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Mfartura's blog

Marcelo Fartura's blog about debugging and general troubleshooting

How to manually translate virtual addresses into physical ones

In previous posts we talked about virtual address space and how virtual memory is managed. I've...

Author: Mfartura Date: 11/20/2008

A new phase...

Even though this has been a strictly technical channel (I've never posted about anything else other...

Author: Mfartura Date: 11/20/2008

Kernel dump analysis - Bugcheck 0xA (IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL)

Yet another kernel memory dump to be analyzed - The bugcheck this time is the 0xA -...

Author: Mfartura Date: 06/25/2008

Kernel dump analysis - Bugcheck 1E (KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED)

It’s been a long time since my last post, but for some reason lately I’ve been receiving so many...

Author: Mfartura Date: 06/17/2008

How to attach a debugger from the creation time of the Worker Process (w3wp.exe)

Normally the answer for this would be as simple as use the file image execution options (through...

Author: Mfartura Date: 08/09/2007

Real case: Application Pool’s worker process (w3wp.exe) crashing during recycling

I was teaching a workshop in London last week and one of the students brought a very interesting...

Author: Mfartura Date: 08/09/2007

Tip: How many users are hitting my web site?

This is a question we hear very often from our customers, in forums or through distribution lists....

Author: Mfartura Date: 07/31/2007

Logparser fails when using the ChartType option

I'm posting this as I couldn't find this solution documented anywhere (including within MSFT through...

Author: Mfartura Date: 07/29/2007

How to identify the process and thread being called in a COM call from a thread stack

I’ve just published a post on how to manually identify which classic ASP page is being processed by...

Author: Mfartura Date: 07/13/2007

Tip: Kernel Debugging a VPC Server

Here is little tip for you that want to practice kernel mode debugging but either don’t have 2...

Author: Mfartura Date: 06/20/2007

Real Case: .Net Apps - "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it" (basic)

Recently we’ve been receiving (by coincidence) some escalations to troubleshoot the same issue. It’s...

Author: Mfartura Date: 11/03/2006

A Virus Infection: Contolling the Outbreak (tip)

This weekend I had the opportunity to work along our security specialists (from PSSSec group) in...

Author: Mfartura Date: 10/24/2006

Lab: Win32 Application causing 100% CPU condition (Advanced)

This is lab for simulating a real 100% CPU condition being caused by a generic Win32 application...

Author: Mfartura Date: 09/18/2006

/3GB, /PAE, AWE what??? (basic)

I've been following the discussions about these options for a long time. When it seems that...

Author: Mfartura Date: 09/14/2006

Perfmon's counters output format (tip)

The System Monitor (Perfmon.exe) reports the data gathered through some of its objects and counters...

Author: Mfartura Date: 09/13/2006