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The launch of

In my previous post, I talked about why I personally love C++/CLI as a solution for managed and native interop. With the launch of Visual Studio 2008, and the include of the new marshalling library, there is on part of the equation missing, I believe. On the C# side of the interop equation, you have When I'm wanting to interop with a given Windows API, there is a very (very) good chance that the wrappers have already been posted onto

While the marshal_as<> construct of the marshalling library in VC++ 2008 is quite extensible through the use of templates, there is no community site for me to go to in order to retrieve an existing piece of the interop puzzle. That is, until now.

With the help of Kate Gregory, there is now a new website for those C++/CLI users out there: If that link doesn't work for you, give it a day or two as this is a new website and DNS is still propagating for it.

I have already sent Kate a couple of samples that I had done for my own interop work with Visual C++ 2008 (have I mentioned yet how easy my life is now that I'm using C++/CLI in Visual C++ 2008?). You should pop over and check it out. If you have your own samples that you want to submit, feel free to use the contact form (the email icon) at the website and email your sample to the website.

