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Lifeng's Blog

Edit .svcmap file to access "hidden" functions of service references

Not all code generation options of service references are exposed through its UI. To prevent users...

Author: Lifeng Lu - MSFT Date: 08/01/2008

old Schema designer and data grid editor

Two old designers in VS 2005 have been removed from Orcas product. There are several reasons why...

Author: Lifeng Lu - MSFT Date: 08/24/2007

Side by side comparsion between svcutil and the service reference in VS

The Service Reference is new feature added into VS Orcas, so we don't have to use svcutil when using...

Author: Lifeng Lu - MSFT Date: 08/13/2007

How to generate Begin/End invocation pattern methods in web service proxies in VS 8+

It is a problem asked by some customers. They were using Begin/End invocation pattern to call web...

Author: Lifeng Lu - MSFT Date: 08/08/2007

WCF tool extensiblity samples have shipped

The WCF tool in the Visual Studio exposes several layers of extensibility APIs. Those were built...

Author: Lifeng Lu - MSFT Date: 08/02/2007

Passing DataTable across web/wcf services

Passing DataTable (without embeded into a dataset) across web services is supported in .Net 2.0...

Author: Lifeng Lu - MSFT Date: 08/01/2007

Add an old (8.0) style web reference into an Orcas (VS 9) project

In VS 9, the "Add Web Reference" menu command was "replaced" by "Add Service Reference" command in...

Author: Lifeng Lu - MSFT Date: 06/20/2007

.svcmap file

After we add a WCF service reference into a Visual Studio project, a .svcmap file will be added to...

Author: Lifeng Lu - MSFT Date: 06/15/2007

Type sharing in WCF service reference

Type sharing is very useful when we want to pass same data between two services. Without type...

Author: Lifeng Lu - MSFT Date: 05/09/2007

ContextSwitchDeadlock MDA and COM

The ContextSwitchDeadlock MDA is a very annoying debugger message. The message is reported by a...

Author: Lifeng Lu - MSFT Date: 05/09/2007

Files in a service (WCF) references

The new service reference is persisted in a similar way how the old web reference is persisted in a...

Author: Lifeng Lu - MSFT Date: 05/08/2007

Windows communication framework client in web site projects

The Visual Studio Orcas beta1 supports generating and using WCF client in the ASP.Net web site...

Author: Lifeng Lu - MSFT Date: 04/26/2007

Where is "Add Web Reference" after I install Orcas Beta 1

When you create a project targetting .Net framework 3.x in Orcas Beta 1, the "Add Web Reference..."...

Author: Lifeng Lu - MSFT Date: 04/24/2007

Using XmlSerializer with internal classes

Normally, it is not possible to use XmlSerializer with internal classes. However, it is possible to...

Author: Lifeng Lu - MSFT Date: 09/28/2006

How to make generated resource class public

If you create managed application in Visual Studio 2005, you will notice that a resource class is...

Author: Lifeng Lu - MSFT Date: 03/16/2006

How to add your own Exception Assistant content

The question has been asked on the Visual Studio Forums several times. I guess it might be worth to...

Author: Lifeng Lu - MSFT Date: 12/16/2005

Why does the debugger block me to continue when I throw an Exception

It will only happen when we debug a managed application with the new Visual Studio 2005. When the...

Author: Lifeng Lu - MSFT Date: 12/15/2005

VB My.Forms and background threads

If you are using new VB My.Forms feature, and also write a multithread application, you might notice...

Author: Lifeng Lu - MSFT Date: 12/14/2005