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Mattias Lindberg

SharePoint, workflows, arkitektur och annat jag finner intressant!

Diagnostics configuration requires diagnostics.wadcfgx; configuration in code is no longer supported

While preparing for tests starting on Monday I submitted some files to my Service Bus Queue and...

Date: 01/23/2015

User Profile Synchronization with eDirectory doesn’t require Write Permissions

In the Plan permissions section of Plan for profile synchronization (SharePoint Server 2010) it is...

Date: 05/13/2011

Add-SPShellAdmin Complicated by $-accounts

When adding a new admin user to a SharePoint farm the simplest way is to add the person as a...

Date: 05/13/2011

Delegation tab in ADUC not available until a SPN is set

Today when we were configuring Kerberos we become a bit confused when we were going to enable the...

Date: 01/13/2010

Join online for SharePoint training in EMEA on January 23rd

On January 23rd there will be a whole day of free SharePoint online training in the EMEA timezone....

Date: 01/13/2010

SharePoint Designer för att felsöka “File Not Found” när en site skapas

För ett par veckor sedan när jag utvecklade en site definition för mitt projekt fick jag felet “File...

Date: 12/30/2009

Utbildningsmaterial kring SharePoint 2010

Om du är utvecklare och vill lära dig mer om SharePoint Server 2010 finns det resurser på...

Date: 12/27/2009

Lär dig mer om Office 2010 med Office 2010 Beta Developer Training

Nu kan du lära dig mer om hur du utvecklar applikationer baserat på Office 2010 genom att gå till...

Date: 12/19/2009

“User cannot be found” during SharePoint Installation

Today we installed SharePoint in our production environment, but we had som problems… When running...

Date: 12/18/2009

Möte med SharePoint Community SVerige

I tisdags var det möte för folk som gillar SharePoint och som sett inbjudan på SharePoint Community...

Date: 09/09/2009

SPWeb.Groups vs. SPWEB.SiteGroups – Delmängd vs. Alla

Jag har byggt en lösning åt en kund som systematiserar ett par av deras interna processer, lösningen...

Date: 08/26/2009

Ytterligare lite SharePoint Server 2010 Sneak Peak

Arphan Shan (Director i SharePoint-teamet) har lagt upp ytterligare en Sneak Peak på funktionerna i...

Date: 08/21/2009

Visa RAW filer i WPF

Jag har i många år använt ett program som heter Pixort för att gallra mina nytagna digitala bilder....

Date: 08/07/2009

Alla Visual Studio templates försvann när Office 2010 TP installerades

Idag tänkte jag pröva en grej med hur jag kan använda RAW-filer från min kamera i en WPF applikation...

Date: 08/07/2009

Ny information om SharePoint 2010

För ett par veckor sedan släpptes mer information kring SharePoint 2010, läs mer här...

Date: 08/02/2009

SharePoint Designer är nu GRATIS!

Vi har meddelat att SharePoint Designer från och med nu övergår till att bli en produkt som får...

Date: 04/03/2009

Offline-scenarion för SharePoint – Groove, OneNote och Outlook

På Microsoft har vi ett antal resurser på extranet-siter men väldigt mycket är fortfarande enbart...

Date: 03/30/2009

Kodar man för multi-core i framtiden?

Sitter på TechDays och lyssnar på keynote med Daniel Akenine när han pratar kort om vad som händer...

Date: 03/17/2009

Leter du efter en bra VPC för SharePoint (WSS)?

Under våra TechDays förberedelser har Daniel och jag använt oss av en publik VPC image från MSDN....

Date: 03/16/2009

Microsoft Recite – Ljudinspelning med röstsökning!

Använder du ljudinspelningsfunktionen i din Windows-telefon? Har du svårt att hitta bland dina...

Date: 03/12/2009

SharePoint Workflows - experiences from the field vid TechDays i Västerås 17-18 mars

På TechDays kommer jag och Daniel Karlsson från Connecta att köra en session som heter SharePoint...

Date: 03/10/2009

AutoCollage: Automatically arrage photos in a collage

Microsoft Research has released a tool that analyze all the pictures in a folder, picks the...

Date: 09/08/2008

News about BizTalk Server 2009 and alignment with Oslo

The roadmap for BizTalk Server has been updated with details about BizTalk Server 2009 (previously...

Date: 09/05/2008

Postback Event when using SharePoint:PeopleEditor

I'm using the SharePoint PeopleEditor to select a user and when the user is selected I want to...

Date: 02/15/2008

Prepare SharePoint to Send Mail from an Application

In my previous post I made a walkthrough of mail enabling your development environment. What I did...

Date: 02/13/2008

Steps for mail-enabling your development VPC

I use a separate VPC image for each customer I work with as it makes sense to isolate customer from...

Date: 02/13/2008

Bind a to a SharePoint List

This may be a bit too simple for most SharePoint developers but as I struggled to find the correct...

Date: 02/12/2008

How to find south using the moon shadow

Did you know that you can find south by drawing a line across the shadow on the moon and then locate...

Date: 12/20/2007

Selecting a user in a SharePoint form: Sample of using the PeopleEditor

I needed to select a user while building a form in SharePoint. I hadn't done that before so I...

Date: 12/17/2007

SharePoint SP1 Planning och Deploying Guidelines

A whitepaper which gives all the details how you should plan and deploy Service Pack 1 for...

Date: 12/14/2007

Long Running Business Processes in SharePoint (and other Environments)

I'd like to reiterate a topic which I have previously written about: Long Running Processes. It will...

Date: 12/14/2007

Applications Pages in SharePoint - Getting Started

It's been a while since I created an actual page in SharePoint that provided some actual...

Date: 12/12/2007

Here you'll find direct links to downloads and KBs explaining the WSS and SharePoint Server 2007...

Date: 12/12/2007

Tracking/Auditing Events in a SharePoint Workflows

When building a solution using SharePoint and Workflow Foundation your requirements are sometimes...

Date: 12/10/2007

Microsoft Search Server 2008 - Enterprise Search made easy

It was just announced that Microsoft will release a new product called Microsoft Search Server 2008,...

Date: 11/06/2007

Software + Services Making Sense

I've never dived into the details of our Software + Services strategy, lazily assuming it's just...

Date: 11/05/2007

SharePoint Indexing Limited by 64 kB ACL Limit

I want to share a problem I had a few month ago when we were indexing the the items in a...

Date: 11/02/2007

Microsoft and Phase One Form Strategic Alliance to Improve Digital Photography Solutions

Today it was announced that Microsoft and danish company Phase One will work together to improve the...

Date: 10/26/2007

One Year Anniversary of my Blog

Today is the one year anniversary of my blog and I would like to reflect on the time that has...

Date: 06/13/2007

Performance of High ISO

Begin the owner of a Canon 30D along with a wide range of lenses I often get asked advice on which...

Date: 06/05/2007

Force execution of expiration policies in MOSS

When you develop actions (or workflows) that should be executed when an expiration policy occurs you...

Date: 06/05/2007

Feature definition files must be named 'feature.xml'

Recently I was trying to manually install a custom MOSS feature (by running STSADM.EXE from the...

Date: 06/01/2007

First IASA meeting in Stockholm

On Thuesday evening this week I went to the first IASA (International Association of Software...

Date: 03/23/2007

MSDN Magasize has new article on TFS

Brian A. Randell has written an article titled Work Item Tracking which deals with programming the...

Date: 03/19/2007

patterns & practices: Visual Studio 2005 Team System Guidance

In a new post by J.D. Meier he provides a link to a resource that I was not aware of, it' the...

Date: 03/14/2007

Windows Server 2003 SP2 Released

Have you noticed that Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 was made available yesterday?! I was told...

Date: 03/13/2007

MS announces HD Photo

Microsoft has announced HD Photo, formerly known as Windows Media Photo. Bill Crow has much more...

Date: 03/12/2007

Using TFS with Client on Different Domain

Having read that Team Explorer connects to TFS using the windows identity of the currently logged in...

Date: 01/26/2007

Customizing TFS Process Templates - Part 2: Process Template Name, Areas, Iterations and Standard Work Items

The second part of the TFS process template customization series talks about changing the name of...

Date: 01/24/2007
