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SharePoint 2013 workflow troublehsooting

If you are using workflow manger in sharepoint 2013 you might face different issues  which you are not sure either the issue is comming form workflow manger or sharepoint , by following troubleshooting check list you might find at least the area you need to focus more


check list in workflow manager server :
1. Check https://[wfms]:12290 or https://[wfms]:12291 if they are responding
2. Check ”WorkflowMgmtPool” is started
3. Following services are running

  • Workflow Manager Backend
  • Service Bus Message Broker
  • Service Bus Gateway
  • Windows Fabric Host Service (FabricHostSvc)

4. Get workflow farm information , workflow database  by  Start Workflow Manager PowerShell
• get-WFfarm
5. Check if the Workflow Manager farm running(workflow service backend and  front end should be rennin)  by  Start Workflow Manager PowerShell
• get-WFfarmStatus

6. Check oAut in accessible by https:// [wfms]:12291/$SYSTEM/$Metadata/json/1

7. Restart the WorkflowServiceBackend service

  • net stop WorkflowServiceBackend
  • net start WorkflowServiceBackend


If all is fine then time to focus on sharepoint :)

check list SharePoint server :

1. check if you are at least in version March PU 2013
2. Check “workflow service application” started
3. Check , workflow service application “workflow is connected”
4. Check “User Profile Service”
5. Check “App Management Service” is started
6. Check https://[FQDN]:12290 or https://[FQDN]:12291 if they are responding
7. Check https://[myserver]/Lists/Workflow History for error message
8. Check in SharePoint designer if you see workflow 2013 option



9. Try to register workflow manager
Register-SPWorkflowService –SPSite "https://myserver/mysitecollection" –WorkflowHostUri ""  –force

10. Each server in the SharePoint Server 2013 farm must have the Workflow Manager Client installed.
11. Make sure workflow initiator is not a system account
12. workflow initiator must have a user profile
13. Check following " Microsoft.SharePoint.WorkflowServices.Activities.dll" version are sync with each other

  •  C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.SharePoint.WorkflowServices.Activities\v4.0_15.0.0.0__71e9bce111e9429c   Will be installed with Developer tools
  •  C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\TEMPLATE\WorkflowActivities  Will be installed with SharePoint
  •  Database "WFResourceManagementDB", table "Scopes", path "SharePoint "check the default workflow configuration xml  file 

 14. We recommend to have all SharePoint and workflow manager (Office developer tools  in development environment ) sync and have in latest version


Hope it helps :)