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Regression Testing Strategies

There is a lot written about regression testing, and yet there seems to be a lot of confusion about regression testing as well. Just to make sure we are all on the same page, by regression I am referring to the denotation of the word to indicate a relapse to a less perfect or developed state (American Heritage Dictionary). So, the primary objective of regression testing is to determine whether or not modifications or additions in each new build of a product cause previous functionality to regress to a non-functioning state or error condition. It is important to note the purpose of a regression test suite is not necessarily to expose new defects. The primary purpose of a regression test is to identify changes in behavior from a previously established baseline, which is supported by Beizer’s and Myers’ definitions of regression testing.

However, even on small projects the number of tests required to ensure new builds do not regress or change previous functionality can be quite numerous. So, regression testing demands a strategy in which we limit the number of tests to establish an effective baseline measurement. In IEEE 610 documentation it states regression testing is selective retesting. Thus, the key to an effective regression testing strategy is to design a test suite that provides a high degree of confidence without retesting everything. To limit the number of tests in the regression test suite, we must systematically reduce the number of possible tests. So, we must decide what tests are included in a regression test suite?

Deciding what tests to include in the regression test suite

The most effective regression test suites I have seen include two categories of tests. The first category of tests includes high priority tests for commonly expected functionality (e.g. the 20% of the product that 80% of the customers demand or rely on). The second category of tests includes any functional defects that are found and fixed. Found and fixed functional defects are included because fixed defects do occasionally regress, and if a business decision was made previously to fix a defect then we probably want it fixed before we release the product.

Prioritized feature area/functionality buckets

The tests in the regression test suite should also be partitioned into functional areas and each test in each functional partition or bucket should also be prioritized based on risk assessment criteria.  If the regression test suite is especially large or time is limited, and the regression suite is portioned into functional areas (and those areas are mapped to the project files or modules contain that specific functionality and any dependencies) the regression test pass can execute a limited subset of tests from the regression test suite that strategically target the modules that have changed (and tests for dependent modules as well). Simple directory comparison tools (such as Diff2Dirs), and tools to identify dependencies between modules (such as Depends) are useful in identifying which modules change between builds and to map out dependencies between the modules in each build.

Automate, Automate, Automate

Also, since the regression test suite will ideally be ran on each new build, this is one suite of tests that should be 99.999% automated. Similar to the BVT/BAT test suite the purpose of the regression test suite is not necessarily to expose defects; a regression test suite provides baseline measurement of functionality. Therefore, since these are tests that will be ran several times during the software development lifecycle and are not necessarily designed to expose new defects the ROI for automation is very high. In fact, any test that cannot be automated is suspect for inclusion in the regression test suite.

These are a few ideas to develop a highly successful automation strategy. What other tactics have you found to be successful?