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Sharp Things

Use FsLex and FsYacc to make a parser in F#

Update: The template I posted yesterday was for PowerPack which is not the most recent...

Date: 06/15/2010

Creating an OData Web Service with F#

Jomo Fisher—I’ve spent a little time looking at the OData Web Service Protocol. There is quite a lot...

Date: 05/28/2010

F# Object Oriented Programming

Jomo Fisher—F# has a functional heritage but it is actually very good at OO as well.  Here’s an...

Date: 05/26/2010

How to Enumerate all WMI Classes

Jomo Fisher—Quick sample today. I’m mainly posting this because it took me a while to...

Date: 05/25/2010

F# Destroys Invading Aliens

Wow, check out Chris’s StarCraft bot in F#:...

Date: 03/18/2010

F# Team is Hiring a Cross-Platform Developer

We’re hiring a developer to help advance our cross-platform presence. Please do send and application...

Date: 03/15/2010

Neat Samples: MEF in F# Scripts

Jomo Fisher—I posted yesterday about using MEF in F# programs. In the comments Oldrich asked if it...

Date: 03/10/2010

Neat Samples: Extend your F# program with MEF

Jomo Fisher—The Managed Extensibility Framework is an interesting new technology in .NET 4.0. It...

Date: 03/09/2010

Neat Samples: F#, Freebase and DGML

Jomo Fisher – I recently posted about the freebase web service here. This sample reads biological...

Date: 03/06/2010

Neat Sample: F# and Bing API

Jomo Fisher – I recently posted an sample of calling the Freebase web service with F#. Here’s...

Date: 03/06/2010

Neat Sample: F# and Freebase

Jomo Fisher – The web service at lets you access all sorts of structured data from a...

Date: 03/06/2010

F# February 2010 Release is out

Don just put the announcement up:...

Date: 02/11/2010

F# Scripting, .NET 4.0 and Mixed-mode assemblies

Jomo Fisher—There is a nice F# and DirectX demo that has been floating around for a while now. A...

Date: 11/17/2009

F# Performance Tweaking

Jomo Fisher—I’ve enjoyed reading the blog series on F# and game development here. Joh had posted an...

Date: 09/16/2008

F# Scripts—Reference Nirvana

Jomo Fisher—Last time I wrote about getting started with F# scripts. They’re the fastest way to just...

Date: 09/01/2008

F# Scripts--Zero to Execute in Ten Seconds

Jomo Fisher--F# is about conciseness. Consider the interview question that asks you to reverse a...

Date: 08/30/2008

  • Welcome to the F# CTP project system: project property pages [reddit] - Downloading stock prices...

Date: 08/29/2008

Update on Fast Switching with LINQ

Jomo Fisher—A while back I wrote about using LINQ to get close-to-the-metal performance in a...

Date: 08/29/2008

F# Community Technology Preview

Jomo Fisher—The F# team has been working furiously on the upcoming release of F# these last weeks....

Date: 08/24/2008

Programmatically Resolve Assembly Name to Full Path the Same Way MSBuild Does

Jomo Fisher—Every once in a while I find I need to turn and assembly name like “System” or...

Date: 05/22/2008


Object Oriented Simple Class with Default Constructor Simple Class with Constructor Parameters Class...

Date: 05/12/2008

Correct by Construction in F#

Correct by Construction in F# Jomo Fisher—a theme in the design of the F# language is that problems...

Date: 04/22/2008

Strange Confluence: An Immutable Queue in F#

Jomo Fisher--Reading one of my favorite blogs this morning--Eric Lippert's Fabulous Adventures in...

Date: 12/12/2007

Tight Code--A Puzzle in F#

Jomo Fisher--Luke Hoban wrote something in a blog entry that resonated with me: One of the most...

Date: 11/17/2007

F# Team is Hiring

Do you want to help us ship F#? Check out these job postings: Developer:...

Date: 10/30/2007

WideFinder--Naive F# Implementation

Jomo Fisher--Here's an interesting problem that some people are having fun with. Don Box posted a...

Date: 10/22/2007

The Least a C# Programmer Needs to Know about F# Part I--Implicit Types

Jomo Fisher--A few weeks ago, a fellow C# programmer asked me what the biggest differences between...

Date: 10/18/2007

Soma on F#

Soma announced some exciting news this morning. Developer Division--the people at Microsoft who make...

Date: 10/17/2007

Adventures in F#--Sweet Test-First Kung Fu

Jomo Fisher--Up until now, I've been avoiding using F# with the VS IDE. I've been using notepad.exe...

Date: 10/02/2007

Adventures in F#--Lazy Like a Fox

Jomo Fisher--This is the next part of the open-notebook series documenting my exploration of F#....

Date: 09/27/2007

Adventures in F#--Corecursion

Jomo Fisher--In a prior post I touched on recursion in F#. One of the comments was about mutually...

Date: 09/24/2007

Adventures in F#--Discriminated Unions

Jomo Fisher-- Easily my favorite feature of F# so far is the combination of discriminated union and...

Date: 09/17/2007

Adventures in F#--Poking Tuples with a Stick

Jomo Fisher--In a comment on my bloglet about type inference in F# John Harrop suggested I try: let...

Date: 09/16/2007

Adventures in F#--Function Type Inference

Consider this F#: let Reverse a b = b a This means: given a and b (whatever they may be) call b as a...

Date: 09/14/2007

Adventures in F#--Probing Type Inference

Jomo Fisher--I was curious about type inference in F# and I wondered what would happen if there was...

Date: 09/12/2007

Adventures in F#--The Lay of the Land

Jomo Fisher--I'm taking some time now to better understand F#. Right now, I understand the concept...

Date: 09/12/2007

Persistence Ignorance in LINQ to SQL

Mathew Charles is a member of the LINQ to SQL development team. He's posted a great article on POCO...

Date: 08/28/2007

Probing a Hidden .NET Runtime Performance Enhancement

Jomo Fisher--Matt Warren once told me that the runtime had a performance optimization involving...

Date: 08/13/2007

LINQ to SQL Trick: Get all Table Names

It's often useful to be able to list all the tables or columns in your DataContext. One example is...

Date: 07/30/2007

The Least You Need to Know about C# 3.0

Jomo Fisher—A lot of people (myself included) have written about LINQ in the next version of C#....

Date: 07/23/2007

LINQ to SQL Beta2 Performance Numbers and the Dynamic Compilation Pattern

Jomo Fisher--Rico Mariani has been posting about LINQ to SQL perfomance and has finally posted the...

Date: 07/06/2007

Dealing with Linq’s Immutable Expression Trees

Jomo Fisher --I recently got a question via my blog that dovetailed nicely with something I’ve been...

Date: 05/23/2007

Leaky FunctionsBarrel of Bugs

Jomo Fisher--Pop quiz. Consider this function call in C#: a = MyFunction(b); What information is...

Date: 05/16/2007

Visitor Revisitted: LINQ, Function Composablity and Chain of Responsibility

Jomo Fisher—Last time, I wrote about constructing an inline visitor using new C# language features....

Date: 05/07/2007

Inline Visitor Construction using LINQ

Jomo Fisher—My current job is in the C# team working on LINQ to SQL. Because of nature of...

Date: 05/04/2007

Fast Switching with LINQ

Jomo Fisher—I’ve run into a performance problem several times in my career that I’ve never found a...

Date: 03/28/2007

ILMerge in MSBuild

<!--Use of included script samples are subject to the terms specified at...

Date: 03/05/2006
