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System Center 2012 - Operations Manager Daily Report Management Pack

Attached to this blog is an example Management Pack based on my "How to create daily reports with System Center Operations Manager 2012 and PowerShell" series, this shows another way to consume data from Operations Manager and display it in a meaningful way to reduce overheads required for daily health review. This blog will be the first of many Manageability Guys - Operations Manager reports, please let me know any suggestions or improvements to this report or any future report ideas.

The report in this blog has been created using SQL Server Data Tools for Visual Studio 2012 and System Center 2012 Visual Studio Authoring Extensions

In this Management Pack it draws information from the OperationsManager and OperationsManagerDW databases, as such it requires that the data reader account be given granted select permission to the Operations Manager database. Permissions can be changed via SQL Server Management Studio and right clicking on the Operations Manager database then selecting Permissions, see the below screenshot for an example of how the change should look.

When running the report it uses dynamic data sources so you will be prompted for the details below:

See the screenshot below to see what the report looks like when run: