an extension, and once we verify the functionality of the base filename component, we can then proceed to the next step in analyzing the functionality of the arguments passed to the File name textbox parameter which we shall examine at a later date.

It is important to note the this and any other techniques are simply systematic procedures designed to help us wrap our minds around complex problems. They are not the only approach to testing (only a fool would advocate a single approach to testing), but when used in conjunction with various other techniques, methods, and approaches EQ can help to establish a strong foundation of confidence in low level operations. Of course, as has been previously stated, the limiting factor of this and other functional techniques is the knowledge of the professional tester to think critically and rationally analyze the "overall system" within the appropriate context.