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How to un-register an Event Handler on a List, sharepoint 2007, MOSS

Best way to deploy your event handlers in Production environment is thru Solutions/Features. All you need to use is Feature Assembly and basically use Feature Activated and Feature Deactivating events.

Following is the code that you might want to refer on Feature Activated:


            SPWeb web = SPContext.Current.Web;
SPList spListName = web.Lists["Project Time Entry List"];

            string assemblyName = "AssemblyName, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=36f7c742d410fd5b";
string className = "AssemblyName.TotalCheck_ItmEvntHdlr";
SPEventReceiverDefinition evntRcvr = spListName.EventReceivers.Add();
evntRcvr.Name = "TotalCheck_ItemAdding";
evntRcvr.Type = SPEventReceiverType.ItemAdding;
evntRcvr.SequenceNumber = 200;
evntRcvr.Assembly = assemblyName;
evntRcvr.Class = className;

            SPEventReceiverDefinition evntRcvr_updt = spListName.EventReceivers.Add();
evntRcvr_updt.Name = "TotalCheck_ItemUpdating";
evntRcvr_updt.Type = SPEventReceiverType.ItemUpdating;
evntRcvr_updt.SequenceNumber = 201;
evntRcvr_updt.Assembly = assemblyName;
evntRcvr_updt.Class = className;

Following is the code that you can use in the Feature Deactivating code

SPWeb web = SPContext.Current.Web;
SPList spListName = web.Lists["Project Time Entry List"];

for(int i=0; i<spListName.EventReceivers.Count;i++)

                if (spListName.EventReceivers[i].Name != null)
if (spListName.EventReceivers[i].Name == "TotalCheck_ItemAdding" || spListName.EventReceivers[i].Name == "TotalCheck_ItemUpdating")

                       i = -1;